Saturday, November 20, 2010

Primolute And Pregnancy

Policy I am

Monsignori Excellencies, Ladies came from, and of noble birth. Let not my surprise these conditions, because my father was quell'ingegno that among the 'exalted mortal of spices is considered first. Of quell'Aristotile, talking, and that supernal battezzommi gave me 'the human intra-ranking things.
Policy I am, and They turned me the best minds de'secoli gone. Reggitrice and ordering of the world was I, for one reason so and so many life and death: not a few, in fact, invoking and worshiping me, gl'occhi closed to light. Superb leaders dispersed, and innalzai humble soul that I was oppressed and used to go the rest of hope and promised a better tomorrow for those who had the sad today. I became a science, not sol'Arte, since Ser Machiavelli's my nature to unveil world. In saecula and years that followed changed my language, so how else change the world. It happened that an increasing number were my lovers, not only do 'ceremonious courtiers and apartments seduced and was invoked, but, indeed, my suitors came together to sing my praises, salons de 'bourgeois, taverns and cafes. I was the muse of those who erected barricades in Paris in July that the world news and other time opened. Whole peoples, servants of the rapacious greed of the thrones and dominations, s'avvidero then my existence, and began to woo. For my sake, and who else?, Put their shovels and left frames, men made hard work by stealing the coveted hour rest come with me and dream of the sun of the dawn. Failed to enumerate libraries dedicated to me, the books written in my honor and abundant love and faithful fans who honored me their very special attention. Yet it was not enough, that more and more time went shortens the distances in the world, unsuspecting people first began to learn each other of mutual existence, and subjects deprived of rights and representation they realized to be citizens . Liberal distant and vast continent from colonial rule and learned a lot thanks to me so many words until then unknown and one in particular, democracy, fell in love. There was no diva rival fans to me: I was quoted everywhere and everyone took care of the daily discussions in homes, schools, camps and workshops. Still my language changed, while endless masses rose in my name, entire economies and stopped the man and the woman gave the illusion of being able to decide their own future, against all abuses and all injustice. To the extent that proceeded the awareness of the inherently subject antagonists are the antithesis in the dialectic of power dynamics, triggering counter-reaction and / or counter-power which exposed the falsity of the superstructure undermining the very basis of the dominant structure. I was art, science became, then technique but, finally, today, craft and careers. I do not know, my beautiful, because i lost my best lovers. I remember beautiful young with his eyes clear and sincere to me that would overcome any obstacle, remember wonderful men, higher intelligence, to me, all devout and faithful. I have left you, now, and tell you the truth, you are not beautiful and not so cute. Do not you love me, I know, I used you need. Because of course, always like me, right? I know that nobody is more for me but for my blowjob in many they are under. So come on, I have for you all. It does not cost me anything, I learned to do it without thinking. Or rather, think of those young people in love with bright eyes that turn back, yeah, come back, I hope, and do not leave me here forever to suck your cock flaccid pulled up to Viagra.

the Italians and the number 95 of Ucuntu


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