Thursday, February 10, 2011

Britney Spears Mental Illness

Coppi Night 02/06/2011 - eXistenZ

L 'Amphitryon the first pair I was the Night of February, which, having failed in my previous round to be Memento project, this time I wanted to propose a selection of films incomprehensible to The Man Who Fell to Earth Immortal ad vitam . I dedicated the evening to Naked Lunch (which was seen in a couple Night prior to the first published reports on the old blog ), of which I tried to follow in the spirit of complete nonsense, evitando al tempo stesso la boria di roba come Mulholland Drive . E, vuoi per fiducia verso il regista, vuoi perché l'avevo presentato come uno dei film più coerenti nella loro incomprensibilità, è stato proprio un'altra opera di Cronenberg a passare le votazioni. Con tutto il rispeto per David Bowie che, onestamente, nel film tratto dal pur meraviglioso romanzo di Walter Tevis, è davvero inguardabile.

eXistenZ è un film strano, già per l'incosueta disposizione delle maiuscole nel suo titolo. Come molti classici (diciamo, quelli meglio riusciti) della fantascienza letteraria o cinematografica, gioca sulla definizione di realtà, forcing the viewer to wonder if what we are seeing what is really happening or just a lower level of simulation, involving literally a game-game-in-the-game that you can not see clearly the origin. And the jaded viewer, like this, is not it? To this basic tension is added to the limitation of free will, when the characters are forced to see and perform actions necessary for the development of the plot lines (the game), and we can only ask if the other characters do not do the same , and therefore are themselves protagonists, and perhaps we ourselves are not spectators, and then maybe have them, and walk forward until you feel like it. So no find a convincing answer. In essence, talking about today could be described this movie as the younger brother of Inception , where successive levels of nested realities are presented and you're never sure when it will stop, but this is not the dimension of dreams to make this possible diving, but a "simple" simulation technology that can remind one of Matrix or The Thirteenth Floor , although in this case used for recreational purposes more innocent. I said that you could call his younger brother, except that it came out eleven years before: in short, he was born Inception, eXistenZ had already started to look under the skirt of her school friends.

If all this adds some nice chewy monster cronebergiano typically, a pinch of eroticism around the "bio-port" which is lubricated with saliva like any other human orifice, and weapons made of bones of lizards that shoot mutant human teeth (which are apparently very good weapon), you get a mixture capable of making this film at least memorable.

Well, then. I have won?


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