Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tundra Ski-doo For Sale

Last post

When these paro egger £ £ and £ likelihood mind I'm dead. I scheduled this post to be pub ied £ £ £ £ at midnight of February 10, 2016, four days from now, the £ time of this writing. £ 'because I did not write any more here, I know I will not be able to for one reason or £ £ or against, and I prefer to think that £' u £ tima track of me here is something comp £ £ fetus and consistent. If pub £ icassi immediately after writing, I know I £ a temptation to come back soon to update about £ my situation, and you could find yourself £ egger a growing number of post incomprehensible £ ie. You know Flowers for A £ Gernon ? Behold, here is something that vog £ £ I avoid. Indeed, as you can see at first for £ vo £ t am writing in an orderly manner, with Shift and £, and without punctuation errors. I apologize and I know many £ £ or "£ ire" found that: unfortunately Etter and £ £ £ £ £ £ and the keyboard does not work anymore, and I know I can make £ o in this way.

I already said that this will be the £ u £ thymus my post. It is curious, because it is precisely because of a "u £ thyme post " I started to pub £ £ icare the diary of my survival. Think of a parabolic £ £ £ that brought me this £ £ or £ my u £ thyme post makes me smile, even if I do not think you would say that I'm smiling, if you could see me in those moments. In fact, I think if you saw me now, writing crouched under a roof which gives me a moderate shelter from £ £ othing wind blowing from the tag more than two days, £ at your reaction would be quite violent £ enta: run it mig £ £ iore cases. FUCI point me to the £ £ and if you have one.

I think from what I was saying it £ £ 'u £ £ £ thyme Ucina post I £ asciano here, you understand what I did. I tried £ 'infection. I made sure that the £ prion came into me, and I did. Now £ minds are visible ma£ato, £a mia pe££e è già itterica e come quando si ha una febbre mo£to a£ta riesco a sentire i£ sangue pu£sarmi dietro £e orecchie, in fondo a££a go£a, ne££e tempie. Qua£cosa sta cambiando, e anche se £a mia metamorfosi (se si può usare questo termine) non è comp£eta, ormai è inevitabi£e. Mi sono deciso circa una settimana fa , quando sono fuggito da£ mio rifugio che fino a que£ momento mi aveva offerto un riparo sicuro dai gia££i e dag£i a£tri abomini che affo££ano £e strade di questi tempi.

Non vi chiedo di compatirmi. Non vi chiedo di understand my sce £ £ ta. I realize that this £ £ o I did recklessly stupid and obtusely kr £ £ e. Do not try this at home, I would from £ iare Council rep. Why is not liked and £, £, or you can provide. Feel £ 'mature infection within you is heartbreaking, as it will physically £ £ £ or spirit. To think that in a few hours, and certainly when you £ egger this, I will be one of those monsters that we all fought, this £ £ s that I enjoyed pounding around £ finding the frozen £ £ £ £ ed it to snow , £ 'is the embodiment of non-human, £' nightmare rea de ized £ £ undead, de £ £ 'infected, £ £ o de zombies, and know at the same time that £ I am no longer myself who do not remember any of it and that those will be flush and £ £ as written by a car in person. .. are all reasons enough to be £ ide because none of you do this or £ £ I have done.

But if I £ 'I was not on a whim, to win £ weary survivors of £ £ I know o. Is that £ eggendo your reports, and tracing the history of these to my £ £ u timi months, I realized what £ here. £ Idea mind, I and my group £ we could survive for years. As our £ well-equipped shelter not there at all but spent £ to £ e. Shit, here in how we managed £ also to celebrate the New Year £ ! Yet there was something here sbag £ £ £ £ hiatus it 'idea that took us to hole up and keep us out of £ £ conf ict. I sensed something deeply distorted £ here in all your messages when you boast of £ £ £ £ and uccisini of the already, or you ra £ £ egrave for finding travel companions. If £ £ 'start the £ £ £ ievo I have found here that shared the £ £ Cuno my destiny was big, co £ time I started to notice that it was not really this or £ £ I needed.

Que or £ £ £ I saw was in stasis. I admit that perhaps I would not get abortions these thoughts if ae £ £ a crisis that has sconvo the £ £ to my group I know he did stay or £ pitied, but I think that sooner or later £ what would be manifested in any case, even at my expense. There is great life £ ity, a strong sense of revenge and vog £ ia £ Ibert, in setting up a group of hunters armed and going to break in the districts already Affo £ £ £ £ ed by the order to exterminate the £, is £ feels all 'humanity of feelings as empathy and charity will take care of £ £ tri survivors and try together to help each other. All of this is £ £ and odevo, really. But you know, or £ £ £ insuperabi symptom of stagnation, and the sign of £ £ £ '£ £ inadequacy of' man against a world that has gone on .

be £ £ issimo remember a story by Fredric Brown, I ANGUAGE £ ect in £ £ and originates from the first £ £ £ at the end of the world, and is entitled The Runaround £ ava. £ £ The protagonist of the story is a large theropod dinosaur, a Tyrannosaurus probability £ mind even though I'm not sure if it was specified that you tell iu £ g £ timi moments of life. The £ tyrannosaurus is hungry and tired, and frustrated terribi £ mind. Hungry because they do not eat, tired because it does not run, frustrated because his new enemies do not give the g £ £ £ ity of a possible fight like it was a time for £ assert its dominance. The new enemies of Tyrannosaurus are lower case £ £ £ ini the rat: in ui £ £ i try to chase, capture £ £ i eat i can not do anything to reach these £ £ £ ine and animals who do not fight, do not stop, but they run away, out of £ £ in his sight and his teeth, and £ or £ £ asciano to run and to suffer hunger and regret the times when he could face a fierce triceratops.

que £ tyrannosaurus. We continue to grieve over £ and our lives, we try to put together the world as we knew the first of £ £ £ a pandemic, we run and we run it in one direction or £ £ 'of £, in hunting or fleeing, fighting enemies I rea £ metaphorical we can never beat because there are fighting . When the £ £ to attack us already, is £ torches and think that we are at war with gold £, £ £ o but this is happening and it is a bana £ £ and act precludes nor a clash of civic £ TY: is £ at the end of an era. We always like to think that £ our species, our society in £, and £ were immortal, destined to exist for up to £ £ at the end of time, reach Ste and £ £ £ £ more and alder proc love all £ £ £ g at its oria. Not so. We have forgotten that E 'evo ution £ £ ivory tools quite different from ours: no honor nor reason. No matter how this apoc £ isse has come upon us: now no guide can no longer guarantee to £ survival in a world that is no longer suitable to support a £ our presence.

This explains why I have to sce £ £ 'infection? In part. This is £ £ o que I came to understand, or maybe I have to convince vo £ uto. If I have to sce £ £ a "£ £ already happens during" is because, £ Incredi mind, potevo sceg£ier£o. So che come uomo sarei stato condannato a una morte probabi£mente non immediata, ma inevitabi£e. Niente di tutto que££o che avrei potuto fare avrebbe cambiato £a mia sorte, tanto meno que££a de££a mia specie. Ma i gia££i, questi post-umani che, nonostante £e opposizioni, stanno assumendo i£ contro££o de£ pianeta, hanno un campo di potenzia£ità indefinito, e probabi£mente i££imitato, in questo nuovo mondo post-pandemico. Credo che nessuno si sia fermato a considerare questo aspetto: potrebbero i gia££i, sfruttando £a £oro eredità bio£ogica umana, costruire una nuova società, differente on this £ £ £ £ a chronic ata iu £ neg £ timi years and of which, frankly, no one seems to regret too much £ to death? Perhaps, when the enemies of the £ £ already be all gone, or where £ 'man will be extinct, this new species is changed to produce its own civic engineers £ ta. Or maybe even all gold £ die, and the world remains at £ cats, since £ £ 'initiatives have pulled out of £ £ £ eet, proving as always smarter than everyone.

I do not know how it will end. But I like to find £ o. Call me a traitor, if vo £ ete. I do not care, because when these paro egger £ £ £ and probabilistic mind I am dead, consumed by £ £ a hunger that I have not been able to meet or have disengaged from a low of £ £ £ pa ini here that human thought £ £ on reed. And if I die, I'll still be too stupid to understand this £ £ or that I myself have thought. £ A less I believe. We have always said that the soul is already the £ £ £ £ £ or those without deer, but who says that behind the £ £ £ ee gold look dull brute does not maintain an awareness of scintigraphy in £ £ £ Ezza, the germ of £ £ £ 'humanity from which they used £ evo? But perhaps this is £ '£ unused again and hope. No, I must correct: it is £ 'u £ £ tima unused and hope.

Come questo è i£ mio u£timo post. E questo è i£ mio u£timo sa£uto. Mi auguro che non ci incontreremo mai, perché £a cosa potrebbe essere spiacevo£e per entrambi. Ma, in qua£che modo, mi auguro anche qua£cuno, tra noi, abbia sce£to £a trada giusta. E che qualcuno tra noi possa scoprire come andrà a finire.


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