Chapter twenty-seven
«Prego, può entrare».
La segretaria, con vellutato fare da Gran Sacerdotessa dei Misteri, annuì severa in direzione della porta. Il momento era arrivato, l’incontro col Gran Capo.
Il Ragioniere, abituato a stanze felt crowded and sweaty minutes and silly in front of the big desk, alone, occupied the space available to him, the accountant and surveyor Bertenghi Perella. The plant, then a palm tree worthy of the botanical garden, he could receive under its broad canopy even Dr. Velluri which, as we know, very fond of sweets. And then there is also the question of Dr. Martes, in effect, but she was, however, very careful line. Recently had to leave his bedroom, Dr., to fall in their promiscuity. Space needs, said the company, rental cost, the premises must be reduced and you have to make a sacrifice. Dr. he had not given peace, poor, and it was during those weeks that he became interested in Eastern philosophies up to leave, some time later to go to santoneggiare in India. Gaining weight as well, however, but when the Bookkeeper crossed the threshold, the management was still studying Dr. marketing texts in English, was very attentive to the line and could have fit comfortably in the palm of the great vessel.
"reason, just you," the Chief received him kindly. Fascinated him of confidential talks on the maximum economic and business systems, put aside the shameful secret in fact known to everyone and then told him that they offered a new opportunity. Generally, when the Chief or Head Staff talk about new opportunities allude to the possibility of finding enough subjects to write the twenty-seventh, the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth chapter of the essay "cut your veins and die in happiness." But this was an opportunity challenger, and then you could reach with nonchalance to thirty-six chapters. Comunicagliela when he almost beat the raps on the door. The High Priestess cried outrage at the sacrilege and right sides of trade unionists and went mad. Tesa
the atmosphere, the reasoning would have liked (and could, in fact, given the size) hiding behind the palm, but the first of those trade unionists rushed against the table salmodiando a gran voce “inaccettabile”. Si riferiva, s’apprese poi, all’ultimo ordine di servizio emanato dal Personale.
«Venti! E’ fuori discussione» sbraitava paonazzo, lacrime agli occhi, muscoli contratti del collo, spalleggiato dal non meno esasperato compagno che controcantava “inaccettabile!” in ottava superiore.
Il Capo allargava le braccia e si rendeva conto, ma erano esigenze di servizio.
«E’ fuori discussione» barrivano i sindacalisti.
«In Cina hanno accettato le cinquanta» constatò il Capo col tono che non sarebbe per nulla sfigurato anche in caso di “In principio era il Verbo e il Verbo era presso Dio”.
«Ma we are not in China "tried to argue the union, evidently well versed in geography.
"And then it means that we are moving into China," including the head nodded, with that stern authority which is to say yes to the good surgeon, you must operate, it is necessary to save life, is ethics.
"Three, not one more" relaunched the union. At the end
mediarono twelve, not more than twelve lashes to turn in case of failure to comply with working time. But the Chief was convinced that this step would then be nothing left in Italy. He was not up to date, and with the global market. The unions, moreover, did not understand the modern world.
"We were saying? - Times when the union took leave to draw up a statement dripping with a sense of responsibility - Ah yes! challenging opportunity. "
the Italians
No. 82 of Ucuntu
Monday, July 26, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Rhino 5 Ratchet E Clank
La mia personale esperienza
[Design Betta Stoinich]
writer knows something of the battle with the mirror: for years I have fluctuated between anorexia and bulimia, hated my nose, concealed my ankles ... The work I
done on myself has been long and on two fronts: I tried to improve my face, learning to Tucci, I did sports and gradually I got used to feed hunger and the pleasure of food and not stress or self-punishment. And while I was trying to understand why it was so important for me to picture (and it was enough to have made a profession).
After years of working as a beautician and after a year of academy of makeup I started going to the professional field of fashion, and I realized that even the models are envied and worship in peace with their appearance. The terror of the pimple, cellulite, bags under the eyes of a kilogram or more is less common for them (also in consideration that image live and earn their living with that) than we do other work.
Working with the bodies of others establishes a special relationship, an intimacy that you realize that it would be nice to be useful beyond the waxing, massage or make-up, when the person with whom you are in contact has difficulty sharing with you, says, I have often felt uneasy about not having the tools to be helpful, going beyond a temporary "improvement of the facade."
Because when there seems like there could not fail to love each other and imagine that it will be harder for others us know e vorremmo essere diversi e temiamo di non poter cambiare..........Tante volte mi sono trovata di fronte persone che mi presentavano in vari modi il loro senso di inadeguatezza, che poi era stato anche il mio ed io non ero in grado che di dare “un ritocco migliorativo" che non scalfiva certo il disagio.
Poi è arrivato il “counseling”, gli studi e la pratica come “terapeuta nelle relazioni di aiuto”, tre lunghi anni di lavoro su me stessa e di approfondimento sui meccanismi delicati della mente, e mi è servito moltissimo. I miei amici sanno quanto mi ha migliorato la vita. Mi ritengo molto fortunata, e se posso condividere questo cambiamento con altri.....mi pare proprio bello.
[Design Betta Stoinich]
writer knows something of the battle with the mirror: for years I have fluctuated between anorexia and bulimia, hated my nose, concealed my ankles ... The work I
done on myself has been long and on two fronts: I tried to improve my face, learning to Tucci, I did sports and gradually I got used to feed hunger and the pleasure of food and not stress or self-punishment. And while I was trying to understand why it was so important for me to picture (and it was enough to have made a profession).
After years of working as a beautician and after a year of academy of makeup I started going to the professional field of fashion, and I realized that even the models are envied and worship in peace with their appearance. The terror of the pimple, cellulite, bags under the eyes of a kilogram or more is less common for them (also in consideration that image live and earn their living with that) than we do other work.
Working with the bodies of others establishes a special relationship, an intimacy that you realize that it would be nice to be useful beyond the waxing, massage or make-up, when the person with whom you are in contact has difficulty sharing with you, says, I have often felt uneasy about not having the tools to be helpful, going beyond a temporary "improvement of the facade."
Because when there seems like there could not fail to love each other and imagine that it will be harder for others us know e vorremmo essere diversi e temiamo di non poter cambiare..........Tante volte mi sono trovata di fronte persone che mi presentavano in vari modi il loro senso di inadeguatezza, che poi era stato anche il mio ed io non ero in grado che di dare “un ritocco migliorativo" che non scalfiva certo il disagio.
Poi è arrivato il “counseling”, gli studi e la pratica come “terapeuta nelle relazioni di aiuto”, tre lunghi anni di lavoro su me stessa e di approfondimento sui meccanismi delicati della mente, e mi è servito moltissimo. I miei amici sanno quanto mi ha migliorato la vita. Mi ritengo molto fortunata, e se posso condividere questo cambiamento con altri.....mi pare proprio bello.
How Long Do Trichomoniasis Symptoms Last
L’incidenza dell’aspetto esteriore nei rapporti sociali
The physical aspect has an important role in emotional and sexual life . Already in fairy tales, written for children, the princesses are beautiful and charming and stalwart marry Prince Charming, the evil characters are too ugly.
physical appearance is often denied as a criterion in mate choice , several studies have shown how difficult it is to consciously accept the importance of contract appearances. We tried to investigate whether this underestimation is attributable to lack of ability of individuals to make introspection or deliberate intent to distort the answers to give a less superficial can you (Hadjistavropulos and Genest, Report on the role of physical attractiveness, University of British, 1994)
In the area of \u200b\u200blove relationships, since the first meeting the physical attraction is an important, sometimes decisive, in determining whether to continue or no report.
In a study carried out in several U.S. universities (Murstein, 1972, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 22: 8-12) was recognized as the two partners of a pair tended to be located at the same level of beauty in relationships you want to choose a long-term companion who has a degree of beauty "similar" to its own (this does not happen in relationships however, occasional or short-term). In fact, if the beauty of one of the partners is much higher than that of the other, increases the risk of infidelity, who is perceived as less attractive is aware that the stability of the relationship is in danger (Gregory, 1980, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 15: 240-244). The
exceptions to this quest for "similar" we find when we are half interests of power, money, prestigio.Una good partner for a successful man is a sort of calling card. A beautiful wife, maybe younger, has for centuries been identified as more likely to ensure continuity through the offspring (this is not true for women because their needs were to have alongside a husband who had possibilities of support and function in pregnancy and children crescre).
Regarding the workplace, in a study of 1993 Holzer (Multi-city study of urban inequality "Michigan State University, East Landing) shows that for 50% of respondents used physical appearance was a criterion very (11%) or somewhat important (39%) to get the job. Companies are increasingly concerned about their image and this concern is also reflected in attention to appearance and clothing of the employees in contact with the public.
that physical beauty is believed to play a basic role in the ability to develop good social relations because it is considered in tandem with greater communication skills and outgoing personality (Dipboye et al .. 1977, Journal of Applied Psychology, 62: 288-294). All available studies confirm that there is a primacy of beauty that facilitates and accelerates career. (Ross and Ferris, 1981, Administrative Science Quarterly, 26: 617-632; Morrow et al., 1990, Journal of Management, 16: 723-736). The advantage of the beauty product
starts very early. Babies judged more attractive receive more attention from family and larger amount of affectionate gestures (Stephan and Langlois, 1984, Child Development, 55: 576-585). The children almost always considered attractive by friends and maintain social relationships are more popular than unattractive (Langlois and Vaughn, 1983, Developmental Psychology, 19: 561-567). All this to benefit their self-esteem and developing social skills. The kindness of the teachers accompanying them also, from the nursery and actually manifests itself in more smiles, looks, words, encouragement and support (Cliffford and Walster, 1973, Sociology of Education, 46:248-258).
In a survey done in 1872 by Dion (Developpemental Psychology, 10: 772-778) asked a large group adults to assess the seriousness of the wrongdoing committed by children under 7 years and establish the penalty due to the damage caused. The files of children were accompanied by photos of the offenders and the results showed clearly that the "judges" were very tolerant, for the same crime, attractive to children. There is a tendency to look casual, as determined by the circumstances, the wrong actions of attractive children, for others they are charged to their will and responsibility, a pregiuduzio extremely damaging to their future, predicts many problems.
So even in the field of justice the importance of physical has been established. Already in the Middle Ages, when two defendants were accused of the same crime, it was decided to condemn the worst-looking body. Still the most credible and convincing witnesses tend to be those with nice appearance. In sexual crimes, the defendants are accused by the physicist handsome little more easily and are considered more dangerous than attractive (Esses and Webster, 1988, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 18: 1017-1031).
The denigration of the physical traits of the other is the first step to oppress. In the sixties Erving Goffman accused the so-called "total institutions" (particularly prisons, reformers and psychiatric hospitals) of affect people in their outward appearance to undermine the integrity psychic certified, and depersonalized. Even without mentioning
Lombroso's theories, just a poor man can be perceived as a thief, a child looking very nice can be attributed to a shady character or violent ... maybe with time will really behave as others expect, victim of self-fulfilling prophecies.
The market economy that makes goods of foreign exchange, is based on "body-performance", the "body-image" and "body-remodeled. All these foods conformism of diversity and promising, but actually preventing the individual achievement and self-image.
In a parallel world in another life and beauty is guaranteed, cellulite and wrinkles disappear and the aesthetics of today are met. This is a place in cyberspace that provides an alternative and identity, is called "Second Life " and, although it is virtual reality, is experienced as real and true belief for identification.
The physical aspect has an important role in emotional and sexual life . Already in fairy tales, written for children, the princesses are beautiful and charming and stalwart marry Prince Charming, the evil characters are too ugly.
physical appearance is often denied as a criterion in mate choice , several studies have shown how difficult it is to consciously accept the importance of contract appearances. We tried to investigate whether this underestimation is attributable to lack of ability of individuals to make introspection or deliberate intent to distort the answers to give a less superficial can you (Hadjistavropulos and Genest, Report on the role of physical attractiveness, University of British, 1994)
In the area of \u200b\u200blove relationships, since the first meeting the physical attraction is an important, sometimes decisive, in determining whether to continue or no report.
In a study carried out in several U.S. universities (Murstein, 1972, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 22: 8-12) was recognized as the two partners of a pair tended to be located at the same level of beauty in relationships you want to choose a long-term companion who has a degree of beauty "similar" to its own (this does not happen in relationships however, occasional or short-term). In fact, if the beauty of one of the partners is much higher than that of the other, increases the risk of infidelity, who is perceived as less attractive is aware that the stability of the relationship is in danger (Gregory, 1980, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 15: 240-244). The
exceptions to this quest for "similar" we find when we are half interests of power, money, prestigio.Una good partner for a successful man is a sort of calling card. A beautiful wife, maybe younger, has for centuries been identified as more likely to ensure continuity through the offspring (this is not true for women because their needs were to have alongside a husband who had possibilities of support and function in pregnancy and children crescre).
Regarding the workplace, in a study of 1993 Holzer (Multi-city study of urban inequality "Michigan State University, East Landing) shows that for 50% of respondents used physical appearance was a criterion very (11%) or somewhat important (39%) to get the job. Companies are increasingly concerned about their image and this concern is also reflected in attention to appearance and clothing of the employees in contact with the public.
that physical beauty is believed to play a basic role in the ability to develop good social relations because it is considered in tandem with greater communication skills and outgoing personality (Dipboye et al .. 1977, Journal of Applied Psychology, 62: 288-294). All available studies confirm that there is a primacy of beauty that facilitates and accelerates career. (Ross and Ferris, 1981, Administrative Science Quarterly, 26: 617-632; Morrow et al., 1990, Journal of Management, 16: 723-736). The advantage of the beauty product
starts very early. Babies judged more attractive receive more attention from family and larger amount of affectionate gestures (Stephan and Langlois, 1984, Child Development, 55: 576-585). The children almost always considered attractive by friends and maintain social relationships are more popular than unattractive (Langlois and Vaughn, 1983, Developmental Psychology, 19: 561-567). All this to benefit their self-esteem and developing social skills. The kindness of the teachers accompanying them also, from the nursery and actually manifests itself in more smiles, looks, words, encouragement and support (Cliffford and Walster, 1973, Sociology of Education, 46:248-258).
In a survey done in 1872 by Dion (Developpemental Psychology, 10: 772-778) asked a large group adults to assess the seriousness of the wrongdoing committed by children under 7 years and establish the penalty due to the damage caused. The files of children were accompanied by photos of the offenders and the results showed clearly that the "judges" were very tolerant, for the same crime, attractive to children. There is a tendency to look casual, as determined by the circumstances, the wrong actions of attractive children, for others they are charged to their will and responsibility, a pregiuduzio extremely damaging to their future, predicts many problems.
So even in the field of justice the importance of physical has been established. Already in the Middle Ages, when two defendants were accused of the same crime, it was decided to condemn the worst-looking body. Still the most credible and convincing witnesses tend to be those with nice appearance. In sexual crimes, the defendants are accused by the physicist handsome little more easily and are considered more dangerous than attractive (Esses and Webster, 1988, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 18: 1017-1031).
The denigration of the physical traits of the other is the first step to oppress. In the sixties Erving Goffman accused the so-called "total institutions" (particularly prisons, reformers and psychiatric hospitals) of affect people in their outward appearance to undermine the integrity psychic certified, and depersonalized. Even without mentioning
Lombroso's theories, just a poor man can be perceived as a thief, a child looking very nice can be attributed to a shady character or violent ... maybe with time will really behave as others expect, victim of self-fulfilling prophecies.
The market economy that makes goods of foreign exchange, is based on "body-performance", the "body-image" and "body-remodeled. All these foods conformism of diversity and promising, but actually preventing the individual achievement and self-image.
In a parallel world in another life and beauty is guaranteed, cellulite and wrinkles disappear and the aesthetics of today are met. This is a place in cyberspace that provides an alternative and identity, is called "Second Life " and, although it is virtual reality, is experienced as real and true belief for identification.
Pain In Viagina Is It Normal
Canoni estetici di bellezza
scientific studies on the degree of importance of physical appearance in interpersonal relationships have found a big boost since 1960. The impact that physical beauty has on our lives is remarkable , there is an 'influence not only with regard to the relational aspects but also in many other areas: attractive people are valued even more skilled and competent in their work or in school, with greater ability to control and influence social and even less responsible in the event of crime. Often good looking matches.
Since ancient times we tried to identify criteria that can define beauty. But it was the Greek culture to focus on the fees intended as geometric relationships between the different physiognomic attributes. He was described as a canon of beauty derived from the use of so-called "golden section". From greek Policleto our Leonardo da Vinci continues the tradition of studying and enhancing the human body based on a defined set of geometric proportions.
triggering the mechanism of attraction of a face is probably the proportional relationship that exists between the various constituent parts. This relationship of perfect proportion (The golden section above) is one of those mathematical pattern that is pleasing to the eye a kind of predisposition to perceive them as harmonics. Basically those biological organisms whose individual parts have relationships with each other due to the golden section are perceived as beautiful because they are seen as devoid of anomalies. Then the functional to the continuation of the species.
same view of an anthropological you have to define, in the centuries of beauty for both male and female bodies.
As for the female body should be borne in mind that the calories needed for reproduction are between 50,000 and 80,000 and from 500 to 1,000 per day for breastfeeding are complete. On this basis, natural selection operated in such a way that women sexually mature more or less ¼ weight (about 16 pounds that correspond to 144,000 calories) is made up of fat deposited on breast and sides (the well-known measures 90-60 -90 correspond roughly to that condition). Then selective pressures mean that the brain of man is programmed so as to identify and prefer the signals that ensure a good balance in the female hormone, and then strong fertility and offspring. Basically, over the centuries, the human brain has been addressed, in principle, and unconsciously, to find the very attractive features that show a good brood mare.
For the human male characteristics that, beyond time and culture, are considered more attractive are the skin and hair healthy, sit down hard, life is not too thin compared to the hips, proportionate legs, broad shoulders. These traits are sufficiently indicative of dominance, health, strength, fertility and genetics competitiveness, qualities that women want to send their children (Attia, 1999, Contemporary Psychology, 156: 38-47).
Sexual selection, which is what is made by females when choosing their partners, but can go in the opposite direction of the natural one which provides benefits for the species. A clear example concerning height. The early hominids had a height much lower than the average current of our species, in terms of biological survival of the lower buildings have an advantage: they are more agile in their movements, they need a lower contribution of metabolic and heart pump less blood. Despite this, if our evolutionary history is marked by a progressive increase in height, this is partly attributable to the fact that women tend to perceive as the most attractive males are higher than average population. The hairless, in our species, unique among primates (Morris, 1967, "The bee naker, Cape, London) is the result of sexual selection: women prefer hairy men just see themselves more attractive without hair. This trend is "supernormalizzata" in the daily act of males to shave his beard and hair of the females (but in recent years in Western countries, even the younger males shave) in order to have the body as smooth as possible.
I mentioned, quotes above, the stimulus "supernormal." I am referring to a recent theory that somehow exceeds that of the middle part and prototypicality. If it is true that the prototype, for example, the average face is considered attractive, it is not the most attractive (Alley and Cunningham, 1988, Psychological Science, 2:123-125): forme che esulano dall’ordinario possono attirare l’attenzione più di forme che rientrano nella media. Occhi e labbra più grandi, per esempio, sono considerati più attraenti (Farkas et al.. 1987, Antropometric facial proportional in medicine, Thomas, Springfield ). Anche quanto riguarda il colore preferito della pupilla (il blù ed il verde sono preferiti benchè più rari) e dei capelli (laddove i castani sono più diffusi, non raccolgono preferenze) dimostra che non sono comunque gli individui ordinari o prototipici quelli che attraggono di più.
Since ancient times we tried to identify criteria that can define beauty. But it was the Greek culture to focus on the fees intended as geometric relationships between the different physiognomic attributes. He was described as a canon of beauty derived from the use of so-called "golden section". From greek Policleto our Leonardo da Vinci continues the tradition of studying and enhancing the human body based on a defined set of geometric proportions.
"Andromeda" by Tamara De Lempicka |
The current hypothesis explaining interesting about the fees to determine the beauty of Darwinian derivation and refers to average features of all faces: natural selection, which operates according to guidelines normalizing and stabilizing, would tend to favor characters that are close to the mean. Thus, individuals with characteristics of this type tend more likely to be free from harmful genetic mutations, and then would be favorites. So if the average values \u200b\u200bare preferred to extremes, the faces that represent the average of all the faces are preferred because they are more normal than others. In fact, in several tests (Langlois and Roggman, University of Texas, 1990, Psychological Science 1: 115-121; Pollard, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 1995, International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 8: 77-83) , designed and built to the computer as the average of the features of a large number of faces of men and women of different ethnic groups (a kind of prototype) were judged by all the people whose opinion had been submitted, the more attractive the individual faces used.
Even in very young children there is no unanimity of evaluation, which in their case is expressed with more attention and more time spent looking at the picture more attractive. The developmental psychologists prefer to explain the attraction of the beautiful baby to the faces using the concept of "archetype" or assuming a pattern of perception of species-specific innate structure of the face. In this scheme, when viewed would instinctively reported to be compared. A triggering the mechanism of attraction of a face is probably the proportional relationship that exists between the various constituent parts. This relationship of perfect proportion (The golden section above) is one of those mathematical pattern that is pleasing to the eye a kind of predisposition to perceive them as harmonics. Basically those biological organisms whose individual parts have relationships with each other due to the golden section are perceived as beautiful because they are seen as devoid of anomalies. Then the functional to the continuation of the species.
same view of an anthropological you have to define, in the centuries of beauty for both male and female bodies.
As for the female body should be borne in mind that the calories needed for reproduction are between 50,000 and 80,000 and from 500 to 1,000 per day for breastfeeding are complete. On this basis, natural selection operated in such a way that women sexually mature more or less ¼ weight (about 16 pounds that correspond to 144,000 calories) is made up of fat deposited on breast and sides (the well-known measures 90-60 -90 correspond roughly to that condition). Then selective pressures mean that the brain of man is programmed so as to identify and prefer the signals that ensure a good balance in the female hormone, and then strong fertility and offspring. Basically, over the centuries, the human brain has been addressed, in principle, and unconsciously, to find the very attractive features that show a good brood mare.
For the human male characteristics that, beyond time and culture, are considered more attractive are the skin and hair healthy, sit down hard, life is not too thin compared to the hips, proportionate legs, broad shoulders. These traits are sufficiently indicative of dominance, health, strength, fertility and genetics competitiveness, qualities that women want to send their children (Attia, 1999, Contemporary Psychology, 156: 38-47).
Sexual selection, which is what is made by females when choosing their partners, but can go in the opposite direction of the natural one which provides benefits for the species. A clear example concerning height. The early hominids had a height much lower than the average current of our species, in terms of biological survival of the lower buildings have an advantage: they are more agile in their movements, they need a lower contribution of metabolic and heart pump less blood. Despite this, if our evolutionary history is marked by a progressive increase in height, this is partly attributable to the fact that women tend to perceive as the most attractive males are higher than average population. The hairless, in our species, unique among primates (Morris, 1967, "The bee naker, Cape, London) is the result of sexual selection: women prefer hairy men just see themselves more attractive without hair. This trend is "supernormalizzata" in the daily act of males to shave his beard and hair of the females (but in recent years in Western countries, even the younger males shave) in order to have the body as smooth as possible.
I mentioned, quotes above, the stimulus "supernormal." I am referring to a recent theory that somehow exceeds that of the middle part and prototypicality. If it is true that the prototype, for example, the average face is considered attractive, it is not the most attractive (Alley and Cunningham, 1988, Psychological Science, 2:123-125): forme che esulano dall’ordinario possono attirare l’attenzione più di forme che rientrano nella media. Occhi e labbra più grandi, per esempio, sono considerati più attraenti (Farkas et al.. 1987, Antropometric facial proportional in medicine, Thomas, Springfield ). Anche quanto riguarda il colore preferito della pupilla (il blù ed il verde sono preferiti benchè più rari) e dei capelli (laddove i castani sono più diffusi, non raccolgono preferenze) dimostra che non sono comunque gli individui ordinari o prototipici quelli che attraggono di più.
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