Thursday, October 14, 2010

Information About Funny Dresses

Annozero 33 -2

Da tutte le parti politiche si dice che vige aria da regime nell’informazione televisiva italiana, dal centrodestra fino alla sinistra extraparlamentare.

Intanto giovedì sera Santoro ha terminato quella che potrebbe essere l’ultima puntata prima di una “pausa forzata” di due settimane cantando a squarciagola “La libertà” di Giorgio Gaber. Era sorridente, le ultime parole della trasmissione (terminata con l’immancabile ritardo) sono state: “A giovedì prossimo.”

I toni del direttore generale della Rai, Mauro Masi, il 13 ottobre erano un po’ diversi, did not seem so relaxed after receiving comments on its decision: "I feel a disproportionate many declarations that invent conspiracy and completely fictional scenarios, curiously forgetting the main point of this whole affair. And that is that millions of Italians have seen on live television, which sends an employee to blatantly that his country capoazienda. This is totally unacceptable in law and in common sense. Everything else is crap. "

Thus, according to Masi, everything else is crap.
Well, I take note.

So it's crap that a television broadcast, which employs dozens of people being suspended to punish a only culprit. Annozero not called "Santoro show, not a monologue where Santoro long hours shooting with a camera planted in front of him. There are other operators, other journalists, some have permanent contracts and other work on commission. And these people will be paid for the two points that should jump?

crap is done to remove the two episodes for transmission by the high ratings, which in fact no sign of decline and, in fact, they collect fine bucks in advertising Rai? I know, a fool any, that the revenues derived from broadcasting advertising and that if these programs if the row is not no money did not come. I think the director Masi will be equally informed.

Yet these arguments do not seem to bother him. According to him, Santoro has been punished in accordance with the regulations. So it seems that we are faced with a director of a group of broadcasters who believe in the rules, and a man standing upright, which do not affect the salaries of employees of his company, which even affects us that this same company of beautiful smeno money.

The now famous "Vaffan glass ..." Santoro was perhaps a bit 'too much, in my humble opinion there was no need to put it. Santoro then that is good at playing the role of martyr or paladin I certainly will not be the first to say so. A penalty for his compartment was there? Mr. Masi states di aver agito nel pieno rispetto di regole ed io gli credo. Mi chiedo però se non era il caso di valutare un tipo diverso di sanzione.

Sono inoltre convinto che come direttore di un servizio televisivo non puoi permetterti di non mandare in onda per due puntate una trasmissione di successo, non puoi farlo per il rispetto dell’azienda per cui lavori. Perché se la Rai fosse un’azienda privata, i proprietari si sarebbero messi le mani nei capelli per questa decisione e poi avrebbero subito tentato di chiamare il signor Masi, di certo non per fargli i complimenti per la sua rettitudine e per il rispetto delle regole.
Personalmente la scelta di Masi mi pare manchi di senso della realtà applicata al sistema televisivo e mi fa sinceramente doubt him as a director of a public service that is paid with the contribution of Italian citizens.

And if Mr. Masi continue saying that there are "entirely fictional scenarios", for my part I repeat that it is said that air exists in the information system from Italian television.

Mauro Biancaniello


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