Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Heroein Showing Boobs

Do not be lawful

Dal Vangelo di Marco : Erode infatti aveva fatto arrestare Giovanni e lo aveva messo in prigione a causa di Erodìade, moglie di suo fratello Filippo, che egli aveva sposata. Giovanni diceva a Erode: "Non ti è lecito tenere la moglie di tuo fratello".

«Ma non vi pare che questo Giovanni stia violando la mia privacy?».
«Non c’è dubbio, Erode.»
«Perché si interessa tanto a ciò che faccio a casa mia, nel chiuso delle mie stanze? Oh, eccolo che arriva. Dico a te, Giovanni, perché continui a criticarmi? Sarai forse invidioso?».
«Di te, Erode? Mai, ma la tua condotta scandalosa copre di vergogna e discredito l’intero popolo.»
"And why the people should be discredited if I lie with Herodias or any other woman? And who are you to judge me? Do you think maybe it perfect? \u200b\u200b".
"No, not at all, but in the eyes of other peoples the head became a symbol of his subjects, and the man is corrupt, that is, to the other, all the people he governs and rules.."
"Most behave like me, but you only attack me, because I'm the king. If I were not ignored me.. "
"You say, Herod. Why is it to you, you're boss, who is required to be virtuous. You can never ordered a subject to take arms and go to risk their lives for you if quel suddito saprà, in cuor suo, di essere migliore di te. Se accetti la corona, devi accettarne il peso.»
«Sei solo un folle moralista, Giovanni detto il Battista. Rinchiudetelo, fatelo tacere.».

Come finì la vicenda lo sappiamo. Nel corso di una festicciola con avvenenti e discinte fanciulle a Palazzo Reale, Salomé, la giovanissima figlia di Erodiade, si esibì in una danza
particolarmente audace che conquistò il vecchio e lussurioso sovrano il quale, ormai perso il senno, promise alla minorenne qualsiasi cosa ella volesse. Sappiamo che, istigata dalla madre, chiese la vita di Giovanni il quale divenne, in conseguenza, San Giovanni, il Battista. And the off, however.

1980 years later, month, month less.

"Mr. President, there are issues which we must discuss, are of the utmost importance for the Church, we can not delay it any longer."
"I understand, Your Eminence. She probably thinks that it is not the case that having a religious presence in the contract two marriages and led a free life before, during and after the marriage. But it is a falsehood. In fact, Eminence, every time I attend a church service I think of something else, I swear on my children. Never fail to respect the Church by participating actively and with conviction to a function, I think. "
'E' a very complex issue, I agree, but the Church is distressed by other, more serious problems.. "
"So are the voices that I portray it as a corruptor of judges and a tax dodger. Your Eminence, are just rumors with no basis is completely false: I have personally done to annul the marriage of all the accusations about me.. "
"These issues are not new, Mr. President, but the Church today is deeply troubled by another issue.."
"I understand, your Eminence, certainly alludes to those imaginative reconstructions of everything and very far from reality under which I had paid sex with minors. It 'absolutely not true: they were not minors, but would-age, so much so that now I have become. "
" This hints that it is indeed a delicate matter, very delicate, but another is the wrath of the Church. Remember, true, the question ICI?.


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