Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Information About Medicine Olimelt

Carnival Editions XII

I receive public and the press release by Edizioni XII .

On 31 October this year, for Edizioni XII will be the day of Carnival The new collection out for the series Darkroom, by Danielle Bonfanti and David Riva.
Twelve short stories, as many authors, set in Venice, a mysterious and shadowy, each accompanied by a table, the work of artists Branching .
habits shrunken reality shows each year a new disorder, along with tradition and mockery, disguise and revelation, seduction and horror. The world is upside down the conventions evaporate: is the ultimate paradox, the triumph of the error.
Carnival. Stories and masks stripped and coated by time, shamelessly drawn from wider sources, matching the one rule that you can apply on a day like this: expect more.
In a flurry of confetti conflict.

Authors: Michael Laim, Richard Coltri, Samuel Marolla, Marica Petrolati, David Riva, Alberto Priora, Stefano Andrea Noventa, Davide Cassi, Cora Simone, J. Romano, Gabriele Lattanzio, Zefiro Mesvell. Known names, names on the rise and new names, all enclosed in a frame narrative created by Ian Delacroix and Mario Cella.

The title is already available in advance at the ' eshop Edizioni XII.


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