Monday, October 25, 2010

Kate's Playground Skinny Jeans

"Nemico, amico, lover ... "by Alice Munro

Tales of Munro have a taste of winter. As I read through the eyes of the mind imagined characters from heavy jackets, days stained by dark clouds. Tales
wearing a gray coat.
But under this coat you are hot bodies, lucid minds.
And hearts of fire.
can be described in one word how the Munro speaks through the thoughts of his characters: Grace.
There is sensuality, is common herb. Veiled but omnipresent.
Moreover, as the feeling separate from sensuality?

Femininity is displayed in all its complexity to the fair player, led by the hand by a skilled presenter, who seems to enjoy giving, at times, simple clues.
are no stories of wizards and elves, there is no magic, there is reality, often bittersweet.
And a patina of gray.

I am a lucky person. While not love stories, when I force myself to read a collection that seems interesting I always center.
“Nemico, amico, amante” non fa eccezione, anzi.

Mauro Biancaniello

Abbiamo parlato di “Nemico, amico, amante…” di Alice Munro – edito da Einaudi nella collana “Super ET”


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