Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Have A Nice Dream Lyrics

D'Arcore the Nullocrinito

nullocrinito the quick brown fox 's Arcore the sad fate that caused endless trouble agl'Itali since, as a boy, he realized that he touched, in jest of the gods, was changed into shit. His friends books leggevan heroes, adventure, but not him, who immediately acrid smell of sewage prendea paper, which has become tough in its hands hygienic, and also used; calciavan than the ball, but at trial he seemed a beetle, dung ball in his life that pushes them to camps, the others dragged children to take pleasure from building castles and knights, but he could nothing if not dense sewers and dung. The money only at the touch of the fingers remained the same since, I sien witnesses poets and wise men of old, the devil is dung, and to change are not able in that already is.

Soling and shunned, in litter and money immersed up to her chin, now grown up, he saw that television could look without touching. And he bought, and then another, then two, and one hundred percent and to fatten his mansion. And when he was satisfied, and there was more space, the principle to buy antennas, and then study, then channels that money, as we know, just did not lack. And before that he had dedicated to the development, certainly not his man, for no one but him, desires to dwell cloaca, but architects pagò e ingegneri e muratori e città intere edificò. Libri non potea leggere, né interesse avea nel farlo, ma editori comprò, e giornali e riviste e persin del calcio s’appagò, non nel giuocarlo, ché gl’era divieto, ma nel collezionar giuocatori e squadre.

Tatto suo fecale non cangiava sol oggetti o cose, oh no: se persona, per accidente o caso, da lui venia toccata, s’anche l’aspetto non mutava, l’animo n’era perturbato e torto. Virginal fanciulla da lui lambita, tosto femmina lussuriosa assai pareva, e a’ vizi assuefatta e usa: vita sua perdeva e null’altro doman era a lei dischiuso se non lo divenir ministra. Uomo onesto, di leggi e tasse rispettoso, in amen divenia, al tocco suo, a tutti gli inganni rotto e cupidigie, di null’altro voglioso se non d’impilar sterco su sterco, sibben dimoniaco, piegando a sue brame leggi e decreti, regolamenti e sentenze, homini e caporali.

Di tal regno era l’imperator supremo, da’ suoi olezzanti sudditi in excelsis elevato, da sue televisioni circondato, quando, per sorte, una finestra s’aprì che dava in su la campagna. Un vento gentile, che pria carezzato avea dolci gigli de’ campi e verdi fronde dei monti e chiari e freschi ruscelli alpestri, irruppe in la merdosa reggia il tanfo spazzando e la fecal corte prostrando. S’avvide allor l’imperator supremo che, fuor di cloaca her, there was a country, if not clean, at least clean, if not fragrant, certainly not stinking. Perceive and think of how to do this for Whole sewer was one. Where he became President, and became President and for many long years and s'intraprese, the tangible touch. The people coming forward, and if changed, not all honest, but at least they are making, became bold, and the changes his country and if first of the "nice" boasts, on its way condoned landfill became so disgusted by the murderous Vesevo yet. Read had the country not all right, but at least polite. What abbattesi destructive storm on frail hut, so he felt and manipulated the rules and constitutions that, in short, his image and became smelled. Everything he touched, and the whole country Cang.

Years passed and one day, at last, reopened the window that caused so much sorrow. No more leaves of alpine, not gentle streams of fresh water, but he knew the air foul dung.

Pago and full as it was then never in his life, because now it was similar between similar and, at last, the stench stench. Published on

the Italians
No 92 of U'Cuntu

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Information About Medicine Olimelt

Carnival Editions XII

I receive public and the press release by Edizioni XII .

On 31 October this year, for Edizioni XII will be the day of Carnival The new collection out for the series Darkroom, by Danielle Bonfanti and David Riva.
Twelve short stories, as many authors, set in Venice, a mysterious and shadowy, each accompanied by a table, the work of artists Branching .
habits shrunken reality shows each year a new disorder, along with tradition and mockery, disguise and revelation, seduction and horror. The world is upside down the conventions evaporate: is the ultimate paradox, the triumph of the error.
Carnival. Stories and masks stripped and coated by time, shamelessly drawn from wider sources, matching the one rule that you can apply on a day like this: expect more.
In a flurry of confetti conflict.

Authors: Michael Laim, Richard Coltri, Samuel Marolla, Marica Petrolati, David Riva, Alberto Priora, Stefano Andrea Noventa, Davide Cassi, Cora Simone, J. Romano, Gabriele Lattanzio, Zefiro Mesvell. Known names, names on the rise and new names, all enclosed in a frame narrative created by Ian Delacroix and Mario Cella.

The title is already available in advance at the ' eshop Edizioni XII.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Kate's Playground Skinny Jeans

"Nemico, amico, lover ... "by Alice Munro

Tales of Munro have a taste of winter. As I read through the eyes of the mind imagined characters from heavy jackets, days stained by dark clouds. Tales
wearing a gray coat.
But under this coat you are hot bodies, lucid minds.
And hearts of fire.
can be described in one word how the Munro speaks through the thoughts of his characters: Grace.
There is sensuality, is common herb. Veiled but omnipresent.
Moreover, as the feeling separate from sensuality?

Femininity is displayed in all its complexity to the fair player, led by the hand by a skilled presenter, who seems to enjoy giving, at times, simple clues.
are no stories of wizards and elves, there is no magic, there is reality, often bittersweet.
And a patina of gray.

I am a lucky person. While not love stories, when I force myself to read a collection that seems interesting I always center.
“Nemico, amico, amante” non fa eccezione, anzi.

Mauro Biancaniello

Abbiamo parlato di “Nemico, amico, amante…” di Alice Munro – edito da Einaudi nella collana “Super ET”

Make A Toshiba Dongle

Giorgia e la sua difficile relazione...(con il cibo?)

George is a girl who is studying in Milan Emilian origin. It 's always jovial and friendly and only those who know her well know what the hell its measures "abundant". Actually it is a "swing" in the sense that he has twice lost and regained the twenty pounds that plague the Giorgia you put on a diet can lose weight, he is happy and you like it but then triggered the need compulsive food and she starts eating immoderately, to regain all the weight and then look at which is uncomfortable.
She has attended a center that deals with problems of nutrition, was followed by a psychologist, and clear the role played by the bad relationship with his father in relation to the difficulty of Cibba.
Giorgia's father, who works in the "world picture" has abandoned the family when she was nine years old and since then with each other only a few and conflicting reports. The mother remarried a man who wants Giorgia very well and who assumed responsibility for its maintenance. Thanks to psychotherapy
Giorgia took the knowledge that, in his mind, "to be ugly" (his definition) feels of to spite his father, who was a child (it's always been very nice) the exhibited as a trophy ("It 's my daughter, thanks for the compliments, yes, let's say I was rather good ...").
"But now I know that my mechanic and I am sure that I do not care to keep him out of spite, now I want to feel good about myself," he says "why, why did not I keep the weight, I binged and then I despair ?
E 'through the' here and now
"Giorgia which adds a very important element in its route to the emotional well-being: the discovery of" secondary gain "that derives from the conflict with its external image. Giorgia
happens when you do not like it can blame the father of their malaise. In practice: she looks in the mirror, is "big and so ugly" and says that this is the responsibility of his father who does not deserve, the way he acted in time, to be gratified by having what you want (a beautiful daughter to show off). This keeps the top of the girl resentment against the parent. Instead, during periods in which it is gratified by their looks, feels hatred Giorgia decrease and the first emergence of feelings of affection for her father, come to love him is the fear that the sense of guilt against the Mom and her new husband for her father-to-on. Acquired
this new awareness, is the consideration that the love of those who gave us life is provided that is biologically very reassuring Giorgia, who thus will be able to climb more steps to the well-being with itself.
[The beautiful design of Betta Stonic with which I opened the post is meant to symbolize the worms that often erode the mind]

Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Sail To Italy

Le labbra sorridono
nel guardare indietro
all’anno trascorso

introspezione serena
di una vita nuova
baciata dal sole

Compleanno senza musica
ma con il ritmo
d’un cuore a cui piace battere

Mauro Biancaniello

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Live Messenger 8007007f

Anansi Boys.

Nancie Charlie (Charlie said Ciccio ), American transplant in England, is a clumsy and shy man, and has launched an uncertain marriage with a strong-willed English woman, Rosie, provided unbearable mother / mother-in-law in tow. Ciccio Charlie is employed, and under the thumb of a ruthless manager who is cheating the customers of the company, and a father whose life is marked by the pure fun, with a particular fondness for karaoke, and beautiful women, with these two elements for the most time together. Ciccio Charlie hates her nickname, which, despite himself, finds himself stuck on time addosso in ogni fase della sua esistenza. Da suo padre ha ereditato la passione per il canto, ma non riesce a superare il nodo che lo assale alla gola ogni volta che si cimenta con essa.
Un giorno la sua vita muta radicalmente: suo padre muore durante una performance canora, caracollando sul seno di una cameriera del locale in cui si stava esibendo (nulla di diverso da quanto soleva fare prima del decesso), e nella vita di Ciccio Charlie appare all’improvviso uno sconosciuto fratello, Ragno. Intorno alla scoperta dell’esistenza di questi ruotano poi tre anziane e arzille signore dall’aria vagamente stregonesca.
Ragno si rivela l’incarnazione di tutto ciò che Ciccio Charlie avrebbe voluto essere (e che un tempo si sospetta it was): it is charming, confident, vibrant, and features a magnetic eyes and a speech is always convincing. The women give themselves to him like the leaves in the autumn breeze.
Soon Rosie's blows and settled in his home, revealing more and more annoying and unbearable.
Moreover, Spiderman can do whatever he wants, because he is a god . And he was a god also their father, the late Anansi.
To get rid of him, and with the help of old ladies, Charlie venture between the gods and makes a pact with the bird-woman (a deity that manifests itself in all kinds of birds anywhere in the world), but then regret the suffering caused thereby all'ingombrante brother. Ciccio for Charlie, in fact, more than a blood relative, Spider is almost ... a part of himself.
the clash between the gods is also involved in Tigre, who hates the progeny of Anansi, because they spent all his time making fun of all the other gods, and why in particular the late Tigre had stolen the power of stories told by men .
is a lightweight and grotesque story that Neil Gaiman it offers us Anansi Boys, a novel that is its rightful place in the genre "Urban Fantasy" currently in vogue. The story, not without a humorous value throughout the UK, reflects the eclectic spirit of the author, former Hugo Award, Nebula, and Bram Stoker in 2002 with the previous American Gods, and author of graphic novels and film and television writer (take for example Sandman, Stardust and Coraline ).
Anansi Boys would be well suited in effect an adaptation illustrated in comic strip form of films or better yet, maybe animated. I even suggest the elegant and well-chosen subtitle the chapters consist of short prologues and appealing for their contents. The atmosphere
suspended between dream and also remember the surreal, at times, the Tim Burton of the unforgettable Big Fish, in particular the unsolvable relationship of the protagonist with the embarrassing image of the father but also a great magician, and tells stories.
are especially welcome to those who wrote two elements in which we can perhaps find the meaning of the novel, or the idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibility of recovering the best part of putting itself into play in life (especially in relation to a man with women ), and the resulting happy ending, now so rare and valuable.
Although the dialogue and the story is peppered with stereotypes of nature "film" Anglo-American (which strengthen the conviction of the possibility of an effective adaptation, although not too original), this novel is a pleasant and recommended reading.
A vague set of feelings, finally, suggests that the original language would be preferable to an opinion just the best. But it's just a guess, more than ever respectful of the work of the translator.
For an audio version of the first pages, go ahead here.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kates Playground Bandana Set

Pisa Book Festival

Due Pisa Book Festival 2010 will be held October 22 to 24 minutes and in which we point out a few selected events:
-la final phase of Fantareale Slam , or if the literary short story on which the book as a fantastic player, organized by the School of Homer and writing from Pisa Book Festival. The eight finalists will be read stories by the same authors Friday, October 22 at the Palazzo dei Congressi di Pisa, at 18, facing the public and the jury of Pisa Book Festival;
-a meeting Oct. 22 at 15 (orange room, Palace of Congress), entitled "The consumer publishing. How does the reading time of internet" which will be Carlo Bordoni, which he said he will talk about literature in general and therefore also the magazine IF - Insolito Fantastico , il cui numero 5 è in uscita in questi giorni;
-la partecipazione, per quel che possiamo evincere dall' elenco degli editori, dei seguenti espositori più o meno presenti nell'area della letteratura di genere: Edizioni Della Vigna , La Penna Blu , Greco & Greco , Il Foglio Letterario , Cut-Up , Marcos y Marcos e Tunuè .
Buona partecipazione a tutti i presenti!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Information About Funny Dresses

Annozero 33 -2

Da tutte le parti politiche si dice che vige aria da regime nell’informazione televisiva italiana, dal centrodestra fino alla sinistra extraparlamentare.

Intanto giovedì sera Santoro ha terminato quella che potrebbe essere l’ultima puntata prima di una “pausa forzata” di due settimane cantando a squarciagola “La libertà” di Giorgio Gaber. Era sorridente, le ultime parole della trasmissione (terminata con l’immancabile ritardo) sono state: “A giovedì prossimo.”

I toni del direttore generale della Rai, Mauro Masi, il 13 ottobre erano un po’ diversi, did not seem so relaxed after receiving comments on its decision: "I feel a disproportionate many declarations that invent conspiracy and completely fictional scenarios, curiously forgetting the main point of this whole affair. And that is that millions of Italians have seen on live television, which sends an employee to blatantly that his country capoazienda. This is totally unacceptable in law and in common sense. Everything else is crap. "

Thus, according to Masi, everything else is crap.
Well, I take note.

So it's crap that a television broadcast, which employs dozens of people being suspended to punish a only culprit. Annozero not called "Santoro show, not a monologue where Santoro long hours shooting with a camera planted in front of him. There are other operators, other journalists, some have permanent contracts and other work on commission. And these people will be paid for the two points that should jump?

crap is done to remove the two episodes for transmission by the high ratings, which in fact no sign of decline and, in fact, they collect fine bucks in advertising Rai? I know, a fool any, that the revenues derived from broadcasting advertising and that if these programs if the row is not no money did not come. I think the director Masi will be equally informed.

Yet these arguments do not seem to bother him. According to him, Santoro has been punished in accordance with the regulations. So it seems that we are faced with a director of a group of broadcasters who believe in the rules, and a man standing upright, which do not affect the salaries of employees of his company, which even affects us that this same company of beautiful smeno money.

The now famous "Vaffan glass ..." Santoro was perhaps a bit 'too much, in my humble opinion there was no need to put it. Santoro then that is good at playing the role of martyr or paladin I certainly will not be the first to say so. A penalty for his compartment was there? Mr. Masi states di aver agito nel pieno rispetto di regole ed io gli credo. Mi chiedo però se non era il caso di valutare un tipo diverso di sanzione.

Sono inoltre convinto che come direttore di un servizio televisivo non puoi permetterti di non mandare in onda per due puntate una trasmissione di successo, non puoi farlo per il rispetto dell’azienda per cui lavori. Perché se la Rai fosse un’azienda privata, i proprietari si sarebbero messi le mani nei capelli per questa decisione e poi avrebbero subito tentato di chiamare il signor Masi, di certo non per fargli i complimenti per la sua rettitudine e per il rispetto delle regole.
Personalmente la scelta di Masi mi pare manchi di senso della realtà applicata al sistema televisivo e mi fa sinceramente doubt him as a director of a public service that is paid with the contribution of Italian citizens.

And if Mr. Masi continue saying that there are "entirely fictional scenarios", for my part I repeat that it is said that air exists in the information system from Italian television.

Mauro Biancaniello

Jewel Tones Color Wheel


Hypnotic body
my eyes were stuck
urgent call
of ancient sexuality

Lust for wolf
my mind wraps
runs the ' instinct
lucidly canceled

The beast I'm
imagination is freed
a satyr
respectful of human semblance

Mauro Biancaniello

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mount And Blade Heroes Guide

Invasion of ultrashort Edizioni XII.

Ricevo e volentieri pubblico il comunicato stampa dagli amici di Edizioni XII.
XII Editions announces the arrival of a new library in the title of the series Pygmies.
"Corti - Season " ("Invasion of ultrashort " ), edited by Raffaele Serafini, will be available in bookshops from October 10 next . Sixty-six short stories, from one row to a page of twenty different authors contained in a small book suitable for reading speed in any situation. The cover is threatening
work, like almost all recent publications of the publishing house Lecco, the brilliant duo Branching .

Relentless, irriverenti, bizzosi.
Un’invasione di racconti minuscoli, pronti a mordere in poche, pochissime righe.
Le storie di venti autori che non disponevano delle parole sufficienti a raccontarle.
Eppure ci sono riusciti.

Gli autori.
Valchiria Pagani, Roberto Bommarito, Marialuisa Amodio, Mirco Dadich, Angelo Frascella, Davide Cappadona, Simone Lega, Gloria Gerecht, Stefania Mosoni, Paolo Azzarello, Maurizio Bertino, Paolo Di Pierdomenico, Noemi Turino, Enzo Milano, Andrea Viscusi, Matteo Carriero, Simone Corà, Gabriele Lattanzio, Danilo Giovanelli, Kandido Burenson. Nuovi talenti affiancati a firme rinomate dell’underground di genere. Esclusi gli ultimi quattro, invitati come ospiti, gli autori si sono dovuti guadagnare la partecipazione “sul campo” attraverso una lunga e difficile selezione, che ha visto centinaia di racconti in gara per diversi mesi.

Il curatore.
Raffaele Serafini nasce a Udine nel 1975. Diplomato in ragioneria e laureato in Economia scrive poesie da sempre, ma si dedica alla narrativa solo più tardi. Appassionato di libri, musica, blog, mare, e lingua friulana, lavora ormai da diversi anni nell’ambito dell’istruzione secondaria ed è insegnante di materie giuridico-economiche. Attualmente cerca di perfezionarsi nella forma racconto, scrivendo spesso di tematiche vicine al fantastico, all’horror and noir. He received several awards for poetry and haiku, and has established itself in fiction contests at the national level. He has published stories in various magazines and collections of small publishers.

The title is already available at the discounted preorder e-shop Edizioni XII.

For more information see card Courts - Season on site XII Editions. From here you have access to the card printing.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Heilige Schutzengel Painting

To my true love I

My dear Anna, I am sure that little Matthew does not have anything serious: it is normal for children to accuse, to seasonal changes, the small ailments. Our dear friend, Dr. Alberti has comforted you: there is nothing to fear. And as you could ever fear anything with a caring and loving mother like you? My darling curse distance, not because it had some kind of concern for the health of Matthew, but for that you can not be around to cheer and reassure you. I guess, even if in your letters do not mention sleepless nights next to the bed of our small. I, like you're there, jump to your face every cough, every sneeze. Honey, I've said many times already, but let me repeat again: you're the best wife I could ever dream of. I was not mistaken, that night a decade ago when, seeing your face in the crowd of girls present at the party, I found the courage, overcoming shyness and raising your sweet blush on your face that made me instantly fall in love with you, to invite you to get ice cream and then leave you my number Phone. Honey, I'll soon be there with you and laugh together, these small concerns.

Sweet Rebecca, your lines just come moved me as I happened to time or, perhaps, has never happened in my life. I wonder which man can be called lucky if I, if not addressed small and unworthy of your art, what matters most, your love. The estimation and admiration I feel for you give the step only the joy of knowing my forever. My heart is yours, sweet Rebecca. I will never return as I would like your poem with the same money but, of course, I can reassure you that my love for you is not afraid, and do not ever fear, modesty and hesitation. Rest in anxious anticipation of your new poem dedicated to me which I have mentioned in your last. I count the days, I said it would be ready within a week: I will be less painful to endure to hold your breath waiting. See you soon, my dear, very soon. Yours forever. Adored

Carmen, I think back on last night and I wonder how he can wait another week without dying, without going crazy. Relive your smell, your eyes that you screwing up while your lips are close to mine, your hands caressing me, and my hungry looking for the treasures that I reserve, the unbridled passion followed by tenderness, as the storm, roaring, follows the first droplets rain. And consumed the night, the rainbow in the morning, light and serenity of the feelings after the storm hugs. I love you, my darling. I will die, yes die! before Wednesday. But today, I can still think of your hair and your eyes ...

The water lapped at his feet. It was already dusk, the tide going up, and returned a little later would have deleted the new love, born that day and narrated by a stint on the sand just moist. Since he was shipwrecked, twenty years before, on quell'isolotto lost in the Pacific, the only survivor of a tub on his last journey, had gradually out of paper and pens, and even bottles.
remained the stick, and the sand, a huge blackboard with the rhythm of the waves, forget every night and every morning imagined.

the Italians

and the number of 88 Ucuntu