Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fujifilm Instant Film Compatible Polaroid 600

Futurama 6x07 - The Late Philip J. Fry

Solitamente gli episodi con una maggiore carica emotiva, che riguardano più nel profondo i rapporti e i sentimenti dei personaggi, sono distanziati da alcuni episodi più "frivoli" (il che non vuol dire più inutili) che si concentrano su situazioni più esterne ai personaggi. In questo caso invece, dopo aver mostrato Bender alle prese con la sua mortalità , si passa a una puntata in cui è la storica relazione Fry/Leela a costituire il nucleo della vicenda.

Assodata l'esistenza di un sentimento reciproco con Into the Wild Green Yonder e Rebirth , il rapporto era stato trascurato o sottinteso in the following episodes, and sometimes almost regressed to a mere "friendship." But here is finally confirmed that there is a relationship in progress, and indeed the initial situation (suggested by the title) is that of Fry fails to arrive in time to a date with Leela. The interesting point however is that unlike the usual Fry is not only to express his love for the partner, but Leela who, during the episode, arrives to claim her feelings for him, something immensely gratifying that the hordes of fans For ten years they have waited a failure by the monocle.

But the episode does not stop there. Indeed, despite beginning of the show's writers were not going to ever get mixed up with time travel, the plot here is that instead proceed directly from a time machine that its design would make HG Wells proud. So while in Roswell That Ends Well the trip was accidental and Bender's Big Score could return only in the past, this time the Professor invents a machine that can only advance over time, and decides to test it with Bender and Fry. By mistake when the three find themselves too far ahead of their age, will have no choice but to move forward again, seeing rise and fall many human and humanoid civilization, while in the meantime will be shown the future of Planet Express and the other characters in the absence of the three. All proceeds to the brilliant and surprising conclusion, which links seamlessly into both the emotional core that what fantascienfico of the story, with moments of great emotional intensity and a wise use of sense of wonder.

also travel forward in time is an excuse to indulge in numerous citations of the classics of science fiction, from Planet of the Apes in the time machine to Terminator. And in the final race is no time for some direct references to other episodes of the series, the first ever to one of the most recent . Other items of note: the song that accompanga subsequent jumps in the future of the three travelers is a parody of In the Year 2525 Zager & Evans of , and as was previously reported , Amy is confirmed in this occasion even more promiscuous, she also saw that if a Cuthbert now elderly.

then I join the many who argue that this is one of the best episodes of Futurama always . And what may seem a little goal, I would give it a vote : 10/10


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