Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Quadriderm Para Que Sirve

Christmas Carol

... and a dash of Worcester sauce. How much is a splash? The recipe was reticent. A teaspoon? middle? And why is it called so? Later he checked on Google, but for the time needed to focus on the cocktail sauce for shrimp, which, in fact, they had a very lively, very dead and looked like they were just drowned in the liquid by geological . Perhaps it was a great idea to take the discount. In any case, the starter was ready. The second one was easy: scamorza. A bit 'too easy, probably, not all would consider it worthy of a Christmas dinner, even lonely, but he liked, and that was enough. The dessert was a mini Panettone. Remained the main course, risotto with mushrooms. Porcini. At least, that the said discount.
( The year 2010 opened with the earthquake in Haiti, which has caused over 200,000 deaths : While care is available with everything needed to create the risotto, TV set, a typical transmission of the end of December, ; remember were the top stories of the year). Cutting Board, crescent (tedesca! sharp!: He was proud of it), olive oil, wine, mushrooms soaking, rice (a pound: a person is more than enough). Cipolla. Oil in the pan on fire, chopped onion (the crescent). The broth simmering for a while '(with the nut, it's OK). The previous Christmas had been different, in fact, were not with portions solitary, but best not to think about it, otherwise they would come back the memories, el'avrebbero strangled as a network that tightens around a fish, not letting him escape, escape. No, not memories: it was time to pay the maudlin mush (essential the crescent, was right to buy it!) Oil. Sizzle, smell of good, and now the mushrooms. Turn, stir, turn. Very good. And now the rice shed, turn! Turn immediately! Here, the oil is almost all absorbed. A nice glass of wine (red) and still turn. The liquid becomes solid, the wine disappears, only rice. Broth, quick!
Earthquake in Chile in February.
Here, yes, it was not burned, and even attacked. It will be a great risotto, the important thing is not distracted.
And who could that be? A spoon for not doing more to attack, run to the door peephole. It was the interior 15 or, better, what lived there. And his name? What was his name? Ah, yes, Mary.
"You think it's torch? - Asked him - I jumped the light and I can not fix it .... "
torch, torch ... Yes, there was one in the drawer (and meanwhile a suspicious smell came from the risotto: begging broth). He handed the torch, receiving a promise that he would have reported in five minutes and darted to pay another couple of ladles. But the stock would be enough? Yes, a dinner for ten people.
In late March regional elections. Victory of center-right and the League. Defeat of the Left.
Well, now the risotto proceeded very well. In a few minutes would begin with the first bite.
bell. Apparently the .15 reported int the torch.
But then, what did the Mary already? We had spoken only a few times. When the accident had happened to his wife had come to him their condolences, and perhaps he was still with her husband before he would go away.
"I forgive you - it grieves even before the door opened at all - I realize that on a night like this ... But I just can not turn on the light. The counter attack, it remains on for a few seconds but then jumps around. Not that you could come take a look? I do not understand anything about these things. "
even him, to tell the truth, but it is assumed that every boy is meant to counter and engines, even if an item is less established than it gives for granted the existence of the Epiphany.
"Wait," pleaded showing the palms. He returned to the kitchen and poured a generous amount of broth, lower the heat to levels 15 min and followed her inside, in darkness. By doing expert went to the counter, who knew the exact location as the int. 15 was on his own column, and, armed with a torch, reactivated the switches. The ruddy light came back and he was almost triumphantly spreading his arms to say "See? It was easy "when darkness regained the upper hand. An electrician, he had long ago said, "There must be something short" and he repeated whispering (in the dark do not talk: he whispers) and adding "What's stuck?". The
int. 15 made a rapid examination of conscience and began to enumerare luci, friggitrice, televisore e qualche altro elettrodomestico. «Bisogna staccarli tutti» sentenziò lui grave «dobbiamo capire qual è in corto».
Ma non aveva terminato di sussurrare che gli sovvenne il risotto. A tentoni trovò la mano di lei e le diede la torcia raccomandandole di staccare tutto. Sarebbe tornato subito. Si precipitò in discesa saltando gli scalini a due a due e arrivò giusto in tempo per versare un cucchiaio di brodo all’assetato risotto. Mescolò col fiatone, e per le scale e per il terrore che si fosse attaccato alla pentola, e, quando vide che sembrava andare per il meglio, la televisione  gli ricordò i disastrosi mondiali di calcio dell’Italia e the oil spill off the coast of Louisiana.
Calmly back up and found Mary waiting for him on the threshold of the INT .15, armed with a torch.
"All off" ad appears.
Very good. He rejoined the light switches and hung up. Finally. And he could see the table, more or less the same position of his, but two floors up, this one set for one person.
'Take small steps - urged firm tone and an expert - Reconnect all the devices one by one.. "
began with the lights and, through the fryer and ended with the TV: she was listening to that review, hours arrived at the apartment in Monaco. It was all in order, looked around satisfied and relieved when, in the space of one second, the thought of the mind and burst into the risotto, as if this were not enough, sank into darkness again.
"I must go! Be right back "and rushed down the stairs wedged in a tired little family that went to dinner with some unpopular cousin, their children, who, still on the landing, complained of the misery of the gifts received. The risotto was safe. Broth, taste, there is still a bit '. Placid lift int. 15 where he met Mary, meanwhile, had been taken off everything and turned on the light. You may be combed nel frattempo? Cominciarono dal televisore che, intanto, era arrivato alle proteste in Francia. Ma possibile che si fosse anche truccata? E quando? Tra un mestolo di brodo e l’altro?
«E poi – aggiunse Maria – quando è ritornata la luce ho visto una cosa strana.»
«Una cosa strana?»
«Sì, solo per un attimo. Sembrava che volasse laggiù, sopra il divano»
«Un uccello?»
«Ma no!»
«Un pipistrello?»
«No, per fortuna!»
«E allora cosa? Lo spirito del Natale?»
«Figurarsi. Avrebbe sbagliato strada. Would have to go to those below, you hear them? Will be twenty to celebrate. "
"Yes, I saw them while going down ..."
"Maybe it was just a shadow. Maybe with the lights that come and go ... "
" Risotto, "
" You say that it was a risotto? "
" I have to run '
And as he was about to leave, the light faded again.
"I shall return," promised in the first half of the ramp. He entered the house panting, bunga bunga received by the TV and the protests Terzigno. Taste. It was cooked, the risotto, and moved, he: looked good. Off heat, cover, back down the stairs, other guests as happy as if they were going to a funeral. Mary took him to the landing. Tried again a few times, but its light did not want to stay.
"Do you like rice? - Proposed after the last attempt - maybe there will not be much, but at least we do not spend Christmas on the stairs .... "
Surprise: its fried were almost ready, and even the seafood appetizers. Lacked the spaghetti with clams, because of the light, but she also had a Panettone.
This time they went down together calmly delivering dinner to Mary, and were welcomed by the release of Aung San Suu Kyi e dal diffondersi delle manifestazioni studentesche. Apparecchiò un posto in più mentre Wikileaks campeggiava nel mondo e le migliori giovani intelligenze italiane decidevano di pernottare sui tetti.
Effettivamente avrebbe giurato che s’era truccata. E aveva anche dei begli occhi.
Il risotto fu un successone. Se solo avesse avuto un po’ (un bel po’, in effetti) di sale in meno, non si fosse cotto troppo e i funghi avessero avuto il sapore di funghi, forse (ma solo forse) sarebbe stato migliore. Ma a loro parve ottimo. I gamberetti, a dire il vero, sapevano un po’ di chimica, ma la salsa Worcester ci stava benissimo. E nella giusta quantità. I fritti, poi, anche se erano poco fritti (The light, damn!) Were still outstanding. The Panettone, finally, one without and one with raisins, were divided, half for one.
And students take to the streets, and it seemed that someone started to wonder what would have happened not only tonight, but tomorrow, and even the day after tomorrow.
Mary had forgotten the champagne at his house, but he had, who knows how long, a champagne to celebrate a great occasion ever. Yes, it was lukewarm. Sure, the bottle had a thick layer of dust, but with a pass under the faucet, he returned almost decent.
uncorked and poured in the glasses. True. Ikea, but still champagne glasses. And then the toast, which was very simple, just 'Merry Christmas' and' Merry Christmas to you. "
But the really strange thing in this whole story is that, in the following years, who passed along happily, just could not understand what had happened to quell'impianto electric, because the next day went back to work well, and continued to do so for long. Very long.

published in issue 98 of Ucuntu

and the Italians


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