Monday, January 31, 2011

How I Became Addicted To Amphetamine

Il profilo "Ruminante"

(vd. il post: " Cosa sono i profili " )
Personalità formatasi intorno alla rabbia (generata nel bambino dal mancato appagamento del desiderio di attaccamento alla madre) ed alle energie attivate nel tentativo di scavalcare o distruggere gli ostacoli che si frapponevano. In termini di disagio può essere persona aggressiva (o depressa), reattiva e collerica; in termini di risorse, impegnata, protettiva, motivata al lavoro.
Si presenta con fisico solido e ben piazzato, spalle strutturate e gambe possenti; può essere magro o corpulento but always well-toned muscles. Walk with your torso leaning forward and the pace fast and energetic.
His is a tough and determined look, more "cutting" that direct the expression on his face serious. Tend to gesticulate a lot and his movements are fast and powerful, his handshake is firm and powerful, the way he talks fast, with few breaks, a fairly high volume. His clothing
is informal, practical, often sporting scruffy sometimes, especially when the ruminant is the depressive phase. Derive no pleasure dall'acconciarsi, clothes for him are only a social obligation and a shelter from the weather. Weather permitting, like to discover the body, but also in women, is not a "sexy skimpy" but the desire for hassle-dress. The accessories are practical, solid and absolutely necessary.
Personal hygiene is not particularly accurate and the hair tends to practicality rather than form.
The skin is often red, tending to seborroico at a young age has rosacea and sometimes later. The woman hardly
ruminant makeup (makeup when you can not improve much on his appearance), is also less than a shave and, if his hair is too obvious, it does so only in summer or exigencies.
For the ruminant 's appearance exterior is of secondary importance (this is the guy who says "I bado content") but still keep to their fitness, aware that he needs to have the energy he needs.
If you decide to take action to improve their appearance means that the belief that improving the image as necessary to achieve its purpose, in this case we advise to leave, just not to waste time on what they need but, by itself, does not interest him. Again the ease and convenience of the result is still the "conditio sine qua non" for the acceptance of any intervention.
of the "signs of time" matter little to the ruminant, never lose hours (and dignity, "he would say) for lifting or similar and even less invasive treatments are not thinkable: anti-wrinkle cream and eye may be the most that can be reached if in person or in any career of extreme visibility.
The ruminant can find "relief" in the food: in moments of particular tension, and there is no such object on which to deploy the excess charge, the binge is not a pleasure but un'autoaggressione granted.
less attractive feature in the image outside of the "ruminant" is a certain coarseness of dress and manner. Furthermore, it is often too transgressive, which may remind the viewer: "You seem not to want to please ... well, not like you." The ruminant
would need to be convinced and test the dual effect that may have to take some 'time for self-care: if you allow a bit' of time itself ("pulling the plug") again improved and more effective if it "looks good" gains consensus and takes less effort to plead their case.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

With A Freesat Recorder Can I Record From Sky

Il pubblico votante

Sitting comfortable
your competitor in this clash of gladiators in an arena
fought with shouts

No matter what I say as long
tell violently
surclassi that with his voice

And if you can not see blood
ti rifugi nel monologo
d’un attore che t’espone la verità
la verità assoluta

Perché recarsi
al freddo in una piazza
dove non ti puoi nemmeno sedere

Perché informarsi
leggendo lunghe righe
quando hai pronto il riassunto

Ami i gladiatori,
le urla e gli attori,
i monologhi e gli slogan

Seduto comodo,
sul tuo costoso divano,
davanti al tuo costoso televisore,
you choose who to
a gift for you that has little value

Mauro Biancaniello

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Watch Los Hombres De Paco Full Episodes

Two good books will be presented together in Rome, February 2.

Mixed Doubles, in Rome, Wednesday, Feb. 2.
19.00, at the Library of Flexi via Clementina 9 (in the beautiful and lively Monti neighborhood, that is, from portions of Via Cavour) there will be a double book presentation.
Both volumes are worthy of attention and presence: in fact question the science fiction novel The Flight of Maiorana (Boopen), Andrea Angie, Carbonaro and swore the famous trophy itself RILL, and more linked to the recent anthology Trophy Rilla, Reflections enchanted worlds (U.S. Games), which collects the Trophy winners rill and challenges of 2010.
opportunity missed. The Flight
will also be presented in Naples on February 5, at the Libreria San Paolo, Via Depretis 52-62. The news on here. Interviews with autori dell'antologia Riflessi invece qui . Infine il sito di Andrea Angiolino, qui .

Sunday, January 23, 2011

5.1 Output Labtop Hdmi

Outgoing "other realms" by Richard Matheson

Ricevo dalle Edizioni Fanucci e volentieri pubblico il comunicato stampa relativo al nuovo romanzo di Richard Matheson in italiano.



In uscita  a Febbraio 2011

Richard Matheson
Altri regni

Pages 288 ISBN 978-88-347-1677-9 14.90 €


"One of the most important writers of the twentieth century."

Ray Bradbury "The writer who has influenced me more than anything else."
Stephen King

protagonist of this engaging thriller set in the England of the early twentieth century is an American military enlisted during the First World War, witnessing the death of a British soldier, his friend, who asked him, on his deathbed, to reach its country of origin, without any clear why. Evocative and surreal atmosphere are the backdrop for a thriller at times verges on fantasy and reaffirming the greatness of linguistic and stylistic Richard Matheson.
Richard Matheson, born in New Jersey in 1926, forged the taste and characteristics of the 'fantastic' contemporary, deeply affecting other languages, from movies to comics to video games. In addition to writing stories and detective novels, science fiction, horror and fantasy, has worked with film and television, writing some of the most memorable episodes of The Twilight Zone . Many of his works have also been adapted for the screen, including The Shrinking Man, I Am Legend, that has inspired three films, and The Box and Other Stories , from which the film was taken by Richard Kelly starring with Cameron Diaz. During a career spanning over fifty years, Richard Matheson has won numerous awards, including the ' Edgar Allan Poe, Bram Stoker and career. Fanucci Editore has also published six thousand Nightmare metri, Duel e altri racconti, Ricatto mortale, Io sono Helen Driscoll, La casa d’inferno, Tre ore di pura follia.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Legal Alternatives To Adderall

L’urlo del politico terrorizza anche lo spettatore

A look at Italy in recent months, comes to me to make a proposal: send journalists and politicians to do politics ... well, to make something else.
I say this with bipartisan spirit, because, wishing to generalize, the two political counterparts are expressed, each with one word, while the right uses only "mystifying" the left can not say anything except "resign."

I open a parenthesis to explain better:
One evening the Prime Minister has Ballarò vented by telephone, giving the program several epithets such as "mystifying". Since then, every member of the PDL uses the word in every sentence that says (one wonders what to say to the bartender in the morning, I hope not "mystification, make me a coffee.").
Meanwhile the cry of resignation is so strong, but also because there is silence around. We realized that all the opposition wants Silvio Berlusconi to resign, but would be very nice to be mean to their future voters what they will do if this happens in practice?

close my parentheses and go back to the original speech, giving an example:
Tonight was Annozero one member of the political journalists and 4 (plus one in the link from Washington). Now forget for a moment that the politician in question was Mr Santanchè and therefore has rant for 10, but when they spoke to reporters there was a different air. In fact, let us chance: the political talk shows take a sledgehammer to hours, interrupting each other, talking loud and attacking the opponent with the desire of a lion. Instead, the journalists always speak with respect (yes, I know, there are well-known exceptions). Sure, sometimes part of the joke, sometimes sinking, but still very cool, well aware that they want to assert their right but that what is More importantly, who is at home watching wants to hear about the facts, wants to be fully informed.

Anyway tonight was Annozero Mr Santanché. As usual all stopped, shouting to the world his version of events, clinging to facts so remote that for a moment I feared that begin to talk about the Hundred Years War. There was a penalty for those who do not respect freedom of expression, Mr Santanché tomorrow are living under the bridge: He did not give anyone the chance to make an argument in its entirety. Tones, I assure you of an incredible violence, that violence should be banned from public debate, ma di cui, purtroppo, l’onorevole in questione è solo il capo di una lunga fila di bandiere con molti stemmi.
A lei si è contrapposto il modo e i toni di Concita de Gregorio. E ancora una volta questa donna, dotata di intelligenza e garbo raro, non ha potuto terminare un ragionamento. Ricordo una sua intervista a “Parla con me” in cui Serena Dandini diceva di essere felice di poterle parlare tranquillamente, visto che, di solito, nei talk show viene sempre zittita in malo modo.
In Italia ci troviamo, a mio avviso, davanti a un sistema d’informazione televisivo in cui della politica non si può dibattere in modo civile, davanti ad una violenza che ormai ha travolto gli spettatori (ovvero gli elettori di domani) tanto da renderli assuefatti, incapaci di voler udire i VERI programmi politici dei partiti in tutte quelle miriadi di parole sparate come raffiche di mitra.

Mauro Biancaniello

Monday, January 17, 2011

Best Washing Machines

It was released on N. Living Force 29 is released

In distribuzione il numero 29 della rivista ufficiale dell'associazione Yavin 4 , di cui riporto di seguito il sommario, bellamente copiato dal sito degli amici Yaviniani, sottolineando la presenza del mio racconto La fine vera dell'Umanità .

COVER: “TESB: Carbonite”, disegno di Daniele “Lord Darth Virus” Rossini

EDITORIAL Charles "Kin Men Go" Corey


NEWS STAR WARS UNIVERSE, edited by Alexander "Gunnm" Bottin & Drafting
FANTASTIC NEWS & SCIENCE FICTION, edited by Fabrizio "Zen" & Casu; Preparation

- YAVINCON 2011, by the Governing Council
- The new membership card Y4 (Indiana Jones, by Daniel "Lord Darth Virus" Rossini), edited by Philip "Jedifil" Rossi
- Collaboration for discounts on modeling, edited by Darth
May - Report from the 2010 Reunion, edited by Navar
Space Prophecies,
Episode VI - The sixth edition of the story runner-up 2009 / the 2010 Literary Contest + Hall of Fame, introduced by Maico "Admiral Navar" Morellini
- "The true end of Humanity" by Francesco Troccoli
Parma Fantasy Yavin 4 to 2010 / pp. 8
- History, edited by Navar
- Pursuit Potter V, Francesca "Lady Arwen" Delli Turri
- Intervista a Robin Hobb, di Paola “Shmi” Cartoceti
- Conferenza di Navar (Y4) & Franco Manni (Endòre) su Tolkien/Martin, di Andrea Fusco (La Barriera)

- SPECIALE 30 ANNI DI EPISODIO V, parte 4 (di 4) - TESB di Kin Men Go (Y4) & Mariachiara “Maulchiara” Micaelli (Allied Force fan club)
- TCW stagione III parte 1 (di 3), a cura di Gunnm

Rubrica LA VECCHIA REPUBBLICA (Videogioco di Ruolo Online di Star Wars), a cura dei Tusken Raiders
- Special videogame TOR

Category EAST VS WEST, edited by Claudio "Tomino" Cordella
- "Heroes of Space. Amuro Ray against Luke Skywalker "

Category BLACK SUN LIBRARY (Literature)
-" The Genre Fiction Fantasy "Part 2 (of 2), by Franco Manni (Endor)

Category Hogwarts (Harry Potter)
- Gathering in Trieste for "Deathly Hallows Part 1" by Gunnm, two reviews of the Deathly Hallows movie, Gunnm & Ale_padmé

Category Mirkwood (The Hobbit), edited by Lorenzo "Saeb" Pedretti

Category ZION (Matrix), edited by
- "The Extra-Loop" , Joseph "Konte" Graceffa (

Category HoloNet STATION (cinema and TV)
- Review of "Inception" Maico "Admiral Navar" Morellini
- " Cine-Horror! "Maico" Admiral Navar "Morellini
- MAD MOVIES: The Fanta-film dell’inverno 2010/’11, di Fabrizio “Zen” Casu

“Semplici coincidenze”, fumetto di Csam Cram

Friday, January 14, 2011

Lego Mindstorms Nxt Alpha Rex Instructions

Il profilo "Avaro"

(see the post: "What are profiles )
His personality has formed around the different ways to repel, control and manage the fear, the result of the experience of pain. In terms of individual self can be uncomfortable, selfish and anxious, with a great need for control over events and others, in terms of resources may be reliable, responsible, practical and capable of taking care of things and people.
It looks head held high, standing upright and with stiff gait. Little gestures and even his face is very expressive: his eyes and lips. It has a pretty slow way of talking and a few interjections, his attitude is rather controlled, diffident, his handshake strong but tends to alienate the other.
's the type that looks, searches and lets you watch putting himself in a position to "pass the best examination" but that, aware of the importance of the look, try not to leave their emotions leak out, not surprisingly loves his glasses alone, which in some cases also serve to hide dark circles (not uncommon that the miser is suffering from sleep disorders).
Veste search (if you can afford it signed), rather classic, often all in the same color or carefully matched, very provocative, but not banded, opaque and ever sexy. His clothing care è costante, non è mai trasandato, spesso decide e prepara in precedenza cosa indossare; nota l’aspetto altrui e giudica gli altri anche dalla loro immagine. Tendenzialmente non ama i colori vistosi, accetta di indossarli se si accorge che contribuiscono a migliorare il suo aspetto e magari fanno parte della collezione del suo stilista preferito. Veste più sciolto, senza rinunciare all’accuratezza, nel tempo libero. I suoi accessori sono di qualità e ben conservati.
Della cura del corpo fa parte una igiene personale minuziosa: l’avaro è sempre accuratamente lavato e deodorato, quando usa il profumo (per anni lo stesso) lo fa con parsimonia.
Anche i capelli sono sempre visibilmente curati: con taglio piuttosto short and suitable for a human face, from short to medium long and sometimes linked in women. For her
the trick is always the same, accurate, not showy. The controls and remodeling. Make love not be unless it is satisfied, for demonstration had, to have improved: in this case, however, his last touch. For the miser
outward appearance is a business card, the end of his "present well" than to be loved or accepted is to be respected and be acknowledged its superiority. The cult of the body may impose sacrifices (diet, fitness, cosmetic procedures) possibly not detected (or accepted nell’ottica di “salute e benessere”).
In quest'ottica il soggetto avaro può cadere nella “ortoressia”, cioè nella ricerca ossessiva di cibi “sani” , assolutamente biologici, iperselezionati: tentativo (dal suo punto di vista) di conservazione della salute ma in realtà estensione del bisogno di controllo ad ogni ambito dell’esistenza, sua e della sua famiglia.
Se, per sopraggiunti motivi (problemi di salute, incidente, ingrassamento, conseguenze negative di terapie...), avviene un peggioramento di quello che considera il suo aspetto standard, può andare in crisi: passeggera, se potrà attivarsi per tornare al meglio, piuttosto pesante se il danno provocato is not reversible. Fear the passing of time and available treatments, provided they are not too obvious. The desire for perfection
of failure led him to be always active to maintain / improve their image, but if, for mishaps, finds himself in trouble, its inflexibility prevents the response of the business as usual, triggers fears of being inadequate, increases anxiety and get the impasse. An example: invited to a party that is believed to be among friends at a party where many flaunt stylish clothes searched. The first thing you think is going back to change clothes ... but did not prepare anything ... .. there is little time .... Were avvertirlo….ma che figura…A questo punto, non avendo modo di attivarsi nella maniera che conosce… si rovina la festa.
La caratteristica meno attraente , nell’aspetto esteriore dell’avaro è l’aria di perfezionismo eccessivo ed artefatto (non gli pende un capello) con cui si cura e sceglie l’abbigliamento e la rigidità con cui si muove. Mancano, di conseguenza, la fantasia e l’estro di chi si cura per il piacere di farlo e si abbiglia come fosse un gioco divertente e la scioltezza di chi si sente a suo agio dopo essersi curato. E manca la sensualità.
L’avaro avrebbe bisogno , per migliorare la relazione con il proprio aspetto esteriore, di “rilassarsi” the results already obtained. It should be "reassured", from the impracticability of excessive expectations, calling attention to the real (loving) itself, which is part of the pleasure of enjoying what you get.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Viavox Para Que Sirve


resta un vuoto
che m’avvolge
e mi commuove

nel non poter
tornare a vedere
il tuo sorriso

resta un vuoto
che non si riempie
con i ricordi

of remorse have you dedicated
too little of my time

In the absence
remains an empty

in that chair

Mauro Biancaniello

Saturday, January 8, 2011

How Much Should I Pay For A Gun At The Pawnshop

N. 7 of The Dead Zone Magazine.

Il sito La

Rivista trimestrale di Horror, Fantascienza, Fantasy, Mistero
e tuto ciò che è fantastico
nella migliore tradizione de La Zona Morta.

È uscito il numero 7, che contiene i racconti The Trophy winners Centuria III and The Dead Zone , a new episode of "Clelia & Willem" and the continuation of "The hunter of spirits, RG Veda, the Necronomicon, a lot more.
on this issue (and any arrears) also 20% off Christmas.

Available on here

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tax Implications Gold Coins

A pochi passi dalla strada del Natale

The sound of wings that move,
gulls and pigeons
- city and sea united -

The lady looks,
carefully . Each handful
is fast,
"Nobody is excluded,
will feed you all."

He continues,

A handful
gaze wandering,
- and the beasts
food and crowd around her
then a gesture,

Only you,
the city as fast as the frame.

Mauro Biancaniello

Ozcor Remote Car Starter Installation

“Giorni memorabili” di Michael Cunnigham

I finished the first chapter of this book wondering what would happen to the characters appeared in over one hundred pages, all involved in the life of a strange boy who worked in the New York mid-nineteenth century.

So with expectation and worry (because Cunningham is fantastic to know to create empathy between the reader and the characters in the story) I started the second chapter.
I found myself in front of a woman of today, in modern New York.
And several pages looking for links between the two stories, a clue that would tell me what was the fate of the characters I had learned to love in the previous chapter.
only response I got to my first point of interest. Meanwhile
read and wondered why that chapter was like a thriller.
of Cunningham I know some work, I know that is very good in structuring a plot, to allow the reader to enter the character's head and follow the vicissitudes of personal. Yet this does
thriller and I found myself glued to this novel for a few days time to finish the second chapter.
and these terms at a crossroads. Again
curious to know what would happen and sure, this time to get answers. D’altronde l’autore nei suoi libri era sempre stato incentrato sul passato recente e sul presente…

Inizia il terzo capitolo e mi ritrovo nella New York del futuro. E il protagonista di questa storia è un androide.
Stanco di pormi domande mi sono lasciato andare, mi sono goduto il viaggio che l’autore ha narrato.

Il libro l’ho finito, anzi l’ho divorato.

Non so dirvi a che genere appartenga e, sinceramente, poco importa.
So che è una storia (perché, ve lo assicuro, è un’unica storia) che vale la pena raccontare.
So che è difficile trovare un filo conduttore valido come quello creato da Cunnigham per legare storie di diverso genere.
Ora so che Cunnigham è un autore molto migliore, molto più versatile di quanto avessi potuto immaginare.
Ora ricordo che un romanzo non deve fornirci tutte le risposte che abbiamo cercato nelle sue pagine, che una storia può anche non finire.
Ora ricordo che vale sempre la pena ascoltare chi ha da raccontare dei “giorni memorabili”.

Mauro Biancaniello

Abbiamo parlato di “Giorni memorabili” di Michael Cunnigham – edito da Bompiani nella collana “Tascabili Bompiani”

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Brazilian Waxing Ottawa Forum

Audio-Interview with Ursula K. Le Guin

DMAE Roberts, award-winning artist and author radio, has recently produced a radio documentary on Ursula K. Le Guin for Stage and Studio, a program that covers art, literature and other events relating to the state of Oregon.
The documentary, lasting about half an hour, covered many topics, including the latest project by Ursula Le Guin, Out Here, a book of poems and illustrations, with photographs by Roger Dorband. Other topics include the author's approach to literature and narrative, his opposition to the 'Authors Guild on the agreement with Google, and his thoughts on gender in the literary arts.
    • È anche disponibile come podcast in iTunes
(fonte: SFWA , traduzione mia)