Saturday, March 12, 2011

Memory Access Violation In Tally 7.2

Image # 25 Great Dane

Un uomo accosta la macchina. Abbassa il finestrino e chiede: "Che giorno siamo oggi?"

No, non guidava una DeLorean. Era una Mercedes d'annata, e a quanto pare le sue difficoltà di collocazione temporale riguardavano proprio la macchina. Dopo avergli rivelato che era il 12 marzo, ha chiesto che gli ripetessi la data "in numeri". Al che ho ripetuto, cifra per cifra: "uno, due, zero, tre". "Allora il 27/02 è già passato?" ha chiesto ancora, e vedendolo armeggiare con il tagliando dell'assicurazione ho capito che probabilmente il suo problema era la scadenza della polizza. "Eh sì, era il mese scorso..." gli ho fatto notare. Lui mi ha chiesto se ne ero sicuro, e di fronte to my more professional expression was convinced that February 27 is really the first of 12 March.

narrated in first person because I've just this morning. After the initial impact, the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing in front of a cronoviaggiatore that he was not sure when was fuzzy continue with the surreal conversation. What is certain is that the guy would make a better shape if it were a real time traveler.

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“La misteriosa fiamma della regina Loana” di Umberto Eco

Put yourself in the shoes of Yambo: you awaken in a hospital, you do not know how you call and when the doctor makes you answer questions only with citations. Go into the bathroom, take the brush (you know wondering why it is called despite toothbrush do not know your own name), use it for brushing your teeth automatically.
Your body so remember, but my mind? The memories of past historical events and passages of books. But not the one that looks like your wife, what are your children and your grandchildren.
And when you go to the restaurant to order what you need? How do you know what you like to eat?
And that your employee, so beautiful and lovely? It was just an employee or maybe it happened something more?
But, above all, what is the flame you know to be a key piece of your past, the string that ties all your memories?

"The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana" is the story of a journey of a man in search of his past, which shows us, in his research, the past (not so) recent Italian Lombard seen from the point of view a small country town.

Umberto Eco, as usual, is beautifully and overly verbose in telling a story. Either you love it or hate it or like me, it remains undecided. Grand narrator, his use of language is extraordinary, The number of citations contained in what is a novel of fiction is really impressive. And yet he dwells in these quotations, sometimes, frankly, too.
But it is still very good at telling a story, in being able to let the reader in mind by this fragmented memory.
Yambo And the reader will try to unravel the mystery of the Flame of Queen Loana ... until you come to a finale that will hardly have imagined.

Mauro Biancaniello

We talked about "The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana" by Umberto Eco - published by Bompiani in the series "Golden Books"