Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Have A Nice Dream Lyrics

D'Arcore the Nullocrinito

nullocrinito the quick brown fox 's Arcore the sad fate that caused endless trouble agl'Itali since, as a boy, he realized that he touched, in jest of the gods, was changed into shit. His friends books leggevan heroes, adventure, but not him, who immediately acrid smell of sewage prendea paper, which has become tough in its hands hygienic, and also used; calciavan than the ball, but at trial he seemed a beetle, dung ball in his life that pushes them to camps, the others dragged children to take pleasure from building castles and knights, but he could nothing if not dense sewers and dung. The money only at the touch of the fingers remained the same since, I sien witnesses poets and wise men of old, the devil is dung, and to change are not able in that already is.

Soling and shunned, in litter and money immersed up to her chin, now grown up, he saw that television could look without touching. And he bought, and then another, then two, and one hundred percent and to fatten his mansion. And when he was satisfied, and there was more space, the principle to buy antennas, and then study, then channels that money, as we know, just did not lack. And before that he had dedicated to the development, certainly not his man, for no one but him, desires to dwell cloaca, but architects pagò e ingegneri e muratori e città intere edificò. Libri non potea leggere, né interesse avea nel farlo, ma editori comprò, e giornali e riviste e persin del calcio s’appagò, non nel giuocarlo, ché gl’era divieto, ma nel collezionar giuocatori e squadre.

Tatto suo fecale non cangiava sol oggetti o cose, oh no: se persona, per accidente o caso, da lui venia toccata, s’anche l’aspetto non mutava, l’animo n’era perturbato e torto. Virginal fanciulla da lui lambita, tosto femmina lussuriosa assai pareva, e a’ vizi assuefatta e usa: vita sua perdeva e null’altro doman era a lei dischiuso se non lo divenir ministra. Uomo onesto, di leggi e tasse rispettoso, in amen divenia, al tocco suo, a tutti gli inganni rotto e cupidigie, di null’altro voglioso se non d’impilar sterco su sterco, sibben dimoniaco, piegando a sue brame leggi e decreti, regolamenti e sentenze, homini e caporali.

Di tal regno era l’imperator supremo, da’ suoi olezzanti sudditi in excelsis elevato, da sue televisioni circondato, quando, per sorte, una finestra s’aprì che dava in su la campagna. Un vento gentile, che pria carezzato avea dolci gigli de’ campi e verdi fronde dei monti e chiari e freschi ruscelli alpestri, irruppe in la merdosa reggia il tanfo spazzando e la fecal corte prostrando. S’avvide allor l’imperator supremo che, fuor di cloaca her, there was a country, if not clean, at least clean, if not fragrant, certainly not stinking. Perceive and think of how to do this for Whole sewer was one. Where he became President, and became President and for many long years and s'intraprese, the tangible touch. The people coming forward, and if changed, not all honest, but at least they are making, became bold, and the changes his country and if first of the "nice" boasts, on its way condoned landfill became so disgusted by the murderous Vesevo yet. Read had the country not all right, but at least polite. What abbattesi destructive storm on frail hut, so he felt and manipulated the rules and constitutions that, in short, his image and became smelled. Everything he touched, and the whole country Cang.

Years passed and one day, at last, reopened the window that caused so much sorrow. No more leaves of alpine, not gentle streams of fresh water, but he knew the air foul dung.

Pago and full as it was then never in his life, because now it was similar between similar and, at last, the stench stench. Published on

the Italians
No 92 of U'Cuntu


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