Monday, December 27, 2010

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Myeloma


non v’è superbia
né arroganza
bensì the offer

's mind their own hands as a gift

as you love

Mauro Biancaniello

Friday, December 24, 2010

Windsurfing Melbourne Lesson

Continuum 34 is online. Only

È ora disponibile online la nuova edizione di CONTINUUM, rivista telematica di fantascienza. Anche questo numero, il 34, è suddiviso come di consueto nelle sezioni Racconti, Recensioni e Opere di Saggistica.

Quattro i racconti di questo numero, ovvero La farfalla e la quercia di Gianni Sarti, Alessandra di Donato Altomare, È morto Antonio di Lorenzo Iacobellis, Empatia 6.2 di Adriano Muzzi.

Per le recensioni, Fabio Calabrese ci parla di "Universi quasi paralleli" di Antonio Caronia mentre Gianfranco Sherwood, analizza un altro saggio, "Storia e destino" di Aldo Schiavone; per i fumetti Andrea Carta esamina le avventure di Adèle Blanc-Sec, che in futuro potremo apprezzare sul grande schermo nella trasposizione cinematografica di Luc Besson, mentre la pagina riservata al cinema conta quattro recensioni di Gianni Ursini (su "Avatar", "Transformers 2 "," Outlander "and" Astro Boy "), and to recover from the` Film `Gianfranco Sherwood this time tries his hand at" Cloverfield "and the section ends with the final episode of` cyberpunk 'Visions of John De Matteo.

The ten-year plus Science Fiction (which is also dedicated to the editorial of this issue of Continuum) is the heart of the essay section, with the record of the festival, curated by John Ursini, Fabio Calabrese's reflections, and finally The parallel events of the festival or the submission of "Shi Kong: China Futures" and the novel won the 2010 Premio Urania, or "Lazarus" by Alberto Cola, edited by Roberto Furlani. Finally, the new chapter of the `Manual della fantascienza` di Fabio Calabrese, stavolta imperniato sull'interessante tema della realtà virtuale.

Continuum 34 è gratuitamente accessibile a questo link .

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Quadriderm Para Que Sirve

Christmas Carol

... and a dash of Worcester sauce. How much is a splash? The recipe was reticent. A teaspoon? middle? And why is it called so? Later he checked on Google, but for the time needed to focus on the cocktail sauce for shrimp, which, in fact, they had a very lively, very dead and looked like they were just drowned in the liquid by geological . Perhaps it was a great idea to take the discount. In any case, the starter was ready. The second one was easy: scamorza. A bit 'too easy, probably, not all would consider it worthy of a Christmas dinner, even lonely, but he liked, and that was enough. The dessert was a mini Panettone. Remained the main course, risotto with mushrooms. Porcini. At least, that the said discount.
( The year 2010 opened with the earthquake in Haiti, which has caused over 200,000 deaths : While care is available with everything needed to create the risotto, TV set, a typical transmission of the end of December, ; remember were the top stories of the year). Cutting Board, crescent (tedesca! sharp!: He was proud of it), olive oil, wine, mushrooms soaking, rice (a pound: a person is more than enough). Cipolla. Oil in the pan on fire, chopped onion (the crescent). The broth simmering for a while '(with the nut, it's OK). The previous Christmas had been different, in fact, were not with portions solitary, but best not to think about it, otherwise they would come back the memories, el'avrebbero strangled as a network that tightens around a fish, not letting him escape, escape. No, not memories: it was time to pay the maudlin mush (essential the crescent, was right to buy it!) Oil. Sizzle, smell of good, and now the mushrooms. Turn, stir, turn. Very good. And now the rice shed, turn! Turn immediately! Here, the oil is almost all absorbed. A nice glass of wine (red) and still turn. The liquid becomes solid, the wine disappears, only rice. Broth, quick!
Earthquake in Chile in February.
Here, yes, it was not burned, and even attacked. It will be a great risotto, the important thing is not distracted.
And who could that be? A spoon for not doing more to attack, run to the door peephole. It was the interior 15 or, better, what lived there. And his name? What was his name? Ah, yes, Mary.
"You think it's torch? - Asked him - I jumped the light and I can not fix it .... "
torch, torch ... Yes, there was one in the drawer (and meanwhile a suspicious smell came from the risotto: begging broth). He handed the torch, receiving a promise that he would have reported in five minutes and darted to pay another couple of ladles. But the stock would be enough? Yes, a dinner for ten people.
In late March regional elections. Victory of center-right and the League. Defeat of the Left.
Well, now the risotto proceeded very well. In a few minutes would begin with the first bite.
bell. Apparently the .15 reported int the torch.
But then, what did the Mary already? We had spoken only a few times. When the accident had happened to his wife had come to him their condolences, and perhaps he was still with her husband before he would go away.
"I forgive you - it grieves even before the door opened at all - I realize that on a night like this ... But I just can not turn on the light. The counter attack, it remains on for a few seconds but then jumps around. Not that you could come take a look? I do not understand anything about these things. "
even him, to tell the truth, but it is assumed that every boy is meant to counter and engines, even if an item is less established than it gives for granted the existence of the Epiphany.
"Wait," pleaded showing the palms. He returned to the kitchen and poured a generous amount of broth, lower the heat to levels 15 min and followed her inside, in darkness. By doing expert went to the counter, who knew the exact location as the int. 15 was on his own column, and, armed with a torch, reactivated the switches. The ruddy light came back and he was almost triumphantly spreading his arms to say "See? It was easy "when darkness regained the upper hand. An electrician, he had long ago said, "There must be something short" and he repeated whispering (in the dark do not talk: he whispers) and adding "What's stuck?". The
int. 15 made a rapid examination of conscience and began to enumerare luci, friggitrice, televisore e qualche altro elettrodomestico. «Bisogna staccarli tutti» sentenziò lui grave «dobbiamo capire qual è in corto».
Ma non aveva terminato di sussurrare che gli sovvenne il risotto. A tentoni trovò la mano di lei e le diede la torcia raccomandandole di staccare tutto. Sarebbe tornato subito. Si precipitò in discesa saltando gli scalini a due a due e arrivò giusto in tempo per versare un cucchiaio di brodo all’assetato risotto. Mescolò col fiatone, e per le scale e per il terrore che si fosse attaccato alla pentola, e, quando vide che sembrava andare per il meglio, la televisione  gli ricordò i disastrosi mondiali di calcio dell’Italia e the oil spill off the coast of Louisiana.
Calmly back up and found Mary waiting for him on the threshold of the INT .15, armed with a torch.
"All off" ad appears.
Very good. He rejoined the light switches and hung up. Finally. And he could see the table, more or less the same position of his, but two floors up, this one set for one person.
'Take small steps - urged firm tone and an expert - Reconnect all the devices one by one.. "
began with the lights and, through the fryer and ended with the TV: she was listening to that review, hours arrived at the apartment in Monaco. It was all in order, looked around satisfied and relieved when, in the space of one second, the thought of the mind and burst into the risotto, as if this were not enough, sank into darkness again.
"I must go! Be right back "and rushed down the stairs wedged in a tired little family that went to dinner with some unpopular cousin, their children, who, still on the landing, complained of the misery of the gifts received. The risotto was safe. Broth, taste, there is still a bit '. Placid lift int. 15 where he met Mary, meanwhile, had been taken off everything and turned on the light. You may be combed nel frattempo? Cominciarono dal televisore che, intanto, era arrivato alle proteste in Francia. Ma possibile che si fosse anche truccata? E quando? Tra un mestolo di brodo e l’altro?
«E poi – aggiunse Maria – quando è ritornata la luce ho visto una cosa strana.»
«Una cosa strana?»
«Sì, solo per un attimo. Sembrava che volasse laggiù, sopra il divano»
«Un uccello?»
«Ma no!»
«Un pipistrello?»
«No, per fortuna!»
«E allora cosa? Lo spirito del Natale?»
«Figurarsi. Avrebbe sbagliato strada. Would have to go to those below, you hear them? Will be twenty to celebrate. "
"Yes, I saw them while going down ..."
"Maybe it was just a shadow. Maybe with the lights that come and go ... "
" Risotto, "
" You say that it was a risotto? "
" I have to run '
And as he was about to leave, the light faded again.
"I shall return," promised in the first half of the ramp. He entered the house panting, bunga bunga received by the TV and the protests Terzigno. Taste. It was cooked, the risotto, and moved, he: looked good. Off heat, cover, back down the stairs, other guests as happy as if they were going to a funeral. Mary took him to the landing. Tried again a few times, but its light did not want to stay.
"Do you like rice? - Proposed after the last attempt - maybe there will not be much, but at least we do not spend Christmas on the stairs .... "
Surprise: its fried were almost ready, and even the seafood appetizers. Lacked the spaghetti with clams, because of the light, but she also had a Panettone.
This time they went down together calmly delivering dinner to Mary, and were welcomed by the release of Aung San Suu Kyi e dal diffondersi delle manifestazioni studentesche. Apparecchiò un posto in più mentre Wikileaks campeggiava nel mondo e le migliori giovani intelligenze italiane decidevano di pernottare sui tetti.
Effettivamente avrebbe giurato che s’era truccata. E aveva anche dei begli occhi.
Il risotto fu un successone. Se solo avesse avuto un po’ (un bel po’, in effetti) di sale in meno, non si fosse cotto troppo e i funghi avessero avuto il sapore di funghi, forse (ma solo forse) sarebbe stato migliore. Ma a loro parve ottimo. I gamberetti, a dire il vero, sapevano un po’ di chimica, ma la salsa Worcester ci stava benissimo. E nella giusta quantità. I fritti, poi, anche se erano poco fritti (The light, damn!) Were still outstanding. The Panettone, finally, one without and one with raisins, were divided, half for one.
And students take to the streets, and it seemed that someone started to wonder what would have happened not only tonight, but tomorrow, and even the day after tomorrow.
Mary had forgotten the champagne at his house, but he had, who knows how long, a champagne to celebrate a great occasion ever. Yes, it was lukewarm. Sure, the bottle had a thick layer of dust, but with a pass under the faucet, he returned almost decent.
uncorked and poured in the glasses. True. Ikea, but still champagne glasses. And then the toast, which was very simple, just 'Merry Christmas' and' Merry Christmas to you. "
But the really strange thing in this whole story is that, in the following years, who passed along happily, just could not understand what had happened to quell'impianto electric, because the next day went back to work well, and continued to do so for long. Very long.

published in issue 98 of Ucuntu

and the Italians

Pokemon Silverhow To Make Pokemon Happy

Espérance in musica 2010

few words, the time for a brief introduction to the evening and the first
group ... And then we're off!
flutes, violins, accordions, percussion ...
SottoSopra I'm on stage and immediately understands that this will be a special evening!

Who came to Palapenz Chiasso that night of December 18 has breathed a different air.
Of course, it was still the Palapenz Chiasso, full of memories for us, Momo.
Sure, there were stand where they gave two to drink, for every festival and concert worthy of the name.
But there were the usual stalls.
First, there was only space dedicated to food, with Vietnamese cuisine, culture and too little food present in Ticino.
But above all there were stalls of Emergency, Doctors Without Borders, the protection of animals ... and then that of the hosts:
Espérance ACTI .
You could tell immediately that it was there to have fun, listen to good music, but also to contribute to a noble cause such as charity. And
combine these three features is not for everyone. Yet in music
Espérance is the great success again this year to once a week in a row.

Espérance Espérance ACTI ACTI born in 2000 in Ticino. It is a humanitarian association of public utility with a view to assisting the people of Indochina, a region in Southeast Asia that includes Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.
Espérance carry their help in poor villages, without electricity and, mostly, reachable only by rudimentary boats.
are areas that still show signs and aftermath of wars until the seventies that have devastated these areas. In addition, natural disasters (floods on all), which annually destroy crops and flood homes.
It is unfortunately easy to understand how local economies it hard to recover and the situation continues and remains absolutely critical.
Espérance ACTI is a no implications for political, racial and religious, working with the various associations and local institutions.
And are their own members to go on site, helping to build schools and kindergartens, water wells and bridges in concrete, nursing homes and clinics. For more information
Interview with Murat pelitic, Vice President of ACTI Espérance (Recorded music during Espérance in 2010)

Espérance in music: The event
Espérance in music has become a major musical event that is held regularly for seven years. The whole of the evening was donated for the benefit of Espérance ACTI , perhaps for this reason has always attracted big names in music, not only for their great talents, but also for the strong social sense.
But there are just superstars and even little-known groups Ticino has been given the chance to perform on a stage that over the years has become increasingly well known and prestigious.
And the most beautiful scenes of these evenings always have the feature to show familiar faces, great humility, join the various groups to play together, giving viewers unprecedented variations (but always fascinating) of their songs.
genres of music that you can hear are varied and always clearly demonstrate what many deny it, or that there is more than the usual commercial music, groups who are not content to play four notes, but give vent to their creativity.
Among the many names that have been shown to Espérance in music, the first to The mention are Vad VUC , permanent presence at each event and considered by all the hosts of the event.
And then, just to name the most famous, came also Vomitors , the sons of mother unknown , the Liquido , Sleeping , the Modena City Ramblers and this year , Frankie Hi-Nrg M C .

Espérance music in 2010: evening
This year, we can say with certainty, Espérance in music has been a success.
Success public and a success for the public: that night they felt the new sounds and artists, full of energy. Listen
of new groups such as SottoSopra Pussywarmers and showed how the alternative music scene is alive and Ticino full of energy. See
Frankie Hi-Nrg MC accompanied by two cellos was a real thrill, only a marriage at first sight strange but extraordinarily effective.
And then the icing on the cake, with The Vad VUC that submitted on this occasion a great desire to have fun, widely shared by his audience: when it was announced that their entry has left a cry of enthusiasm that has wrapped around the Palapenz. And with them on stage and there was a living legend, the name perhaps little known, but of fundamental importance in the international music: Steve Wickham . Suffice it to say that it was the violin of this extraordinary man that the same can be heard on "Sunday Bloody Sunday" by U2.
But there was just music, with members of ACTI Espérance who explained their work with passion. It was exciting to hear the vice president, Murat pelitic, jump on stage and yell "thank you!" Fortissimo to the general public.

Espérance in music 2010: Artists
Strictly in order ladder, some brief information on the various artists who participated in this event, correlated with some interviews taken during the soundcheck.

SottoSopra :
I SottoSopra n Ascona in November 2004. Already their first training demonstrates the desire to face the music in full, with two accordion is two violinists who have a repertoire based on traditional songs of various regions and cultures, from Ireland, passing through France and Italy, to get to the East.
Over the years the group has expanded with flutes, percussion and bassoon.

C-H2O - 2010


Interview with upside down (Recorded music during Espérance in 2010)

Pussywar m ers
Before Pussywarmers there were Warrms, who appeared with a cover of punk music. With the arrival of a new singer to change the name of the group together and begin to wander in the endless galaxy that is the world of rock'n'roll. Now combine all the influences (and experience) collected for offer their audience a different sound, which has the common thread of the originality and the desire to get involved.

My Pussy Belongs To Daddy


Frankie Hi-Nrg MC
Frankie Hi-NRG is one of the most famous faces in the Italian rap scene.
His first single of 1991 (From Fight Faida ) soon met with great success. Frankie stands out immediately as a writer and performer committed to social issues. His talent is recognized worldwide and enables to cooperate with several big names of Italian and international music scene, as Giorgio, Daniele Silvestri, Simon Webbe and Nas.
sometimes also relies on guests who participate in its projects even if not directly connected with the world of music. Among these big names just mention Vittorio Gassman and Franca Valeri.
Artist in the round, works with several Italian newspapers (La Stampa, Repubblica, Max, Smemoranda, etc. ..) writing articles critical of manners and social satire. Sought after by television in 2004 led to a season MTV Brand: new and from 2009 provides the voice to the character The Player in the homonymous transmission Deejay Tv And, finally, had the honor of appearing on the big screen in the film Paz 2001.

Verba Manent - 1993
Death of miracles - I was a self-sufficient
1997 - 2003
Rap © Ital -
DePrimoMaggio 2005 - 2008

http://www.frankie .

TV Interview with Frankie Hi-Nrg MC (Recorded music during Espérance in 2010)

Zeno Gabaglio and Claude Hauri

Zeno Gabaglio
he graduated from the Conservatory of Lugano and he improved in other contexts, such as the Basel Music Academy, the Académie Tibor Varga and the Music School of Fiesole. Lover of philosophy, aesthetics is also laurel grove in Florence, with a thesis on formative and improvisation.
Since his career as a glimpse Zeno is an eclectic character, able to take different paths interlayer.
Indeed, he has played in symphony orchestras
in groups of glam-rock bands, to soundtracks,
improvising with poets and dancers.
His style and his strong personality led him to play with famous artists, among which we mention here Frankie Hi-Nrg and Garbo.

Discography: A
- 2006
Gadamer - 2008


Interview with Zeno Gabaglio (Recorded music during Espérance in 2010)

Claude Hauri s i graduated in 1997 as a teacher at the Conservatory of Italian Switzerland, and then obtain, in 2001, the diploma as a concert at the Conservatory of Winterthur.
In 1998 he played the first cello in the Youth World Orchestra of Jeunesses musicales toured Europe and Asia. And for two consecutive years, 2000 and 2001, was awarded a scholarship to international competition from Migros Kulturprozent.
He has many first performances and recordings for the Italian Swiss Radio DRS, Zurich Jecklin, Novecentomusica, EMI and New Era.
addition to being the first New Ensemble Cello Counterpoint of Florence, is active in various chamber ensembles.

The Vad VUC
The Vad VUC born in December 2000 and soon their skauntry Irish folk
insinuates itself into every corner of the Canton Ticino by collecting, from the outset, an extraordinary public approval . In 2004
awarded top national award for emerging artists, the Prix Walo. Over the years they played in

Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy and their popularity has never ceased to grow, allowing them to sign an agreement for distribution in Italy under the Strike Records and has won them the ' involvement of a famous American producer and talent scout, Mike Galaxy, former manager of the famous Linkin Park, who wanted the presence of the band from Ticino in a compilation distributed in February 2008 in California land. In the 11 years
Vad VUC opened their exceptional performances by artists such as
Ska-P, Gotthard, Merchants Liquor, Modena City Ramblers, Davide Van De Sfroos, Simone Cristicchi e La Crus.
Il loro ultimo album, dal titolo La Parata dei Secondi , può vantare la presenza di
ospiti di assoluto spessore artistico come Steve Wickham, Yo Yo Mundi, Gnu Quartet, Claude Hauri e tanti altri.

Murrayfield Pub - 2003
Il Monastero dei Folli - 2004
Live in Cevio - 2005
Trans Roonkaya Express - 2006
The Vad Vuc & Little Orchestra - 2007
La Parata dei Secondi - 2009

Sito web:

Intervista con The Vad Vuc (Registrata durante Espérance in musica 2010)

Steve Wickham
Steve Wickham is an Irish musician described by some as the greatest rock musician of the world.
music scene since the mid-'80s, Wickham is part of The Waterboys and has collaborated with, among others, Elvis Costello, Sinéad O'Connor and U2.
versatile artist, as well as the beloved violin to perfection can play a myriad of instruments including mandolin, saxophone and piano.
Summarizing his long and prolific career in a few lines is impossible, then let you the pleasure of discovering this fantastic artist.

As a soloist
Geronimo - 2004

With The Waterboys
This Is The Sea - 1985
Fisherman's blues - 1988
Romm to roam - 1990
The best of the Waterboys 81 -90 1991
thw whole of the moon - 1998
Too Close To Heaven - 2002
Universal Hall - 2003
Karma to burn - Book of lighting
2005 - 2007

http://www. / stevewickham

Article and interviews by Mauro Biancaniello

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Can Bells Palsy Cause Mental Problems

Cosa sono i profili

As I anticipated in the post "The body image," I am talking about profiles.

everyone has to ask itself and to others: "But what's he like?" The answers (when we find them) are always rough and not very accurate but in the meantime give us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe person.

In the creation of profiles I have sampled the seven types (the miser, the ruminant, the delirious, the sballone, apathy, invisible, adhesive) as described in "The theory of 'crafts education "of prepositions (Vincenzo Masini" emotions feelings ") which correspond to the choice of seven basic emotions as fundamental components of human feeling (fear, anger, surprise / disgust, pleasure, peace, shame, attachment). Obviously, every type is an ideal type , described as basic emotion that has had such an influence for him to be at the root of his way of being. For as different then the real people, however, will not be hard, you'll recognize parts of themselves and of others who know in their descriptions.

In each of these types I have tried to describe the way they are presented and the relationship it has with its external image.
The book "Semiotics of the counseling relationship " Lorenzo Barbagli helped me in this work.

Monday, December 20, 2010

My Dog Has Lymphoma What Should I Do??

mime singing to the forest.

Immaginate un mondo futuro, molto lontano nel tempo, in cui le emozioni sono represse fino a sviluppare leggi che per tutelare la privacy non consentono di rivolgersi con affetto a chi vi siede accanto, o la convivenza fra donne e uomini. Un mondo nel quale tutti i bisogni fisici sono soddisfatti dai robot, nel quale l’amore stesso è bandito, e l’accoppiamento a fini procreativi è praticato raramente, e in rigorosa conformità al motto "Sex is better than cute." A world in which all regularly take sedatives to maintain absolute control over the emotions, and where the curiosity is systematically discouraged.
This would be a world where the desire to live would disappear, and indeed in this New York of the future created by Walter S. Tevis is often seen in public collective suicide, done mostly by students, and on which it is forbidden to intervene to rescue the victims.
For reasons not entirely clear humans are sterile, so this is very underpopulated world: there are only about twenty million people all over the earth, and of course millions of robots, including Nine Series models, made of synthetic humanoids who, because of their advanced manufacturing process, they have human emotions.
The cities lie in a state of disrepair, although they survive thanks to the automation of the robot, which also actually begin to show weaknesses and inefficiencies that no longer has an interest in repair.
addition to everything else in this world no one can read or write. Simply because it is not necessary. The very words that describe these activities have become obsolete and incomprehensible.
In this bleak scenario, one day a man accidentally finds the books, and gradually learns to associate a meaning to the odd characters that you see printed, and so laboriously learned to read, and gradually also to write.
Only mime singing to the forest (tit. orig. Mockingbird, 1980, translated by Silvia Stefani, republished in Italy with a bad title Future trance ) is indeed the diary of the protagonist, interspersed with a few chapters told in third person you reports on the other characters.
The experience of reading brings the main character, Bentley, the confirmation of his insights: the world has its own history, and not everything in this story has always been like it is in today. Thanks to books, Bentley goes on a journey of transformation that the encounter with a woman, Mary Lou, come to a radical change. In spite of the law, this woman is bold, brazen, disrespectful of the rules, able to express his emotions, and conscious of the inferiority of robots than humans. "Let go, robot!" Was a motto that can deter from their purpose even robot policemen.
First Bentley is frightened by Mary Lou and avoid, but then the irrepressible humanity will force him to get on the trail Women, to fall in love, and pay for this transgression with the capture and detention in a prison controlled by the robot.
It is difficult to follow an order to describe the strengths of this book, why are so many. Walter S. Tevis, who wrote just another science fiction novel, or the famous The Man Who Fell to Earth , approaches the genre with the ease of one who is not afraid to cross without becoming stereotyped stereotyped environments. With a story full of humanity, told with a sweet and simple prose that often rises to peaks of authentic poetry, a scenario so overwhelming and all in all not very original it becomes a fertile soil, full of secrets, which the protagonist discovers gradually during his odyssey.
Bentley ventures into a research trip, in its constant hazard expresses the physical risks, far greater, she meets during her odyssey into the human identity. Individual for his personal adventure, and collective, for the rediscovery of the history of mankind and the deep sense of its continuation.
The spark that triggers its internal engine are the books, of which he is constantly hunting.
We follow Bentley when he runs into mysterious and abandoned libraries, we feel her disappointment when forced to compete with empty shelves, rejoice with him and for him when the discovery of a dozen books as manuals for the improbable maintenance robot o dei pensiero-bus gli fornisce l’entusiasmo che riaccende la sua vitalità e la voglia di continuare la sua battaglia solitaria per sottrarsi all’ineluttabile: nel mondo di Bentley gli esseri umani sono diventati sterili, e quella descritta è ormai l’ultima generazione; solo i Robot sopravvivranno al genere umano, e allora, poiché nati per servirlo, saranno anch’essi diventati inutili.
Bentley vive alla costante ricerca di libri da leggere (oltre a lottare per tornare dalla sua Mary Lou) e in realtà sopravvive grazie ad essa, e soprattutto grazie all’evoluzione della propria abilità alla lettura nel desiderio di scrivere, realizzando così il diario della sua vita.
The company controlled by the robot is near the end. Modeled on the criteria of total rationality, indifferent in itself, efficient and regulated, deprived of any trace of emotion and affection, she discovers (through the protagonist's Robot Series Nine, the Dean Spofforth) the completely useless and illogical of human life . In a kind of tacit awareness of the existence of flat and gram offered by the rule of reason, you can not blame the men and women engaged in collective suicide, the abandonment of a human life that has nothing, not even hope and confidence in the mere existence of other possibilities. Bentley is reserved only to a similar opportunities, only if granting Bentley and appropriates it with joy.
Nor can we blame the Robot, Spofforth, who, powerless in front of their intellectual perfection and the impossibility of human being who dwells in it, it is intolerable that the prey of envy causes him to want to actually destroy humanity and let languish in a slow and relentless extinction. Victim of the human side that he was engaged in spite of himself, Spofforth even begins to desire a woman, but her body is perfect for the rest anatomically incapable of mating. Yet the robot subject to surprises, which will certainly not anticipate.
Numerous plans of the odyssey Bentley sono intimamente connessi l’uno con l’altro.
L’apprendimento della lettura e poi della scrittura, la trasposizione in forma sonora (il suo lavoro all’inizio della narrazione) dei dialoghi scritti dei vecchi film muti (il romanzo trabocca di citazioni), l’attrazione per Mary Lou che gli evoca dapprima una timorosa diffidenza e poi un irrefrenabile desiderio (che si realizza anche attraverso l’insegnamento della lettura a Mary Lou stessa), il soggiorno in carcere e l’incontro con poetici compagni di prigionia (indimenticabile la scena del falò sulla spiaggia), la tenace volontà di sopravvivere alla rassegnazione, a fare della propria solitudine una fase indispensabile ma transitoria towards a renaissance.
everything points to the same end, the parallel lines gradually converge towards what happens in the final pages, which come to an end the various levels of travel.
lines merge it into one, just as the written word that Bentley loves so much.
In this novel you will find events and situations that few would know to make plausible a moving dialogue between a man and a bus, a woman bold and fickle but also irresistible ( sigh! ) camped in the living of a reptile zoo, bonfire on the beach around which gather the prisoners in one hour by air stolen from their supervisors, a robot that is stripped to show the irremediable deficiency of his sexual nudity.
smiling, proud reader of the gender gap at the thought that some consider a minor genre science fiction.

For those who wish, in this short extract audio made by me, the main character, Bentley, designs and manufactures the escape from prison where he was imprisoned for violating the prohibition of reading Books and privacy laws.

This post is also on the news portal and sharing literary "

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pinky Booty Weight Gain

Altrisogni: came out the number 2.

It was released a few days the second issue of Altrisogni, e-magazine fiction science fiction Italian horror and weird. We start with the News, news from the publishing scene with our national, recognition of talent, new publications and opportunities for writers. The editors of Altrisogni interviewed for this issue Adriano Barone, comic writer and author of the novel's grin of Harlequin, published by Editions Asengard. Then again the first episode of a major feature article on the techniques of writing stories for fantastic. Completing the magazine reviews of six books of fiction and Suggestions Italian sources of inspiration and tools for our authors. The novelty of the second number is the Altrisogni new procedure to send the stories in the editorial vision.
In this second issue finally went from eight to ten, all previously unpublished stories published.
Authors: Francesca Angelinelli, Valentino G. Colapinto, Matteo Cortini paired with Leonardo Moretti, Mirko Dadich, Riccardo Sickle, Anna Giraldo, Gabriel Lattanzio, Alfredo Mogavero, Maria Adele People and Tanja Sartori.
The cover and interior designs are made by Ettore Biondo.
To purchase, just € 2.88, as usual, to be paid in the portal editor Dbooks, here.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Merilyn Sakova Pregnant

Borderlands: was released on N. 10.

E 'reached Number 10 in the magazine Borderlands , with the dual theme of the nightmare of nuclear and "Arthurian" or a utopia and dystopia approached for 'occasion.
The magazine is available for free download at the site of the newly formed Cultural Association Borderlands , more precise, the editorial page of this new number, or here .

The summary:
Editorial Self-destruction for dummies , M. De Faveri
Tale sweet rain will fall Ray Bradbury Short
There Will Come Soft Rains C. Donati
Reading Road C. Donati
Reading Chronicles of Dopobomba C. Donati
Reading Goodbye Babylon L. Germano
Reading A Canticle for Leibowitz L. Germano
Reading Pebble in the Sky F. Troccoli
Reading The Symbol of Rebirth di D. Mana
Lettura Metro 2033 di L. Germano
Lettura Il Segreto delle Tre Pallottole di C. Donati
Cronaca L’Alba del Nucleare di C. Donati
Scienza Armi Nucleari di C. Donati
Cronaca Chernobyl, Storia di un’Apocalisse di C. Donati
Cinema Testament di Cuccu’ssette
Film TV The Day After — Il Giorno Dopo di C. Donati
Cinema Gli Avventurieri del Pianeta Terra di L. Colombi
Animazione Quando Soffia il Vento di Cuccu’ssette
Lettura An American the court of King Arthur F. Viegas
Reading The Mists of Avalon E. Romanello
Reading The Crystal Cave D. Di Bartolo
Reading The Last Enchantment D. Di Bartolo
Reading Day Fatale C. Del Buono

Reading The Winter King V. D'Alberto
TV movie Merlin P. Motta
Cinema Camelot J. Berardinelli
Cinema Excalibur of Cuccu'ssette
Cinema First Knight of Cuccu'ssette
Cinema of King Arthur D. Beaten
Legends True Sword in the Stone L. Garlaschelli
Culture Arthurian Myth C. Crosignani
Music Tristan and Isolde GL Rossato
Cinema of Akira L. Colombi
TV Conan D. Mana
Cinema Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind A. Tripodi
TV Ken (1) S. Baccolini
TV Ken (2) S. Baccolini
TV The Sword of King Arthur (1) M. De Faveri
TV series The Sword of King Arthur (2) M. De Faveri

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Monika Roccaforte Movies

guardando la colonna che guardò Bukowski

Young sent

the war from their fathers and
from their mothers and
by brave hearts

not understand
not accept
who remains

not sacrifice for the noble cause


pariah in the eyes of those who know

that perhaps will die

sense of duty

envy in those eyes


in the mind of a boy who wants to live

as does


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Couple Marraige Congrats Msg

Trilogy "Timeliner, Richard C. Meredith.

We talked about Richard Carlton Meredith in this blog about two years ago are affected equally by the novel "The mercenaries of the time" ( At the narrow passage ) and the unfortunate life of the author, who died at 42 years of age, when his literary production was reaching a pinnacle of success, and then almost forgotten by the general public.
"The mercenaries of the time" is actually the first volume of a trilogy (and the only published in Italian) whose two sequels are headed No Brother, No Friend and Vestiges of Time .
The whole saga has been published in several editions in English with the catchy title The Timeliner Trilogy, which I've got a used copy on the Internet, in good condition and at a nominal price.
sull'arcinoto The story is the theme of parallel universes, however, that in these novels is brought to a level, so to say, extreme. Its originality lies not so much the idea of \u200b\u200bskiing, as in a clever and intriguing as it is developed.
Eric Mathers, the star, sells la sua opera professionale di soldato ad una misteriosa popolazione aliena, i Krith , che gli affidano incarichi di guerra attraverso gli infiniti universi paralleli. Il protagonista si muove quindi fra molteplici “linee” temporali alternative, e così scopre via via tasselli di verità che ignorava, e che accrescono gradualmente il suo disorientamento e l'angoscia di essere strumento di una macchinazione gigantesca, sullo sfondo di una guerra senza quartiere fra misteriosi Krith e una fazione di umanoidi che a questi si oppongono. La maggior parte degli eventi storici che avvengono, e delle guerre che si combattono in tutti i mondi, si configura pertanto come la manifestazione apparente, nell’ here and now of each parallel dimension, a timeless conflict between these two antagonistic groups of power, each pursuing its own goal occult.
The first novel starts in a line where you fight a centuries-old war between Great Britain, who suffocated in the blood both the American and French revolution and a modern Holy Roman Empire that controls the mainland of Europe to then twist in the basement of headquarters' American Republican Army, or the underground army fighting for the independence of the United States from England.
At the end of the story told in the first book, the protagonist comes to the certainty of being been the victim of a "big lie", whose true nature is likely to unveil, and not at all, only in the two later novels. Against the backdrop of war, fought in different universes sometimes with advanced weaponry, sometimes with rudimentary tools, it carries the inevitable love affair with a woman, Sally, and a large number of possible adventures Mathers with the most beautiful women and sensual world of each visit (in this respect, the ease with which these women fall at his feet is quite unbelievable, to be honest, but you can not turn a blind eye on this male weakness).
In the two later novels, scenarios in which the protagonist moves, during his daring escape from incessant and both factions are completely different from those used in the first. Overall, the trilogy is configured as an epic militaristic, Odyssey space-time, running through worlds with unpredictable implications. You go from dark trench warfare of the first novel in a setting tones slightly steampunk in the second, up to a more classic science fiction-style in the third book, which became the prevailing theme of time travel and that, almost ante-litteram of human cloning (the third novel dates back to 1978).
surprising about how some of these elementi narrativi siano trattati con un’abilità e una disinvoltura che altri autori mostreranno non meno di dieci o venti anni più tardi, con riflessioni, soprattutto sull'argomento clonazione, che anticipano discussioni a carattere etico piuttosto posteriori nel tempo.
Questa miscela di temi così diversi fra loro potrebbe sembrare azzardata, ma in realtà la sapiente capacità dell’autore di districarsi fra mondi differenti e credibili (che cresce in modo tangibile, al pari del livello di scrittura e capacità di affabulazione, dal primo al terzo romanzo), e la coerenza di un io narrante che si impone sui vari mondi senza mai perdere la sua forte identità, la sua ricerca di giustizia e libertà, rappresentano Indeed the strength of a story which, although so long, never falls into repetition and monotony (subject to certain digressions in the second and third novel, which are useful, however, presumably as the first narrative connections for those who not read the three books in one block).
The language is quite simple, to the point of being understandable to those who mastered English in a complete, and soon becomes a habit with jargon that the author creates in order to characterize the two warring factions, such as "Timeliners", supported by Krith and "Paratimers" incurred by their opponents, with their kits and means to move weapons among the thousand worlds.
A reading that advice to the few remaining fans of so-called "hard science-fiction."
To conclude, I would say with a bit of satisfaction that during these two years I managed to get in touch with the author's wife, Joy, who has appreciated my Wikipedia page creation on him, providing also some useful information to complement them.
I also learned that an American independent filmmaker, Robert H. Gwinn ( site) , intends to acquire the film rights to shoot a movie based on the novels of Richard. I hope that this project will soon come to see light ( in the bottom of this post the first draft of the cover of the screenplay based on the novels ). Please
finally those who want to join the Facebook page Richard C. Meredith.
costs just a click .
Or rather, as the author to represent the leap from a "line" in a parallel timeline, just a "flicker".

This post is also on the news portal and sharing literary "

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Why Do I Wake Up With Kidney Pain In The Morning?

The Used Book Fair of Milan tomorrow at the start.

kicks off tomorrow, December 5, at Hall 1 of Fieramilano City (via Scarampo street corner Theodoric) the 'The 2010 edition of the Used Book Fair of Milan, which will close Wednesday, 8.
The salon is just a wonderful concentration of stalls offering everything. Science fiction is the host, and still appears in many of them, also between retailers do not specialize exclusively in the genre.

Among the exhibitors specialized in science fiction, we indicate angle Pedro (Nee friend Roberto Pedretti), the stall number 34, the Great Bazaar the legendary Andrea Járóka the number 334, the Yellow Kid Library from 296 to 304, Friends of the Vine Editions , Arese (MI) at No. 231, Sci-Fi and ... more of his friend Dario Vaghi at nn. 235-239, fantasizing Books to stall 243, and Yellow Sci to nn. 318-320, 363 and the Supergulp FBE editions the stand 342.
And the more you have, and so forth.

All the information in the official website the event.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Heilige Schutzengel Original

Our culture

"What, you want a cigarette?".
"Thank you, but I do not smoke. I say, there are new obstacles to my request? ".
"What? No ... yes ... But that just did not want 'is cigarette? ".
"No, thank you again. As for my question, I thought I had collected all the necessary documents and resolve all problems.. "
"Oh, yes, not say no. True, true, there is everything. Do not bother, right? ... if I smoke. "
"I personally do not, but I think it is not: remember the Law 3 of 2003 (known as Sirchia Act) which prohibits smoking in the workplace ...."
"Here, it seemed. But yes, there's some problems, in fact. The documents are in place in order. All, there is everything. And 'that the documents are not enough, the cards are not everything .... "
"Of what else do you need?".
"Here, that is, you see. When you go to a place need a little 'respect, then, yes, adapt to the customs, in short, how to do those where you go. And 'other people's houses, in short .... "
"I think I have made in this regard, numerous attempts.."
"And I do not know? I see, I see you efforts. And 'if you want you have Italian citizenship, as I can I say, a bit' appropriate, no? To those that are the traditions, no? That is, the Italian culture.. "
"I would remind you that I have two degrees, one specialist. In Italian literature, as perhaps will see looking through the dossier.. "
"Visa, visa. No, nothing to say, a little Italian, 'you know, almost as much as me, but there is only a matter of language. The culture of a people is something a little bit more complex .... "
"But I also carried out studies of historical and legal. If you have the goodness to browse the documentation you will find the certification examinations carried out at .... "
"See, see.."
"And also in the past ten years I have not broken any rules or laws. You may notice only the certificates of deposits, bills, the fee on municipal waste, the fee Rai, the receipts of payments of the building, the mark for such a car, insurance for the same el'abbonamento annual public transport, in addition to all other payments or payments for the University, the ticket health, voluntary and mandatory insurance, Social Security contributions. I have not received fines for infringements of the rules of the road because I never committed .... "
"Never, I'm proud."
"I mean, Rai also the rent? ".
"Certainly, it is a legal obligation."
"Here, indeed, you see, what I was saying ... I mean, culture, customs of the nation. Here, that is, over here is different, is part of our culture. That is, even the canon of Rai .... "

"But I have an exam in constitutional law."

"I see, I see. No, is that the study, law, literature, ie, do not say no, are also an important thing, and some say no (to school, I also read almost all of The Betrothed), but the real culture is something else. Here we must adapt, that citizenship is a serious matter.. "
"I must therefore assume that my application will not be accepted?".
"No, not now, but not necessarily in the future. See you maybe in six months, no?, So maybe you adapt a bit, 't'ambienti a bit' better. In June. The fee Rai, in short, is not required. Then, you know, here we have the family is important. "
" Even with us. I am proud of my family, I love my wife and children. Here, I've got photos of them.. "
"And I do not know? Even my family is important. Very. If in June, Captain, a little thought, a sign, as it were, a sign of gratitude ... At the bottom of your hosts, no?, here, you know, these things are important, our culture, family.. "


Inform the Italians to resist
number 97 of Ucuntu

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Windowblinds 6.02 Patsh

A Chiasso

The define dirty

soul and body.
not accept the black
particular cut of the eyes,
the different traditions.
They say it is old,

Eppure è viva,
V’è gente per strada,
gente che ti parla,
gente che ti sorride.
Hanno un colore diverso,
nel corpo
e nell’anima.

È una città ricca,
ma povera.
ma tradizionalista.
Con molta voglia di fare,
ma solo pochi ad attivarsi.

Today a stranger spoke to me

in line at the supermarket.
has a beautiful voice,

is gay and loves animals.
We laughed and joked
then we said goodbye.
we meet again,
except by chance,
but no matter.

Mauro Biancaniello

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reflector Telescope Reverse Image

DBOOKS.IT THE WAY FOR THE CONSCIOUS EBOOK - Producing and distributing ebooks respecting the uniqueness of digital


Via Piero della Francesca 32 20154 Milano (MI)

Via Monfalcone 57 20099 Sesto S.
Giovanni (MI)
fax +39 02 36531809. +39 02 87399133

produce and distribute ebook respecting the uniqueness of digital

Milan , November 18, 2010

"The ebook is the future of the book "everybody says, but many experts think it really? Above all, how many are really gearing up to support the changes that lead to this prophecy to materialize?

The great realities of the press began a slow and cautious exploration of the new field, but on them rests the enormous weight of a superstructure and an economic model that, although full-blown crisis, may not leave as soon as possible: difficult to imagine that they are pushing the digital migration in a determined and resolute.

Yet for those who are striving to follow the development of new scenarios that the technological revolution continues to offer the advent of the digital book had long been widely announced, as is already apparent the opportunities and challenges it would create.

and the conclusions drawn from this account that, in early 2009, was born on project, a portal to all Italian activities in recent months, designed to collect, produce and distribute digital books in the forms and procedures allowed by new technologies. The stated aim of is therefore to provide a reference point in what will be the electronic publishing revolution. The portal, in fact, is not just a new store sales and production for the ebook Italian and foreign publishers, but also as a library of content while test space for future writers. not born as a wishful attempt by amateurs to ride a wave glimpsed a bit 'before the others, but by a conscious and deliberate choice of a group of professionals who have a professional background "classic", derived from a long militancy in traditional publishing.

What aims to offer partners and customers is:

• A professional and respectful editorial production of the required parameters for the construction of objective quality products exploits the agility of the new formats to bring new authors to the attention of readers, while maintaining high selection parameters initially and building a quality product that editorial is no less than professional. For this, he resorts to editors, artists and illustrators - newcomers and established - to offer all the added value that a publisher must be able to give their books.

• The ability to submit editorial content in a format other than the usual exploits the agility of the new formats to new authors propose the attention of readers, while maintaining high selection parameters initially and building a quality product that editorial is no less than professional. For this, he resorts to editors, artists and illustrators - newcomers and established - to offer all the added value that a publisher must be able to give their books.

• The ability to submit editorial content in a format other than the usual not only proposes a simple digital version of a text, but in context depending on the content, taking advantage of everything the format has to offer to make its contents more interesting and its most effective impact: different sizes, multimedia, hypertext. The growth prospects of the ebook are the same as aims to explore and exploit to the fullest.

• A specific approach to promotional product
For each book, is able to structure a communication plan specific, able to reach the potential audience. This opportunity is realized mainly through the internet, given that the advertising of products on the library card has often proved ineffective and self-respect if not the few titles of great attraction. Thanks a network of collaborations with the authoritative voices of the web, has the ability to communicate effectively its initiatives, each of which offers a promotional plan aimed. This is what the Web allows those who are not satisfied with the simple inertia proposed advertising page.

• A distribution channel effectively and immediately, with appropriate conditions of sale to the new scenario marketing not only their own books, but is also meant to showcase and sales promotion ebook for products from Italian and foreign publishers. Its e-commerce system is made safe and reliable by the partnership with Banca Sella and allows you to purchase the titles available and download them directly to your computer or portable device. The published products using the most common and widespread, so as to allow maximum use by all. I have adopted the PDF format, readable on the computers, the ePub, used by most mobile devices including iPod, iPhone and Apple iPad, and Mobi Pocket sponsored by Amazon. The ebook will have a cost of approximately one third of the average cover price of paper books and will, if requested by the editors partner with protection systems (DRM), and the proposals presented by a will have no protection systems invasive.

For more information:
The press releases may be obtained at:
Tel +39 02 36531809 +39 02 87399133 Fax

Contact: Luigi Lo
Forti - Chief Executive Andrea
Factors - Managing Editor
Sabrina Rossi - Art director

36dd 28 Tokyo Street Fashions For My Size?

GET ALTRISOGNI, e-magazine fiction fantastic


Via Piero della Francesca 32 20154 Milano (MI)

Via Monfalcone 57 20099 Sesto S.
Giovanni (MI)
fax +39 02 36531809. +39 02 87399133


Via Monfalcone 57 20099 Milano (MI)
fax. +39 02 87399133

e-magazine fiction fantastic

Milano, 12 novembre 2010

Altrisogni è una rivista digitale aperiodica di narrativa. Nelle sue pagine il lettore di fantascienza, horror e weird troverà notizie, articoli e racconti. Il magazine corre infatti su due binari paralleli: servizi giornalistici e narrativa inedita. Economicamente vantaggiosa, assolutamente ecologica e dichiaratamente innovativa, Altrisogni si scarica tramite Internet e si legge su telefonino, lettore di ebook e computer.

Altrisogni: il magazine digitale
Pubblicata dall’editore e distributore milanese (, Altrisogni è un magazine calibrato per un pubblico di scrittori e confezionato per avidi lettori. Nelle sue pagine room service items are for those who love genre fiction, interviews with authors, news and reviews. The magazine has an eye for players with a strong creative streak and tested for the writers, in fact, the book contains suggestions, articles made of fast and nimble handling of ideas, inspiration and resources to write compelling stories and documented.

strong element of his fund is Altrisogni narrative: the magazine is indeed a showcase of Italian writers, established or newcomers who want to grapple with the horror stories, science fiction or weird. Each issue contains stories of varying sizes, all characterized by a strong fantastic. Featured for the young singer took his first steps, Altrisogni is also a platform with a large circulation, where the author is already known compositions can carry less "commercial", just like the stories. Thanks to its presence on the Internet there is no place on the planet that can not be achieved by Altrisogni: a record unmatched and unattainable by the press 'traditional'.

as "paper", Altrisogni is highly innovative. As a digital magazine, is not carried out on paper, but in PDF, ePub and Mobi. With this choice, Altrisogni is purchased through the internet and then "downloaded" on your computer (PC, laptop, tablet like the iPad) or next-generation mobile phones (the iPhone and its like). In an age which sees the debut and development dizzying ebook as a tool for reading, Altrisogni could not even be ready to seize this opportunity: in fact the magazine is enjoyed even by those who have an ebook reader.

For each issue there is the possibility to download a free preview (for the first issue is 20 pages) from the site editor. The preview is made from an extract of the magazine includes stories and articles, and can be downloaded here:

The first number
Friday, September 17, 2010 is the date that saw the publication of the first issue of Altrisogni. Consisting of 86 pages in PDF format well, the magazine of is enriched by the beautiful cover by illustrator Antonio Dessì. Inside are a special kind of Italian publishers on publishing emerging authors, an interview with a writer who is no longer the rookie: Alberto Cola, winner of the Urania, 2009. Cornerstone of this issue are stories written by established authors and newcomers kind of talent: eight stories signed by Angelinelli Francesca, Luca Ducci, Simona Gervasoni, Alfredo Mogavero, Massimiliano Monti, Corrado Sobrero, Francesco Troccoli e Fabrizio Valenza. Il primo numero è un colosso da 86 pagine, venduto a soli 2,88 euro.

Qualità professionale
Lo staff redazionale di Altrisogni è costituito da professionisti dell’editoria con svariati anni di presenza nelle redazioni informatiche e tecnologiche italiane. La grafica del giornale è moderna e fresca, concepita per offrire il meglio a lettori esigenti e amanti del testo, senza pregiudicare un aspetto snello e dinamico. La qualità del comparto narrativo è garantita dalla collaborazione di editor, scrittori e profondi conoscitori dei generi trattati. Anche per la promozione, Altrisogni si è avvalsa di video professionals, thanks to which it was produced an evocative trailer / spot, visible here:

Area talent

Altrisogni not a magazine out of reach for readers, by contrast, is highly interactive and collaborative drawing is constantly looking for new talent in writing and illustration. Its doors are open to writers of genres of horror, sci-fi and weird, and also to designers and illustrators. You can get in touch with the editorial staff by sending an email to

Information Specifications:
Altrisogni n.01 - Digital magazine of horror, sci-fi and weird

Published by: - \u200b\
Channel distribution: download
Pages: 86 Price
: 2, 88 €
Available formats: PDF, ePub and Mobi

For more information:
The press releases may be obtained at:

Contact: Christian
Vito and Dominic Antonini - Publishing Coordinator: