Monday, July 26, 2010

Application For Family Status

Chapter twenty-seven

«Prego, può entrare».
La segretaria, con vellutato fare da Gran Sacerdotessa dei Misteri, annuì severa in direzione della porta. Il momento era arrivato, l’incontro col Gran Capo.
Il Ragioniere, abituato a stanze felt crowded and sweaty minutes and silly in front of the big desk, alone, occupied the space available to him, the accountant and surveyor Bertenghi Perella. The plant, then a palm tree worthy of the botanical garden, he could receive under its broad canopy even Dr. Velluri which, as we know, very fond of sweets. And then there is also the question of Dr. Martes, in effect, but she was, however, very careful line. Recently had to leave his bedroom, Dr., to fall in their promiscuity. Space needs, said the company, rental cost, the premises must be reduced and you have to make a sacrifice. Dr. he had not given peace, poor, and it was during those weeks that he became interested in Eastern philosophies up to leave, some time later to go to santoneggiare in India. Gaining weight as well, however, but when the Bookkeeper crossed the threshold, the management was still studying Dr. marketing texts in English, was very attentive to the line and could have fit comfortably in the palm of the great vessel.
"reason, just you," the Chief received him kindly. Fascinated him of confidential talks on the maximum economic and business systems, put aside the shameful secret in fact known to everyone and then told him that they offered a new opportunity. Generally, when the Chief or Head Staff talk about new opportunities allude to the possibility of finding enough subjects to write the twenty-seventh, the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth chapter of the essay "cut your veins and die in happiness." But this was an opportunity challenger, and then you could reach with nonchalance to thirty-six chapters. Comunicagliela when he almost beat the raps on the door. The High Priestess cried outrage at the sacrilege and right sides of trade unionists and went mad. Tesa
the atmosphere, the reasoning would have liked (and could, in fact, given the size) hiding behind the palm, but the first of those trade unionists rushed against the table salmodiando a gran voce “inaccettabile”. Si riferiva, s’apprese poi, all’ultimo ordine di servizio emanato dal Personale.
«Venti! E’ fuori discussione» sbraitava paonazzo, lacrime agli occhi, muscoli contratti del collo, spalleggiato dal non meno esasperato compagno che controcantava “inaccettabile!” in ottava superiore.
Il Capo allargava le braccia e si rendeva conto, ma erano esigenze di servizio.
«E’ fuori discussione» barrivano i sindacalisti.
«In Cina hanno accettato le cinquanta» constatò il Capo col tono che non sarebbe per nulla sfigurato anche in caso di “In principio era il Verbo e il Verbo era presso Dio”.
«Ma we are not in China "tried to argue the union, evidently well versed in geography.
"And then it means that we are moving into China," including the head nodded, with that stern authority which is to say yes to the good surgeon, you must operate, it is necessary to save life, is ethics.
"Three, not one more" relaunched the union. At the end
mediarono twelve, not more than twelve lashes to turn in case of failure to comply with working time. But the Chief was convinced that this step would then be nothing left in Italy. He was not up to date, and with the global market. The unions, moreover, did not understand the modern world.
"We were saying? - Times when the union took leave to draw up a statement dripping with a sense of responsibility - Ah yes! challenging opportunity. "


the Italians
No. 82 of Ucuntu


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