Friday, February 11, 2011

Ap Bio Lab On Polarity Of Water

Il profilo "Invisibile"

(see the post "What are profiles )
personality formed around the emotion of shame. The sensitivity and "feel less than" led him to contempt and non-self-love and the feeling of being "thrown into the world." In terms of discomfort, therefore, its characteristics are the sense of inadequacy, lack of self esteem, inferiority complex, resource-sensitivity, discretion relational, the art of helping others, the ability to suffer.
has a contracted posture (walk a little 'bent), has a' gait light, almost cautious, her movements are slow, smooth and silent, as his breath. The face is usually expressionless, seems to have vexed the air, his head a bit 'lean and looked bashful or downwards. He has a way to talk slow and uneven, with short pauses that seem to hesitate, high tone and low volume, and his handshake is weak and evasive.
The mode of dress is invisible, like all his attitude, not intended to arouse attention. For this reason, his clothes, cared little for it, it looks neglected: it must cover, which is essential for the shameful "invisible" and should not stand out. Dressing up is a habit, not an inconvenience, not a pleasure, so the clothes will be sober, clean, opaque, and never really fashionable but never visibly démodé. The bright colors and ringing are banned from her wardrobe, the very limited jewelry, accessories and a few useful and never showy.
The invisible dedicated to care of yourself more time than you can imagine watching. He's afraid of attracting attention because he is afraid of being judged by others: this is precisely what feels he can do to not be criticized: his personal hygiene is good, the hair is not well taken care of but never sloppy. The invisible acts in relation to its external appearance, self-defeating ways: it is not working to improve himself so that (convinced not to live up to) think that way to avoid shame to himself for not being capable.
The woman "invisible" does not usually make-up, can give a little 'background color and mascara (to limit a lipstick color) for business or special occasions; Make prefers to be in expert hands when you need it. It is demanding and it lets you handle, the premise di non voler essere vistosa.
E’ possibile che l’invisibile si rivolga a chi si occupa di miglioramenti estetici (estetiste, dermatologi, chirurgo plastico) nel caso di un difetto evidente, che gli crea ulteriore imbarazzo con gli altri. E’ il caso per esempio di vitiligine, psoriasi ed altre malattie cutanee, che cerca di risolvere o (se non riesce) almeno di nascondere. Non si cura di evitare o cancellare i segni del tempo.
Il difetto che si può trovare osservando bene l’aspetto esteriore dell’invisibile è la trascuratezza nei particolari (oggetti compresi) che lo riguardano.
L’invisibile necessita di essere incoraggiato ad attivarsi per migliorare il rapporto con la propria immagine esteriore in maniera molto graduale. Ogni cambiamento sarà minimo e proposto come “giocoso”, per sminuirne l’importanza (“facciamo una prova, non c’è nessuno e non ci costa niente!”) e quindi non alimentare tensione. Il complimento per il risultato ottenuto precederà la proposta di un altro “piccolo gradino”. Ogni minimo successo sarà benefico per l’autostima dell’invisibile.


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