Immaginate un mondo futuro, molto lontano nel tempo, in cui le emozioni sono represse fino a sviluppare leggi che per tutelare la privacy non consentono di rivolgersi con affetto a chi vi siede accanto, o la convivenza fra donne e uomini. Un mondo nel quale tutti i bisogni fisici sono soddisfatti dai robot, nel quale l’amore stesso è bandito, e l’accoppiamento a fini procreativi è praticato raramente, e in rigorosa conformità al motto "Sex is better than cute." A world in which all regularly take sedatives to maintain absolute control over the emotions, and where the curiosity is systematically discouraged.
This would be a world where the desire to live would disappear, and indeed in this New York of the future created by Walter S. Tevis is often seen in public collective suicide, done mostly by students, and on which it is forbidden to intervene to rescue the victims.
For reasons not entirely clear humans are sterile, so this is very underpopulated world: there are only about twenty million people all over the earth, and of course millions of robots, including Nine Series models, made of synthetic humanoids who, because of their advanced manufacturing process, they have human emotions.
The cities lie in a state of disrepair, although they survive thanks to the automation of the robot, which also actually begin to show weaknesses and inefficiencies that no longer has an interest in repair.
addition to everything else in this world no one can read or write. Simply because it is not necessary. The very words that describe these activities have become obsolete and incomprehensible.
In this bleak scenario, one day a man accidentally finds the books, and gradually learns to associate a meaning to the odd characters that you see printed, and so laboriously learned to read, and gradually also to write.
Only mime singing to the forest (tit. orig. Mockingbird, 1980, translated by Silvia Stefani, republished in Italy with a bad title Future trance ) is indeed the diary of the protagonist, interspersed with a few chapters told in third person you reports on the other characters.
The experience of reading brings the main character, Bentley, the confirmation of his insights: the world has its own history, and not everything in this story has always been like it is in today. Thanks to books, Bentley goes on a journey of transformation that the encounter with a woman, Mary Lou, come to a radical change. In spite of the law, this woman is bold, brazen, disrespectful of the rules, able to express his emotions, and conscious of the inferiority of robots than humans. "Let go, robot!" Was a motto that can deter from their purpose even robot policemen.
First Bentley is frightened by Mary Lou and avoid, but then the irrepressible humanity will force him to get on the trail Women, to fall in love, and pay for this transgression with the capture and detention in a prison controlled by the robot.
It is difficult to follow an order to describe the strengths of this book, why are so many. Walter S. Tevis, who wrote just another science fiction novel, or the famous The Man Who Fell to Earth , approaches the genre with the ease of one who is not afraid to cross without becoming stereotyped stereotyped environments. With a story full of humanity, told with a sweet and simple prose that often rises to peaks of authentic poetry, a scenario so overwhelming and all in all not very original it becomes a fertile soil, full of secrets, which the protagonist discovers gradually during his odyssey.
Bentley ventures into a research trip, in its constant hazard expresses the physical risks, far greater, she meets during her odyssey into the human identity. Individual for his personal adventure, and collective, for the rediscovery of the history of mankind and the deep sense of its continuation.
The spark that triggers its internal engine are the books, of which he is constantly hunting.
We follow Bentley when he runs into mysterious and abandoned libraries, we feel her disappointment when forced to compete with empty shelves, rejoice with him and for him when the discovery of a dozen books as manuals for the improbable maintenance robot o dei pensiero-bus gli fornisce l’entusiasmo che riaccende la sua vitalità e la voglia di continuare la sua battaglia solitaria per sottrarsi all’ineluttabile: nel mondo di Bentley gli esseri umani sono diventati sterili, e quella descritta è ormai l’ultima generazione; solo i Robot sopravvivranno al genere umano, e allora, poiché nati per servirlo, saranno anch’essi diventati inutili.
Bentley vive alla costante ricerca di libri da leggere (oltre a lottare per tornare dalla sua Mary Lou) e in realtà sopravvive grazie ad essa, e soprattutto grazie all’evoluzione della propria abilità alla lettura nel desiderio di scrivere, realizzando così il diario della sua vita.
The company controlled by the robot is near the end. Modeled on the criteria of total rationality, indifferent in itself, efficient and regulated, deprived of any trace of emotion and affection, she discovers (through the protagonist's Robot Series Nine, the Dean Spofforth) the completely useless and illogical of human life . In a kind of tacit awareness of the existence of flat and gram offered by the rule of reason, you can not blame the men and women engaged in collective suicide, the abandonment of a human life that has nothing, not even hope and confidence in the mere existence of other possibilities. Bentley is reserved only to a similar opportunities, only if granting Bentley and appropriates it with joy.
Nor can we blame the Robot, Spofforth, who, powerless in front of their intellectual perfection and the impossibility of human being who dwells in it, it is intolerable that the prey of envy causes him to want to actually destroy humanity and let languish in a slow and relentless extinction. Victim of the human side that he was engaged in spite of himself, Spofforth even begins to desire a woman, but her body is perfect for the rest anatomically incapable of mating. Yet the robot subject to surprises, which will certainly not anticipate.
Numerous plans of the odyssey Bentley sono intimamente connessi l’uno con l’altro.
L’apprendimento della lettura e poi della scrittura, la trasposizione in forma sonora (il suo lavoro all’inizio della narrazione) dei dialoghi scritti dei vecchi film muti (il romanzo trabocca di citazioni), l’attrazione per Mary Lou che gli evoca dapprima una timorosa diffidenza e poi un irrefrenabile desiderio (che si realizza anche attraverso l’insegnamento della lettura a Mary Lou stessa), il soggiorno in carcere e l’incontro con poetici compagni di prigionia (indimenticabile la scena del falò sulla spiaggia), la tenace volontà di sopravvivere alla rassegnazione, a fare della propria solitudine una fase indispensabile ma transitoria towards a renaissance.
everything points to the same end, the parallel lines gradually converge towards what happens in the final pages, which come to an end the various levels of travel.
lines merge it into one, just as the written word that Bentley loves so much.
In this novel you will find events and situations that few would know to make plausible a moving dialogue between a man and a bus, a woman bold and fickle but also irresistible ( sigh! ) camped in the living of a reptile zoo, bonfire on the beach around which gather the prisoners in one hour by air stolen from their supervisors, a robot that is stripped to show the irremediable deficiency of his sexual nudity.
smiling, proud reader of the gender gap at the thought that some consider a minor genre science fiction.
For those who wish, in this short extract audio made by me, the main character, Bentley, designs and manufactures the escape from prison where he was imprisoned for violating the prohibition of reading Books and privacy laws.
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