In one day a few months ago, I think it was spring, my copy of "Pinocchio 2112
" Silvio Donà (website:
qui ) giaceva seminascosta fra i soliti noti della sezione “Fantascienza” (meno magra del consueto, a dire il vero) di una libreria periferica di Roma. Il dorso scuro e sottile aveva attirato la mia attenzione come una fogliolina nera in un tappeto di vissute e ampie foglie gialle e, quando lo sfogliai, trovai conferma del fatto che mi ero imbattuto in una rarità: un libro, classificato come “romanzo di fantascienza” (al momento unico di questo genere per i tipi di
Leone Editore ), imprigionato fra gli ubiquitari
Cosmo Oro e i mai tramontanti P. K. Dick d’annata. La quarta di copertina sembrava intrigante, e non esitai ad acquistare il volume.
Confesso since then have had to spend many months before I read it, because of traffic congestion books in my bedroom (not an unusual occurrence in recent years).
I want to say that, started a book after the first two or three chapters I enjoy groped to predict the time it takes to finish it. A
Pinocchio 2112 had given, despite the brevity of the novel, about a week, with a discrete probability of abandonment (a practice which, incidentally, I am a supporter), due to my distaste for pessimism cosmic narrative , which, completely wrong, I thought I had picked up the smell from the front pages.
think again can be especially beautiful.
change my opinion, feel, line by line, a book will catch up to slavery, and let themselves into the night. So, the week prior listing has been reduced to no more than thirty-six hours (would have been even less, if there were no personal troubles that have diluted the time to read this).
Pinocchio 2112 is evidence that outside the canonical circuits and famous, the Italian science fiction feeds, and even often, stories that shine with their own light, composed of colors originality, beauty and a convincing narrative force. We
cento anni nel futuro, in un mondo buio, sotterraneo, in cui la popolazione terrestre ha dovuto rifugiarsi per non ben precisate ragioni. Uno scenario post-apocalittico alquanto inconsueto. Le donne e gli uomini sopravvivono a stento. Il cibo scarseggia, le città sono grovigli di tunnel che cercano di imitare l’aspetto della vita precedente, in superficie. Una parvenza di ordine sociale è preservata grazie a organizzazioni di stampo mafioso, guidate da uomini potenti e rispettati, come il misterioso e carismatico Scipione Rega.
Ci si arrabatta come meglio si può, avere un’arma è tanto difficile quanto consigliabile, il denaro è rimpiazzato dalle pastiglie di droga necessaria per non impazzire. L’arte di arrangiarsi everywhere, humanity hides herself, and the memory of life on the surface is reduced to myth now buried in an unreachable past.
In this desolate world, the protagonist tells his story.
Angelo is a "seeker of the past." The man wanders in the most treacherous of the underground city, trusting only three bullets in his rickety old gun, in search of a precious commodity, the only tangible sign of the existence of a glorious time: books. Forgotten by most, the books have become veritable archaeological finds in abandoned old furniture damaged floors no longer trodden by human beings worthy of the name, slid nei recessi più insidiosi del sottosuolo, ingolfati nei gorghi di un passato che è tanto difficile dimenticare quanto rammentare. Angelo si guadagna così le pastiglie con cui andare avanti, e non si lamenta nemmeno troppo della sua vita, che, nonostante la dose di rassegnazione da assumere quotidianamente, considera dignitosa.
Un giorno, per interposta persona, il nostro riceve da Scipione Rega l’incarico di scovare un libro adatto alla donna di questi. L’incarico si tramuta presto in ordine perentorio, da cui può dipendere la sopravvivenza. E qui la storia si complica, e per vari motivi, che ovviamente non approfondiremo.
La trama che Silvio Donà ha sviluppato è tanto semplice quanto efficace; the narrator forces her to follow the main character in each movement underground, to accompany his steps full of terror, as if wanting to protect, advise and help. The pace is quick, there are no breaks, you're forced to run, with Angelo behind Angelo, Angelo. And you can not afford to catch my breath just at the moment when we read the number of each chapter because each chapter something big happens, something new, with no intermissions, no frills.
In such a scenario, many authors might have pursued ways of proven effectiveness, and lack of originality, based on the power of basic feelings such as revenge or hatred, or basic needs like hunger and thirst, and justify any choice by the irrepressible, instinctive need for survival that can not gripped each segment of a world so ominous.
Luckily (and so to say, luck got to do very little), Donà takes a completely different way. Despite the fear of defeat to accompany him without stopping, the protagonist does not overwhelm it never leaves, and makes unexpected choices, which leads him to carry unpredictable, surprising actions, in a crescendo of discoveries that occur inside the building relationships with the few well-sketched characters in the story.
And so, with a fiery blend of delicacy and brilliant irony, e senza mai scivolare in un indigesto buonismo, l’autore ci sussurra che l’essere umano è in grado di rimanere tale nonostante la disumana avversità dello scenario in cui può suo malgrado ritrovarsi. Che ribellarsi all’abdicazione del sentire dell’esser donne, e uomini, è la natura stessa delle donne e degli uomini. Che un’irrazionale esigenza di conservare la propria umanità prevale su ipotetici e inesistenti istinti animaleschi. Che la forza e la violenza sono due cose diverse, e che l’esigenza di realizzare se stessi supera la fame, l’angoscia e il terrore dell’ignoto.
Una scelta coraggiosa.
C’è chi sostiene che nei romanzi non bisogna mai parlare troppo di sé. I, however, against the trend, I think you can do, if capable of being. I could be wrong, but my feeling is that Silvio Donà he did, and in the right way, turning into real elements of literature as fantasy, and making the experience a source of creativity in which traces of that experience that are not vague, a bit 'like the faded memory of the outdoor life that the characters of Pinocchio 2112
have inherited from their ancestors.
There are many ingredients that contribute to good taste
2112 Pinocchio in the mouth.
Reading this novel is a father who will have more of a jerk, and who is not will fascinated and intrigued. Reading this novel will love the books more, especially those forgotten, especially those of childhood. Reading this novel is recalling the adolescent first loves, and with them the fear and complicity, the risk of pure desire. Reading this novel you will understand the value of a man's word and the need of some sacrosanct, little, big lies. Reading this novel, like any good novel, you become a little happier to be alive.
It will light when the need was felt in the first pages. Even there, underground.
you should not say more. If I have not yet convinced, listen to some passage in this book trailer that I had the desire to achieve as soon as I closed this beautiful book.
And then, do yourself a gift. Order
Pinocchio 2112 ,