Thursday, January 20, 2011

Legal Alternatives To Adderall

L’urlo del politico terrorizza anche lo spettatore

A look at Italy in recent months, comes to me to make a proposal: send journalists and politicians to do politics ... well, to make something else.
I say this with bipartisan spirit, because, wishing to generalize, the two political counterparts are expressed, each with one word, while the right uses only "mystifying" the left can not say anything except "resign."

I open a parenthesis to explain better:
One evening the Prime Minister has Ballarò vented by telephone, giving the program several epithets such as "mystifying". Since then, every member of the PDL uses the word in every sentence that says (one wonders what to say to the bartender in the morning, I hope not "mystification, make me a coffee.").
Meanwhile the cry of resignation is so strong, but also because there is silence around. We realized that all the opposition wants Silvio Berlusconi to resign, but would be very nice to be mean to their future voters what they will do if this happens in practice?

close my parentheses and go back to the original speech, giving an example:
Tonight was Annozero one member of the political journalists and 4 (plus one in the link from Washington). Now forget for a moment that the politician in question was Mr Santanchè and therefore has rant for 10, but when they spoke to reporters there was a different air. In fact, let us chance: the political talk shows take a sledgehammer to hours, interrupting each other, talking loud and attacking the opponent with the desire of a lion. Instead, the journalists always speak with respect (yes, I know, there are well-known exceptions). Sure, sometimes part of the joke, sometimes sinking, but still very cool, well aware that they want to assert their right but that what is More importantly, who is at home watching wants to hear about the facts, wants to be fully informed.

Anyway tonight was Annozero Mr Santanché. As usual all stopped, shouting to the world his version of events, clinging to facts so remote that for a moment I feared that begin to talk about the Hundred Years War. There was a penalty for those who do not respect freedom of expression, Mr Santanché tomorrow are living under the bridge: He did not give anyone the chance to make an argument in its entirety. Tones, I assure you of an incredible violence, that violence should be banned from public debate, ma di cui, purtroppo, l’onorevole in questione è solo il capo di una lunga fila di bandiere con molti stemmi.
A lei si è contrapposto il modo e i toni di Concita de Gregorio. E ancora una volta questa donna, dotata di intelligenza e garbo raro, non ha potuto terminare un ragionamento. Ricordo una sua intervista a “Parla con me” in cui Serena Dandini diceva di essere felice di poterle parlare tranquillamente, visto che, di solito, nei talk show viene sempre zittita in malo modo.
In Italia ci troviamo, a mio avviso, davanti a un sistema d’informazione televisivo in cui della politica non si può dibattere in modo civile, davanti ad una violenza che ormai ha travolto gli spettatori (ovvero gli elettori di domani) tanto da renderli assuefatti, incapaci di voler udire i VERI programmi politici dei partiti in tutte quelle miriadi di parole sparate come raffiche di mitra.

Mauro Biancaniello


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