Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Monica Roccaforte Streaming

Un nuovo aspetto esteriore o un nuovo sguardo?

I wrote a young lady to tell her experience. I am grateful of having agreed to write her: I'll call Frank (the quotation marks are his). Francesca has thirty-three, self-employed, married young and, when it broke away, "I live alone but I have good friends you can count on."
"Odalisque" by Henry Matisse
His wrath, from a young girl, "wide hips and belly, and applicants in the family way resistant to diets and treatments.
Francesca speaks to me of years of hardship, when he hid under shirts and spent the holidays in the mountains, dragging parents and brother. "Of I was sure of two things: to hate the sea and could not please the guys. "And so it was deeply grateful to that first fell in love with her, said she was in love and married him while keeping him with a sort of ashamed to show themselves, "even though he kept saying that it was absurd, that I was beautiful and that he liked," he writes, "I could not believe it" and continues, "when my husband left me, I expected and I have not suffered so much ".
It is dedicated to his profession and, just by their work, it's" lucky ".
A customer calls in a course in belly dancing. the passion. At the sensual movements of the dance the soft side di Francesca ben si adattano e ne accentuano il ritmo, la pancetta diventa funzionale all'insieme…..
Inizia il circolo virtuoso dell'accettarsi che migliora e del migliorarsi che favorisce l'accettazione. "Danzo da tre anni, lo adoro, ho anche perso un po' di peso e mi sono rassodata ma, soprattutto, mi sento sexi con le mie misure (non canoniche, come tu scrivi)" mi dice Francesca. Adesso ai complementi degli uomini Francesca crede, e le fanno piacere. "L'amore lo aspetto ma voglio che sia amore anche da parte mia e non rimedio alla solitudine".
In contesti terapeutici, la ristrutturazione è largamente utilizzata. Quando un terapeuta cerca i far sì che il cliente 'Think of the things differently' or 'see things from a new point of view' or 'take into account other factors', is trying to restructure the events that he will react differently. (Introduction to "restructuring", Bandler & Grinder )
Frank has identified and managed in the first person this possibility. To you my most sincere wishes of peace.


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