Friday, July 23, 2010

How Long Do Trichomoniasis Symptoms Last

L’incidenza dell’aspetto esteriore nei rapporti sociali

The physical aspect has an important role in emotional and sexual life . Already in fairy tales, written for children, the princesses are beautiful and charming and stalwart marry Prince Charming, the evil characters are too ugly.
physical appearance is often denied as a criterion in mate choice , several studies have shown how difficult it is to consciously accept the importance of contract appearances. We tried to investigate whether this underestimation is attributable to lack of ability of individuals to make introspection or deliberate intent to distort the answers to give a less superficial can you (Hadjistavropulos and Genest, Report on the role of physical attractiveness, University of British, 1994)
In the area of \u200b\u200blove relationships, since the first meeting the physical attraction is an important, sometimes decisive, in determining whether to continue or no report.
In a study carried out in several U.S. universities (Murstein, 1972, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 22: 8-12) was recognized as the two partners of a pair tended to be located at the same level of beauty in relationships you want to choose a long-term companion who has a degree of beauty "similar" to its own (this does not happen in relationships however, occasional or short-term). In fact, if the beauty of one of the partners is much higher than that of the other, increases the risk of infidelity, who is perceived as less attractive is aware that the stability of the relationship is in danger (Gregory, 1980, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 15: 240-244). The
exceptions to this quest for "similar" we find when we are half interests of power, money, prestigio.Una good partner for a successful man is a sort of calling card. A beautiful wife, maybe younger, has for centuries been identified as more likely to ensure continuity through the offspring (this is not true for women because their needs were to have alongside a husband who had possibilities of support and function in pregnancy and children crescre).
Regarding the workplace, in a study of 1993 Holzer (Multi-city study of urban inequality "Michigan State University, East Landing) shows that for 50% of respondents used physical appearance was a criterion very (11%) or somewhat important (39%) to get the job. Companies are increasingly concerned about their image and this concern is also reflected in attention to appearance and clothing of the employees in contact with the public.
that physical beauty is believed to play a basic role in the ability to develop good social relations because it is considered in tandem with greater communication skills and outgoing personality (Dipboye et al .. 1977, Journal of Applied Psychology, 62: 288-294). All available studies confirm that there is a primacy of beauty that facilitates and accelerates career. (Ross and Ferris, 1981, Administrative Science Quarterly, 26: 617-632; Morrow et al., 1990, Journal of Management, 16: 723-736). The advantage of the beauty product
starts very early. Babies judged more attractive receive more attention from family and larger amount of affectionate gestures (Stephan and Langlois, 1984, Child Development, 55: 576-585). The children almost always considered attractive by friends and maintain social relationships are more popular than unattractive (Langlois and Vaughn, 1983, Developmental Psychology, 19: 561-567). All this to benefit their self-esteem and developing social skills. The kindness of the teachers accompanying them also, from the nursery and actually manifests itself in more smiles, looks, words, encouragement and support (Cliffford and Walster, 1973, Sociology of Education, 46:248-258).
In a survey done in 1872 by Dion (Developpemental Psychology, 10: 772-778) asked a large group adults to assess the seriousness of the wrongdoing committed by children under 7 years and establish the penalty due to the damage caused. The files of children were accompanied by photos of the offenders and the results showed clearly that the "judges" were very tolerant, for the same crime, attractive to children. There is a tendency to look casual, as determined by the circumstances, the wrong actions of attractive children, for others they are charged to their will and responsibility, a pregiuduzio extremely damaging to their future, predicts many problems.
So even in the field of justice the importance of physical has been established. Already in the Middle Ages, when two defendants were accused of the same crime, it was decided to condemn the worst-looking body. Still the most credible and convincing witnesses tend to be those with nice appearance. In sexual crimes, the defendants are accused by the physicist handsome little more easily and are considered more dangerous than attractive (Esses and Webster, 1988, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 18: 1017-1031).
The denigration of the physical traits of the other is the first step to oppress. In the sixties Erving Goffman accused the so-called "total institutions" (particularly prisons, reformers and psychiatric hospitals) of affect people in their outward appearance to undermine the integrity psychic certified, and depersonalized. Even without mentioning
Lombroso's theories, just a poor man can be perceived as a thief, a child looking very nice can be attributed to a shady character or violent ... maybe with time will really behave as others expect, victim of self-fulfilling prophecies.
The market economy that makes goods of foreign exchange, is based on "body-performance", the "body-image" and "body-remodeled. All these foods conformism of diversity and promising, but actually preventing the individual achievement and self-image.
In a parallel world in another life and beauty is guaranteed, cellulite and wrinkles disappear and the aesthetics of today are met. This is a place in cyberspace that provides an alternative and identity, is called "Second Life " and, although it is virtual reality, is experienced as real and true belief for identification.


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