Friday, July 23, 2010

Rhino 5 Ratchet E Clank

La mia personale esperienza

[Design Betta Stoinich]

writer knows something of the battle with the mirror: for years I have fluctuated between anorexia and bulimia, hated my nose, concealed my ankles ... The work I
done on myself has been long and on two fronts: I tried to improve my face, learning to Tucci, I did sports and gradually I got used to feed hunger and the pleasure of food and not stress or self-punishment. And while I was trying to understand why it was so important for me to picture (and it was enough to have made a profession).
After years of working as a beautician and after a year of academy of makeup I started going to the professional field of fashion, and I realized that even the models are envied and worship in peace with their appearance. The terror of the pimple, cellulite, bags under the eyes of a kilogram or more is less common for them (also in consideration that image live and earn their living with that) than we do other work.

Working with the bodies of others establishes a special relationship, an intimacy that you realize that it would be nice to be useful beyond the waxing, massage or make-up, when the person with whom you are in contact has difficulty sharing with you, says, I have often felt uneasy about not having the tools to be helpful, going beyond a temporary "improvement of the facade."
Because when there seems like there could not fail to love each other and imagine that it will be harder for others us know e vorremmo essere diversi e temiamo di non poter cambiare..........Tante volte mi sono trovata di fronte persone che mi presentavano in vari modi il loro senso di inadeguatezza, che poi era stato anche il mio ed io non ero in grado che di dare “un ritocco migliorativo" che non scalfiva certo il disagio.
Poi è arrivato il “counseling”, gli studi e la pratica come “terapeuta nelle relazioni di aiuto”, tre lunghi anni di lavoro su me stessa e di approfondimento sui meccanismi delicati della mente, e mi è servito moltissimo. I miei amici sanno quanto mi ha migliorato la vita. Mi ritengo molto fortunata, e se posso condividere questo cambiamento con altri.....mi pare proprio bello.


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