The amazing adventures del Prof. Chisciotta
told to you by Jack Daniel
Driven by the love of truth that has always animated my thoughts and my actions, I am determined to write and narrate in full the amazing feats of the great Professor Quixote and his faithful caretaker Nando Pansa. O
Lenin, if you will have Reed as a reporter, can you, Professor Quixote, to be immortalized by these my writings, and may you, noble reader, to take benefit and enjoyment from these stories. Beginning, it is only right that, on that night when Professor Quixote, listening to the music of Jeff Buckley, including being a great revolutionary.
Where recounts how Professor Quixote began his revolution.
In a neighborhood of Rome can not remember the name, lived until recently a professor with a house full of books, dusty and some abstract painting on the walls and a very sad and spinster sister. It was not a brilliant life that led Professor Quixote, that was his name, indeed, in hindsight might seem modest, if not wretched: little or no entertainment, poor out in the evening except on days controlled or his sister's birthday, relaxing vacation in the southern country whence, twenty years before, came to the capital charge of those dreams and those hopes that the many successive autumns have withered and dried up. Days always equal to each other: the school in the morning, afternoon bundles of tasks to be correct (he taught mathematics at secondary school) and in the evening, disdained television, long hours of reading and listening.
were indeed many and varied cultural interests of the teacher, especially when connected to any revolution.
For many years he had studied so many and of all ages. Obviously the Russian, Chinese and French, which made up for him the sum filosofica. Ma non disdegnava incursioni tra i barbudos o gli ironsides, si commuoveva al leggere di Spartaco e fremeva di sdegno nell'udire il nome dei Gracchi. Familiarizzava, inoltre, con Bolivar e Zapata, sarebbe stato in grado di fornire preziosi suggerimenti a George Washington, disquisiva sulle contraddizioni dei Ciompi e apprezzava, seppur con riserva, l'opera di Muntzer. E se di costoro si sentiva ormai intimo, quando, di tanto in tanto, gli capitava di aprire un giornale, scorreva i titoli con cipiglio disgustato e, invariabilmente, lo chiudeva imprecando contro i tempi banali e assai poco favorevoli ai grandi sommovimenti sociali.
Così procedette per molti anni, ma una sera fredda e piovosa, con i quaranta già passati da un pezzo and fifty on the horizon, and a prominent belly grew over time as a counter to the ideals of youth faded, her sister, who slept in front of the television in the next room, heard a great roar. After the first moments of bewilderment caused by drowsiness, poor woman had to resign to the idea that its epicenter was located in the study of his professor brother. From there, in fact, came the violent bursts of bookshelves toppled, crumpled sheets and torn books, mixed with a very sweet and soft music that rose from the receiver's Technics of '79. It was, but she could not know, songs by Jeff Buckley, the son of the great Tim Buckley. Fearing a sudden illness, her sister opened trafelata la porta, e uno spettacolo inquietante le si presentò agli occhi: non solo la stanza versava nel più disfatto disordine, visione per lei inusitata, ma, qualora tutto ciò non fosse sufficiente, il fratello si aggirava dimenandosi scompostamente tra quei mucchi di carte ripetendo di continuo che in quella fase si rendeva ormai ineluttabile il suo intervento.
«Sono le due passate, non pensi che sia tardi?» domandò ella cercando così di ammansirlo.
«Tardi? - rispose veemente Chisciotta - Tu non sai di cosa parli, sorella mia! La fase suprema è ormai giunta! Le contraddizioni sono mature, come le mele di Newton (autore non disprezzabile, sorella, te lo consiglio). Per trenta lunghi anni ho studiato, I improved, I gutted. Here the time has come! It 'now time to move from theory (abundant) to practice (here and there defective, true)' and, politely but firmly to the door closed again the key. Then the volume rose again and returned to his plans.
All night worked out tactics that smart, being composed in elegant and weighty strategies were, in his view, aimed at scientific, and for that inevitable, development. And when the dawn came, prepared a bulk bag, the teacher left the house with the intention of writing a new page in human history, and walked to a tower block in the suburbs that ben conosceva.
Or qui il cortese lettore sarà lieto di apprendere che nella scuola ove insegnava era bidello un tal Nando Pansa, uomo di scarsa istruzione e nulla cultura, a cui Chisciotta, di tanto in tanto, concedeva le sue più intime confidenze.
«Vedi caro Nando - gli disse un giorno - sarebbe equo che un bidello potesse diventare, un giorno, sottosegretario...».
«Sottosegretario, dice? E' forse una specie di preside?».
«Di più ancora: quasi un ministro».
«E come può essere, signor mio? Lei vede chi governa oggi? Industriali ricchi, avvocati famosi, possiedono barche, Ferrari, mogli bionde e belle. E io? forse che potrei mai governare con la mia Uno e la mia Teresa (but is a good woman)? And taciamo boats, please, that I once I took the shoe to Fregene. You're joking, Professor ...».
"Nando Pansa! - Quixote announced over the intercom that fateful morning - I come to offer an undersecretary. "
omit what followed within hours and that, moreover, is easily imaginable: the resistance of his wife Teresa, the recommendations because they come back soon and do not take cold (put two purpose of changing some wool in a bag), the petitions the professor's admonition that "do not make nonsense," the eternal invitation "to cover" and not "thrust in trouble. " And finally, completed its preparations, in the early afternoon, took place in bidellesca One. But before that decision Nando Pansa was running with the ignition "Stop! - The arrest Quixote - we must be well aware of the moment. "
"It's two and a half" ventured Nando Pansa looking at his watch.
"I did not mean that," murmured Quixote absorbed in deep meditation on the Long March, the train of Lenin, the Tea Party and all the great start. And when he felt sufficiently inspired, "Adelante, Nando! Let's go! "He said.
But no one left, and after a few seconds, "Maybe the candles ..." Nando Pansa is justified.
"You put the gas? It would be inappropriate for the revolution is stopped for lack of fuel. "
"Of course! Time again for sure, "murmured the janitor worried scrutinizing the dashboard.
"Well! Adelante Nando. "
But after some time "I'm afraid it is flooded."
"Maybe with a little push ...».
"Nando, I do not think I have ever read of revolutions started that way."
"Maybe Just a few meters ...».
"A few meters?".
"And it is."
However, despite repeated appeals from the district council, is still common practice to bring their dogs for a walk the completion of any kind of foul on the public highway and need a little earlier was that there's been a great dane harlequin, next to the sidewalk
had been relieved of a need for two days old now.
"Way!" Roared the professor started the push. That did not last a few meters, but many, and when one finally decided to walk his own free will, such was the effort that not only the teacher could not cry "Adelante!" As a prefix, but had, in fact, losing his grip, slipped tumbling to the ground, just where the Great Dane had passed.
Where recounts how Professor Quixote conquered large masses to the revolutionary cause and supporters
"I am mortified," he apologized after several minutes of painful silence Nando Pansa.
"We do not take care, mate, the revolution is not a gala dinner," replied the haughty professor with the nasal voice made a desperate attempt to avoid breathing through your nose.
Meanwhile, shooting aimlessly, had arrived near the stadium, and there was just the beginning.
"Stop," commanded imperiously Quixote. Nando Pansa went sideways and agile leap with the professor got out, put her hand to her forehead and looked away into the crowd of supporters.
"Masses! - Exclaimed - Masse waiting line. Come on, Nando. "
And that was a faithful re-started a "You would never believe, dear Nando? - Flattered thought the professor on their way near the entry of the stadium - I'm not even passs two hours since we decided to give us the revolution, well, large masses and many already have come together in our expectation. "
'illustrious professor, I would not contradict - Nando Pansa said sheepishly - but it seems to me that all those people are there to await the start of the game, and not so much of his speech. "
Professor Quixote then burst into a long sigh of pity and understanding load.
"Dear Nando, I can see that many are the things that you learn in the coming months before you can extricate itself with sufficient confidence and mastery within the dialectical movements. Well, dear Nando, know that the system tends to distort its own exclusive advantage any information or news, and to make matters worse, the work on the consciences of many (I am sorry, but it seems even your) a systematic cultural conditioning and even psychological leads to a serious distortion of reality. Now you see there only crowd waiting to enter the stadium when everyone had not suffered those influences of which you have been a victim (I will talk to Vance Packard, one day, rammentamelo), would appear as nothing more striking is that the principle of a impetuous rebel movement that is just waiting enlightened leadership (la mia, per esempio) per diventare un processo rivoluzionario che farà parlare di sé le generazioni future. E se poi questi miei discorsi ti paiono astrusi, ti basti guardare a quello sterminato tappeto di drappi e bandiere rosse per convincerti del tuo errore».
«Ahimè, signor mio! Quelle sono bandiere giallorosse, e non rosse e basta. E ciò perché, come dicevo poc'anzi, oggi gioca la Roma (sebbene non ricordi contro chi)».
«Mi pare doveroso e consequente che siano giallorosse, caro Nando. Con quale altro colore vorresti rappresentare la falce ed il martello sulle bandiere rosse? Orsù, Nando, accosta, siamo arrivati».
E nel dir ciò il professore accarezzò affettuosamente the stack of books that sat in the back seat. Classics of every revolution, demanding tomes and sweaty from which he hoped to expunge the appropriate citation, but among them, however, was also head some good music cassettes. Among them notavasi in particular that of the last work of Paul Roland: an important person, because it is one of the best songwriters alive today.
The One stood near the sidewalk at the entrance to the Foro Italico. From the Tiber from the bridge and approached the meantime, dozens of cars full of fans waving flags, sounding horns and sang songs at breakneck speed.
"I commend this - says a delighted Quixote - I commend this effort revolutionary. In fede mia, il movimento è sì pregno d'entusiasmo che basteranno pochi concetti ben esposti per muovere alla conquista di qualche Palazzo. Peraltro siamo in ottobre, mese notoriamente proprizio alle rivoluzioni».
Parendodogli quindi opportuno tenere il suo primo comizio in un posto elevato, il professor Chisciotta, a costo di lunghe fatiche, riuscì a salire sul tetto della Uno, tra le mille raccomandazioni di Nando Pansa che temeva ammaccature.
«Ecco - gli diceva - Venga qui sul bordo, Professore, la prego. E no, per amor di Dio, non strisci quel tacco: potrebbe lasciare i segni».
Finalmente, pur rimpiangendo la mancanza di un vagone, il professore si trovò ad ammirare dall'alto la folla. «Compagni!» began with a warm voice and stentorian.
But after several minutes of indifference, the professor began to consider more productive direct contact with the masses. And then fell back to earth, parried, arms raised, to halt the march of a platoon of marching a few dozen ultra compact.
"I help you?".
"The revolution is there" and the hand of the professor pointed to the direction of the Centre and of the Palaces.
"Excuse us, we do not understand: the game is there," retorted the ultra right indicating the direction behind the Professor.
"You cheated! I'm sure I read everywhere that revolutions are made by moving from the periphery to the center, and not vice versa. Do self-critical and fast turn around, please. "
"But, noble lord, the insistence that pushed us to come here to watch the game is what, from the opposite edge so far has led us right through the center."
"But what do you say? The system deceives you! Do not waste your time as well. Turn around, and put the mind to the dialectic. "
"wasting our time? It seems to us that today is played a game which involves the Roma. "
"I understand very well, and that is why I say it is foolish to waste your time on activities so culturally insignificant and transient. Come on, turn around and march toward the center. "
But his last words produced a widespread buzz and suspicious. "Did you hear? He said that Rome is insignificant! What? That is not good! My God how can we wash quest'onta? Not only that, the 'I heard you say that is a team of pilgrims! But who? The Rome? - And in the long held, a terrible suspicion finally came to light - if it's a Lazio?.
thereafter, a little agitated crowd moved to the assault of Quixote and Nando Pansa. After being thrown to the ground easily with a few well-directed blows, does not pay to have seen a sharp fall on the pavement and a molar, moderately satisfied to note the insights on clothing and locks of hair Scattered here and there and the first trickles of blood began to gush copious, four or five of these gentlemen began to walk to their liking and talent on the ribs creaking of the two specific considerations, as needed, to settle a few shots in the direction of the nasal septum or sites adjacent to it. Meanwhile, another delegation were dedicated to the fair one and, having tested with the aid of sticks, belts and heels, the body, established in principle, a race that had a beer as a reward, and the bump as an object wider could be produced with a well-aimed kick to the side. It lasted for so
eternal minutes until, irritated by so much passive resistance, did not resume the choirs and the approach stage. And after many more minutes in the deserted square, and began playing between distant roar, Nando Pansa and the professor could finally get up and climbed up the remnants of one, they headed for a distant and secluded.
After long journey came to a field just outside the city on the Via Cassia. There he left the car and lay down, exhausted, on a lawn. Nando Pansa with his hands through his hair looked and pitied her A while the professor, looking for possible contradiction, he lay on the grass to the sound of the last album by Paul Roland. Nando
was, after some half an hour, to awaken from his deep thoughts.
"Professor - the prayer - Please, come back a casa. Pazienza per quel sottosegretariato ch'ella diceva. Mi terrò le mie ramazze di bidello e la mia Teresa ma, la prego, rientriamo».
Il professore allora si levò in piedi (a fatica) e, poggiando la destra sulla spalla di Nando Pansa «Animo Nando. Capita a volte di far un passo avanti e due indietro. Ma non dubitare, da domani si entrerà in una nuova fase del conflitto».
«Lo capisco bene, professore, per quanto a me sembra che indietro si sia andati di cento pedate e non di due passi, ma dove dormiremo, in attesa di questa fase?».
«Non sia questo il tuo problema: un rivoluzionario trova sempre chi l'ospita - e dirigendosi verso il rottame della Uno - Seguimi e vedrai!».
If you remember how the Revolutionary Friendships are to be considered more durable than bronze.
"Do you know Nanda? - The professor mused aloud after they were recovered on the proven One - the last hour, and you complained heartfelt damage suffered by your car (showing in this, and I regret, feelings and petty-bourgeois spirit prone to fetishism) I had a brilliant insight about our next steps. "
"Perhaps, sir, she thought that it is appropriate to return home and put off all these revolutions?"
"Anything, dear Nando. You see, while recently analyzed the facts of that 'today (and more I think more I am convinced everything was like a clever move to confuse our system of dialectics) I remembered that here lives near a fraternal partner
dedicated to the cause. I am sure he will host for this and all the nights to come, waiting to outline a more complete strategy. "
"It would be good news, illustrious, but he has a home large enough?".
"vast and valuable. - Replied the professor with his face blacked out - This is his mortal sorrow. "
"Excuse me, illustrious, but I take the right."
"Dear Nando, you do not know - Quixote sighed - what it means to be born upper middle class."
"Not really."
"You can not understand the sorrow of those who felt close to the proletariat, forced to live in a noble villa with servants and swimming pool."
'and' a disgrace as serious, sir? ".
"And you can only guess what that means for a sensitive soul to the cause of female emancipation, despite its attractive appearance and find themselves courted by thousands of girls as handsome as poor self-consciousness and culture."
"recollecting my Teresa I just now is actually very difficult to understand everything."
"Lucky you, dear Nando, do not know how much they weigh all these superstructures. I still remember when Ferdinand (so it's called) is broken confided with me and when he cursed the fate that had given birth in this condition. Afternoons and evenings, dear Nando, to listen to our records and to commiserate with her sad fate. About! - The professor said slapping his palm on his forehead - I remember very well that estimated the Pink Floyd of their psychedelic period. - He rummaged among the boxes and pulled out a satisfied air - here goes: I'm sure he'll be delighted to hear this new album of Dead Flowers. I am sure that will meet your tastes. "
The sister of the professor, how many other virtuous woman ever, and despite its chaste and pure, composed of sitting on the couch, hands folded in her lap face dedicated to serious concern, and heard the Dean conjectured that to himself, "It 's a serious matter, really."
"Mr. Dean - moaned her sister - she is afraid that my brother is in danger?".
"very serious dangers, kind Miss. For some days I could certainly justify his absence. But what to say to the administrator if it continues? '.
The Dean walked shaking his head. 'E' serious, really serious! But how could it ever come to his mind an idea so outlandish? He led for a second life? ".
"No ...». "Maybe
unknown activity?".
"Never again: he got home and locked himself into his studio to read ...». "I lead ordunque in his closet ... A clue, a sign ... Ah, that strangeness. "
sister stood demurely and then I took her brother into the room full of books to the ceiling.
"It 's all clear! - Dean said the newly entered - I do not tell you more. "
"Did you notice anything?" Asked his sister candid and hopeful.
"Look here, look - and the Dean waved a paperback - Engels, The Origin of the family."
"There is perhaps something that is not appropriate?" Startled timid sister.
"Something? Just Heaven: everything. I believe that the professor never got married! And here? What do I see? The Manifesto of the Communist Party? The same Engels and Marx that adduced that endless grief? I never imagined I could not believe ... Lenin! The State and Revolution, this pamphlet that entire nations rushed in schemes of civil liberty. "
"There are so many books in this room."
"Noto, known," said the Dean frowned.
"What to do?" Cried his sister.
"Do not tell me that there is also that."
"Certainly, but I asked my brother."
'E' grave - back to ponder the Dean - Very serious. We must get rid of these books. "
"But what if you say back?".
'Invent an excuse. Tell them that burned. Indeed, rather, say that it is here and pass the police seized them all. It has a basement? - And received the approval - Come, let us work, "and roll up their sleeves and began to stack the first books.
"With all due respect, Professor - Nando Pansa began long after listening to the album Dead Flowers - but to be honest, I would say that this record does not seem entirely new."
"Yet it is, has left him only a few weeks."
"I do not doubt this, but it seems to me that he had already heard music like that."
"In truth no you're wrong. You see, dear Nando, psychedelia is a musical style that is now several decades of history, and I do not doubt that it can suscitare qualche déja vu».
«Mi pareva, infatti. Ma, mi dica, non sarebbe meglio ascoltare cose nuove?».
Il professore assentì con aria assorta. «Talora sì, mio caro. Ma non t'ingannare: non sempre ciò che è buono è migliore».
«Sarà senz'altro, ma forse è meno noioso».
«Vedi caro Nando, il nostro compito non è quello di dimenticare il passato, ma di esserne il culmine. Invero, vorrei che tu meditassi sul fatto che noi siamo gli ultimi eredi del grande pensiero classico nonché della scuola filosofica tedesca».
«Noi chi, di grazia?».
«Noi rivoluzionari del proletariato. Al momento io e te».
«Io I am really glad that she has inherited a lot, but for me, she is mistaken: my poor parents lasciaron me anything (let alone a whole school) so much so that I am only janitor in Giacomo Leopardi, however, is a very Italian school '.
"Nando, confirms me in what I suspect you still is not master of the dialectic, and this spurs me to predisporti, the (few) free time that I will have a curriculum that you can put in the position, not in the hands of more than three months, to read and ponder the Grundrisse in German. But for the moment the press uergenza here beyond the entrance to the villa where I was talking about earlier. Here, get into that gate, and you I recommend option: you can imagine how well Fernando is in serious conflict, because of its revolutionary choices, to the family and particularly his father. "
then entered the driveway of a mansion that well could have been mistaken for a castle, and after a long distance under the canopy of tall trees and trees, across half the park, arrived in the square on which you opened the main entrance. Parked the car got out and the teacher was immediately greeted by a zealous servant, only to see the sad example of the kind car had fallen down the stairs.
"Want?" Inquired the steward.
"Here - explained Professor courteous - I would greet the son of the Count. I can also announce, if you like: I am Quixote. "
I do not think that the Signorino to fulfill his request. "
"I suspect yes, and for that I am in the unfortunate condition insist is duly notified."
"To be honest, most illustrious sir, it seems to me of being forced to insist that I do the reverse and courteous, if necessary, leave a business card bearing their greetings. But I can not feel bound dall'ipotizzare that is even better to send a postcard from a place far away. "
'While dumbfounded amazement at his words, I am rather to think that the gentleman would be very sad to be aware of this attitude that (indeed) it fits well to a lackey of Capital. "
"Gaspar - a young voice shouted from inside - Who is it?".
'E' him, I recognize the voice, "exulted Quixote.
Just then left the building a well-dressed boy who flaunted her blonde curls as if they were the Blessed Sacrament.
"What's Gaspare?" He asked again.
"The Master Alberto Ardovino" introduced him to the maggiardomo.
"You? But perhaps there is an error. I tried to Fernando. "
"Mr. Conte, then," almost bowed deferential butler to pronounce the name. "Count? He Count? M'aveva but guaranteed it would sell and gave everything for the cause. "
"I am not aware of the recent investments of Mr. Conte."
"But where is she now? I would like to speak, understand ...».
"Here he is going to the airport for business travel," replied the Signorino indicating a Jaguar that proceeded at a steady pace along the driveway.
seeing her, the professor launched into a not very nimble pursuit.
"Fernando! - Screamed - I am! Quixote! I brought the tape of Dead Flowers, "but the Jaguars, taking the gate, lost in the night.
Eco Engine della Jaguar s'era appena spenta in lontananza e il Professore, scrollando deluso il capo, si riavvicinava a Nando e alla sua precaria Uno.
«Caro Nando - enunciò - credo che, con tutta evidenza, ci troviamo davanti ad un caso di revisionismo, e nutro il fondato sospetto che possa persino configurarsi quale rinnegamento».
«Cosa vuol dire, professore, che stanotte non ci fermiamo a dormire qui?».
«Nutrirei pochi o affatto dubbi su ciò, caro Nando. In vero non mi pare che siamo giunti nella fase nella quale risulta tatticamente utile scendere a compromessi».
«Mi scusi, professore, ma lei pensa che quella fase tarderà ancora molto?».
«Non si può mai dire, ma dopo tonight me strong assumption that the time should be longer. Come on Nando, we go. "
Reluctantly the janitor started the One and his panting after many scopiettii and sobs, finally came out of the gate and take, without a goal, a road that ran through the countryside.
"I am very saddened by my friend Fernando," he said in a few minutes of deep reflection, the professor.
"Sorrowful, Professor? And why? It seems to me that his friend, with the mansion, and that machine (not to mention his wife's past through the windows) has very little to be disappointed. "
"He lacks the ideal voltage of the revolution, dear Nando."
"I pare però che il Signor Conte se ne sia consolato a usura».
«Pare a te Nando, pare a te. Ma sappi che nulla può ripagare la lettura di un buon libro o l'ascolto di un buon disco».
«Ella allude a quel disco psicolabile che ascoltammo poc'anzi?».
«Psichedelico, Nando, psichedelico. Non solo a quello, in verità. Proprio pochi minuti fa, ripensando agli anni rivoluzionari di Fernando, mi sovvenni che, oltre ai dischi dei Pink Floyd, egli amava molto quelli della scuola di Canterbury. Ebbene, erede ed epigono di quel movimento è questo gruppo, i 5uu', del quale ho qui una cassetta. Sono certo che, se non fosse passato alla controrivoluzione, Fernando l'avrebbe apprezzato oltremodo. Ahilui, loses a lot. "
"I am sorry for Mr. Fernando - Nando then was moved - but tell me, there's no way to help him?".
"It will be difficult, dear Nando, very difficult."
"But maybe if she's spedisse the box?".
"I'm not just referring to that, unfortunately. The fact is that the necessary and revolutionary righteous fury, he will be very hard to steal and his family to the risks of shooting. "
"Oh Heaven, but then you have to tell him."
'It is a serious conflict of conscience to me that you propose. Warnings? And thus betray the cause? No, there will be another good solution. Maybe I could use my influence to convince the courts revolutionaries to commute the death sentence in exile and confiscation. Ah, how many and how serious dilemmas for an afternoon revolutionary. "
"Illustrious Sir, far from the temptation to distract me from such speculation, but she has an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere we spend the night?".
"Nando, forgive me, I'm so taken that I can not cure me of this. Pull over, get into a side street ... So I could not get to sleep: there are too many questions. "
Where is told how the valiant Professor Quixote and his faithful caretaker Nando Pansa managed to thwart the cunning plans of the counterrevolution.
After taking a few hundred meters white and unpaved road that was lost in the fields. At the end of the painful efforts of the suspensions, however battered, finally arrived in an open space, and there, just before a corner, stopped. Nando remembered two providential plaid, remnants of a summer picnic, and that patients in the trunk, legs and a Tesoro down the back, began to sniff air desiosa a bag containing some of his providential sandwiches preparatidalla Teresa. The professor, between one thought and another, did not disdain to put food on hand too, even with air spiritually absent (though very much present in bodily form) of those who are not forced to meet a pleasure, but to perform a duty not failing di ripetere di tanto in tanto «Sarà dura, durissima».
Ma sul finire dell'ultimo panino il professore, tendendo l'orecchio, si ridestò di soprassalto.
«Silenzio Nando! Ascolta!».
Interrompendo a metà la masticazione, Nando aprì il finestrino: «Sembra un motore» sentenziò a bocca piena.
«Cingoli!» dedusse esperto il professore.
«Cingoli?» deglutì Nando.
«Cingoli di carri armati. Evidentemente la notizia s'è sparsa e il Sistema corre ai ripari mandando truppe corazzate a presidiare la città. Orsù Nando, levati, compiamo il nostro dovere!».
«E quale sarebbe, di grazia?».
«Hai una empty bottle? ".
"Empty no, it's still half full of wine."
'DRAIN, then. "
"But it's a shame."
'Nando, do not interpose delay wine to the revolutionary cause. "
The janitor then took the bottle and in tears at the heart of wasting it, drank the contents with a loud gulps interspersed, from time to time, some hasty "you want some?" Addressed to the professor who, however, already contemplating tactical strategies eipotizzando had something else to think.
He had gained in those years, a deep theoretical knowledge on how to build Molotov cocktails, but the absence of the practice, was wondering how would have to tear out the reservoir of the machine a gallon. His ideas, moreover, were increasingly disturbed by the rattle of the next track. When I finally found a way of exposing the problem, albeit impassioned, Nando remembered for a tube that, in any event, stationed in the trunk and between a 'and you could tell me before I had it' and ' another, s'accinse to pick up.
Fill the bottle and pulled the hem of his shirt (Nando), Professor s'adoperò to prepare a wick. It was approaching the counter!
Those tracks, in fact, belonged to an excavator rather than a Leopard, and were headed by a certain Joseph a craftsman in the area, which, in secret and illegal in large, well-thought he had to build, in the evenings and on Sundays, a house in that neighborhood. That day, having been borrowed from the digger a distant relative, had finally decided to broaden the foundations dell'erigenda chalet harsh winter ahead. It came back, unsuspecting, to his current abode, a miserable little house for rent and not far away.
When finally they turned the tracks curve, the professor, who had been secluded in a high and dominant strategy, tried to hurl the bomb. But, as often happens when theory and practice is so low, the bomb, instead of falling on the front of the vehicle, as it was budgeted, and block the supposed column, fell on his back and set fire to tow a cart full of old wood just waiting to ignite lush.
"Professor, that was a digger," he murmured Nando Pansa broken when the light allowed a greater insight of the situation.
"not deceived, Nando. Often the forces of repression love to dress and conduct opinion unrecognizable most skillful provocation. "
"You, sir, but that to me it looks like a peasant."
"Nothing is more likely that it is an agent hired by the Capital."
"I do not doubt it, but it seems to me quite angry." And
in effetti Giuseppe dapprima aveva temuto chissà quale intervento dei Carabinieri e la consapevolezza d'esser in fallo innanzi alla legge lo rese, per qualche attimo, ritroso. Ma poi, vedendo due individui vestiti civilmente che lo spiavano dall'alto della collinetta, ebbe il sentore che il tutto dovesse trattarsi di un'innovativa versione del gioco di tirar giù sassi dal cavalcavia. E quindi, mentre gli assi del traino s'infiammavano, loro malgrado, di fuoco rivoluzionaro, lui passò senz'altro allo sdegno e cominciò una serrata rincorsa.
Frattanto il professore e il bidello si dirigevano celermente verso la macchina «Vedi Nando (apf, apf) talora bisogna (apf) - ansimava il professore - cogliere (apf) l'occasione (apf) a conservative (APF) is a strategic retreat. (APF) At least, that says Von (APF) Clausewitz (APF) and Lenin did not (APF) denied (APF).
Where is pleased to tell how our heroes escaped the plots of the counterrevolution.
They reached the old and out of breath and panting bidellesca One and, with a singular blend of theory and practice, rushed inside and left in a gallop, still in the limited and precarious possibilities offered by the machine. After a few hundred meters, vanished on the horizon any danger, regained his breath, Nando Pansa finally broke the silence: "Faith, sir, that contadino era veramente assai irritato».
«Caro Nando - sospirò il professore - ancora ti inganni: chiunque comprenderebbe che non si trattava di un contadino, bensì di un contraffatto agente della Reazione avente come compito quello di spegnere sul nascere i fermenti rivoluzionari di cui noi siamo suscitatori».
«Sarà come dice lei, signor mio. Io mi son solo fermato alla terza media e se lei dice che si trattava di un vigile della creazione ci credo senz'altro. Ma, appunto perché lei ha studiato e sa sempre spiegare in maniera così intelligente da risultare incomprensibili cose che a me sembrerebbero altrimenti ovvie, potrebbe usarmi la cortesia di indicarmi dove passeremo la notte?».
«Caro Nando, conclusive evidence I suggest that our reputation has now extended across the nation and that every tenement will certainly be happy to welcome us. In this respect: just over there I see the lights on. "
It was in fact a modest house that stood on the roadside, with no plaster and surrounded by orchards whose prosperity was inversely proportional to the care lavished. They parked on the apron of gravel that opened the door of entry and the Professor, with an air of safe, approached the bell.
Soon he opened a lady who, seeing foreign faces, drew back instinctively.
"Do not worry, madam, in fact we are the bearers of a revolutionary perspective for this country. "reassured the professor.
"Actually, my husband is not here," replied the lady of the house, but the professor, ignoring the objection s'introdusse friendly home.
"See Nando - illustrated with a wealth of guidance and explanatory gestures - this is indeed a house of people, please, keep that doll lying on the bed, and that picture of three meters by two depicting a boat on the beach at sunset. Dear lady, who plays her husband work? ".
the feeling that address pressing demand, the woman, who until then had not spared grumbling and protests fell silent, puzzled.
"My husband? E 'craftsman - one screen, adding now - but please sit down. Do you want to promote a cup of coffee? ".
"Very much obliged, ma'am - the professor thanked her ceremoniously. And, sitting down - see, dear Nando? And you doubted the reception of the people. "
While the lady in the kitchen making coffee with unusual alacrity, the professor, turning his eyes around, he realized at last that stationing before the television was a boy of perhaps twelve years, if not indifferent to the spectacle that was avidly consuming. The professor, then got up from his chair good, approached and strappatogli hand the remote control, gesture and conscious father turned off the device. And, to emerge, and inevitable protests, put up a long and reasoned discussion on moral damage which could cause the television accompanied by a vehement advocacy in defense of interests certainly more deserving of attention and study. Among them, did not disdain to mention, the rock. And the feeble protests of the young man who opposed the names of groups that is not nice to remember, the professor said, citing other carat and considerable interest in non-trivial that combine text with music more than worthy. Among these, I like to remember that the professor is reminded of Warrior Soul.
Taking advantage of the return of the mother with the pot smoking and following distraction, the young man went into the possession of the longed remote control, but had not yet been poured the coffee, the doorbell rang, much to the relief of the lady, who came to and recognized her husband, dragged him into a corner.
"I got those two - she whispered - and I did a lot of questions: What work did you do, where to work ... Looking at the picture, the furniture ...».
To which her husband, suddenly impallidendoo: "The Finannza," he murmured faintly terrified.
But the hesitation could be fatal, and then, made out, the man courageously faced the danger. There were great and polite greetings, invitations to stay and sit, until the professor asked, "She does that work?".
The time had come.
"I'm craftsman" replied soberly and prepared for the worst.
"See Nando - began the Professor - The craftsman is different from the capitalist as a worker who is both owner of the means of production. Am I right? She owns the means of production that you need? ".
And while the thought of the professor ran back to rudimentary or frames, that man fell into an abyss of fake invoices and under-declaration.
"In a certain sense - he defended the craftsman - Although there are a lot of expenses: mortgages, banks ...».
"Dear Nando: Take note that the role of financial capital will be some issues require further reflection and meaningful." Nando
But, more distracted than usual, continued staring at the bewildered face and the appearance of the artisan, while the professor, continuing the work of proselytism, "Tell me dear Lord? ("Joseph" hastened the craftsman). Well, dear Joseph, tell me, what is your attitude toward boys? Sa? I ask this because for me it is necessary to determine whether she, in a crisis, whether intended to be among those (and are more) that slip into truly proletarian or is part of the (restricted, true) number of capitalists in note that the crisis is sopraggiunger manifestaranno in power. "
And Joseph, who work very black takes a couple of Albanians, "But I really do everything myself."
"I am delighted. See, I believe that she could become a potentially revolutionary subject. And the time is coming fast: it is not so long ago when I present here Nando Pansa and we had to face a column cleverly disguised. ("Do not say, professor," pleaded the janitor) but we managed to stop with the launch of an incendiary bottle carefully (I) prepared. "
"Where, pray?" Asked the carpenter who was beginning to glimpse the shadow of suspicion.
"Professor: has been done later," still pleaded Nando Pansa.
But the professor, ignoring "Not far from here: a few hundred meters from the entrance the dirt road. " The Craftsman
face became purple, the fact that the professor, however, attributed to hot coffee. Repressing, however, still managed to spell the last question, "And forgive me, but they are on Finance? Or the Police? ".
"But for goodness sake! We could never mingle with the forces of reaction! See, I am a teacher (math) and he is a janitor. "
"May God protect us," pleaded Nando Pansa.
And before the professor could be learned about the fundamentals of scientific materialism, that Joseph, in the face and furious in the throes of a well thought out vengeful fury, knocking over the chair rose and began to chase professor and janitor who, after a few laps around the table, began to make better estimates Acconci and the appropriate assumptions to come out at breakneck speed to rush home and, once again, towards the One who waited patiently and now ready for anything.
where it is said of selling the revolutionary flame caught on among the underprivileged classes.
For the umpteenth time and bidellesca One patient underwent a very heavy strain and was forced, reluctantly, to be produced and accelerated in a shot for you but certainly remarkable that, indeed, would not have to certainly able to compete with those of any other means or mechanical traction this horse on the road network. Fortune, however, on that occasion did not turn his back to the Revolution, as the artisan Joseph, in pursuing full of fury and indignation, had failed to take with him the keys to their car that was launched a few ominous warning to sky, seeing the enemy get away car, although slowly, he found nothing better than to return home very angry. After a few minutes
dedicated, understandably, to catch his breath and put an order in thought, was that Nando finally broke the silence.
'Verily, my Lord - he said - I did not think that the revolution of which she spoke so m'aveva require athletic skills and attitudes so out by the municipality. If only I could have imagined, I would have been able to train in politics running some Sunday morning. "
"Dear Nando, although the question has never been sufficiently discussed by good authors, it seems certain that the great revolutionaries were also endowed with uncommon prowess. 'S useless, I believe, that is to remind you of Che Guevara and Mao's famous walker, a skilled swimmer, and Spartacus, who all excelled. But the fact remains that art in which they excelled was the analysis of intellectual activity in which I feel, indeed, be paid. In this regard, which came late hour now, and feeling in me an urgent need to meditate calmly on the contradictions Today's result, I think, a perfect relationship with the masses, please pull over in a friendly pitch. "
"With this his lordship means that we will spend the night in the open?".
'Night seems to me too: just a few sleepless hours waiting to couniugare, starting from the early hours of dawn, the theory to practice in a manner more appropriate to the phase we are going through. But here's a plot: I beg you, pull over. "
They stopped on the roadside and the loyal caretaker took out those two providential blankets from the trunk and handed to a professor who Nevertheless, he made reference to refuse.
"Only a few sleepless hours of meditation, perhaps aided by una stimolante musica».
E, messosi a frugare tra il mucchio delle cassette ne tirò fuori quella dei Black Crowes.
Ma, per quanto insigne fosse il gruppo e notevole il disco, non trascorse la seconda canzone che un sommesso mormorio cominciò a levarsi dal petto del Professore. E, giunta finalmente l'alba, al risveglio, il professore diede mostra d'aver elaborato una strategia. (Giova peraltro ricordare che egli s'era assopito lasciando la cassetta posizionata sul reverse indefinito con grande disappunto del bidello che, oltretutto, nel corso della notte si vide contese dal Professore - con successo - entrambe le coperte).
Orbene, il Professore pareva rammentarsi, tra uno sbadiglio e l'altro, che ai suoi verd'anni s'era went right in that area early to be leafleting in front of the gates of a nearby factory.
"See Nando, I think that my mistake has been not since the uprising of the working class. Come on then, move: they are just a few miles and this time the workers are about to enter the factory. "
After some time, with great security, the professor pointed to a street where the asphalt was fighting a valiant resistance against the tufts of grass growing almost everywhere.
"Your Lordship is sure that this is precisely the way?" Asked the janitor, somewhat perplexed.
"Nothing is more certain: the factory, full of life and revolutionary ferment is now nearby. Look, it's just around the corner. Here, it slows down to avoid the risk of overwhelming the ranks of workers entering the gates, here, so ... Oh, strawberry, "
Unfortunately, the company in question, some fifteen years earlier, had entered into deep crisis and the employer, after fleeing to Switzerland, had sanctioned the end of each any productive activity. At the time the workers protested vigorously and held several disputes but the professor, who at that time was immersed in the study of the contradictions of the tumult of the Ciompi, had failed to turn his attention to the news. On that bright morning
revolutionary in that factory, there were still a few crumbling walls and numerous rusted pylons.
stop the car, the two champions of silent people began to wander among the ruins, the legacy of the industrial era, with the professor who, from time to time let out a "Where are the workers?". Nando
Pansa, diligently sought in every direction, avoiding condoms and used syringes, looking in hidden corners.
"Nothing. - Confirmed by lifting the trap door again - just not there. "
"And yet ... yet ...». But at that juncture between research and finally came upon another living soul in and amazed.
leaning against a pillar, just loose tourniquet, syringe and spoon in hand, absorbed in contemplation of a crumbling wall, was a drug addict.
"Dear Nando - said the professor - perhaps our coming here will not be fruitless. Here in front of you - and it showed with sweeping gestures - a typical product of capitalist alienation. "
"Sir, to me it looks like a drug addict."
"Do not deny it, but, despite its contradictions, is still a product of the iniquitous system that fought with fury." The
amazed inhabitant of the rubble, meanwhile, had raised, and, having tidied up his tools, had approached the two.
"agree with me - the professor called to him - that she is struggling in many contradictions?".
"Numerous, indeed.
"I am delighted that recognize and tell me, would not be willing to resolve just emancipated from his social attitude?".
"Certainly, for us and not hide and even tried to be in order, came into the community. But after twenty-seven stitches, eight dislocations, a suspected fracture of the right metacarpal and three dislocations and additionally abrasions, bruises and minor burns that citara here would be dispersed, I was strengthened in the opinion it would be better to take the contradictions and safety. In this regard, could I ask you to alleviate, at least in part, by paying a fair amount? ".
'Man, we are rich in ideals and lack of funds. I fear that should go to others. "
"Pardon me, but I see maybe a watch on his left wrist?". "My friend, its value in use is great for me but I fear the exchange value is negligible."
"Sir, I understand his reasoning, but a poor exchange value of his watch will certainly be most appreciated by my supplier, the rather close to zero, its ideals."
and saw that Nando was beginning to arm themselves with an old rusty beam "Dear sir - he said - meaning that it pains me clutching a syringe that could cause serious harm to his partner." Nando
reluctantly threw the beams on the ground and he, after receiving the clock went off to his motor did not have, with a sharp nail, drilled a rubber one. Then, set in motion, moved away towards the rising sun
Where Quixote tells of how the Professor was admitted in revolutionary circles, and very illegal.
It was with great sadness that went to Nando Pansa bidellesca One and began to contemplate it, and when he finally felt close to him, the noble and austere presence of the professor: "Sir - began to sob - I came to the conclusion that these revolutions I do not belong in, and therefore, your Excellency, I would tell you that that will not take place Secretary of pleased that you had so generously promised me, and I return from my early announcement that Teresa and my brooms. What's more, your honor, if I assenterò few more days I run the risk of a visit by the examining doctor. "
"Dear Nando - thoughtfully replied the professor - although the question of revolution in one country has been debated for longer than the revolution in one day, it is my opinion (comforted, however, from past experience) that within a few days, and then before the examining doctor, it is possible to establish here and there some hint of the dictatorship of the proletariat. "
But the janitor, not at all reassured, sat disconsolately on the moisture grass to contemplate his machine.
"But what worries you, then - he asked the professor - perhaps the wheel of Cusa drilled in blatant contradiction of the capitalist culture?".
"Sir, is not only the wheel that worries me. But even those inflicted scratches to the stadium, and these shocks are very close to the break, not to mention the steering which, because of all the holes, is only approximate. "
Animo, Nando - Quixote cheered him - it's just a moment of despair! Revolutions always know their ups and downs. "
"It will definitely like this, although I seem to have seen so far only very low."
"Pure luck, dear Nando, pure luck. Raised Come and help me to change the tire. There is a country very close and certainly find some skilled artisan that will accommodate you the state of the art. "
They worked for a quarter of an hour before his departure for the country. But along the way, the professor, to which end psychological intuition nothing escaped, he began to suspect that the janitor began to notice a slight drop in voltage ideal. To cheer him up, then, draw from the inexhaustible pile of boxes that had brought with him the one with the last recorded work of King Crimson.
Animo Nando! I've got a box that, for its evocative and subtle nuances, not fail to cheer the soul. "
"What box, my lord?".
"That of King Crimson, my dear."
"Is it an old record or old recording?".
"None of this: it is, on the contrary, a job a few weeks ago."
"What's strange: I thought of being quite fast rock, but now I realize that basically, its ways are not unlike those of my family."
"I do not understand, Nando. Maybe in your family there is a rock musician or a composer in m'avevi concealed its existence?.
"Oh no, sir: In my family we are not inclined to art in general and the rock in particular. "
"So, what does your family?".
"See, my lord, I am named Nando (which would be short for Fernando), and also my grandfather (God bless) is chiamva Fernando. My father is Antonio, and my brother Joseph, even though he has nothing to do, and is normally always followed in my family that my first son he should be called Antonio, and the grandson of Joseph will be called (if it ever will be born ) Joseph, though he still has to do less than my brother Joseph. "
"Nando, I'm happy to be in full knowledge of your family, but I still do not see the connection with the rock."
"I do not understand? Evidently the old King Crimson had to be the grandparents of those who have had this record and that, as good grandchildren, take their name. "
"But you're wrong, dear Nando, King Crimson, since these are the same as the old ones. At least, almost the same, since, although this only the original formation of the first Fripp, Adrian Belew and Tony Levin and the second, in some places seem to go back to their classic moments. In order for which you are strongly advised, as well as a right turn, as the country is in that direction, even a careful and repeated listening. Well, now slowing, and after that curve will enter one of the first houses, you'll see, will not be hard to find a tire expert and honest. "
But here I have a lawful way, to introduce two new characters who, despite themselves, will mark the future course of revolutionary events of the professor. It was two fools, always accustomed to use and make ends meet with a variety of means so heterogeneous in terms of dubious legality. Entering and leaving much more than two several times by the nation's prisons, had in recent times, contacted a clandestine network of betting on football. While bidellesca and arrancante One entered the country, one of the two asked each other "But are you quite sure?".
"very safe, certainly."
"Repeat then."
"The orders are clear: deliver the envelope with betting Saturday's two emissaries to the Cape. "
"How can we recognize them?".
"It's no mistake: come with an air of indifference, at home, make a long and vicious round the square, and then we stopped by the tire. Will be in two, and unexpected. "
"Well, wait."
"So professor - Nando asked - where is this tire?".
"I think it's that side of the square. - But after a few tens of meters - No, now that I think should be the other side - and, after conversion and some other time - Wait, now I'm quite sure having seen him behind us. Back. "
Meanwhile, the two rollers watched with great interest the scene and, after one saw the approaching front tire, "Son they said, and approached. Already
the wheel had been lovingly taken over the two approached the professor and, putting a hand to cover her mouth and speaking softly, "We have here the stuff," she whispered. The professor, who did not hesitate for one moment that he was finally contacted by a 'revolutionary organization very efficient and, inevitably, illegal immigration, immediately adapts to the party and, whispering he asked, "What good question ?.
"Money" was the reply.
"But the weapons?".
"We are those. "
"Good. And many of you? ".
"Numerous and widespread throughout the country."
"Excellent: this is how you prepare the serious movements."
"We are aware of."
"And tell me, what should I do with some money? Compare weapons, fund travel abroad of the fugitives? ".
"Portals of the head. Inside you'll find a note with instructions. "
"But then there is a boss?".
"Of course.
"I burn with the desire to know."
"And he to have that package."
The two illegal immigrants were already taking leave when the teacher, calling them "Tell me, do not keep me sulle spine, come vanno le cose?».
«Molto bene» gli fu sussurrato in risposta.
«E Torino? Come va Torino?».
«E' sui 500» rispose il clandestino che, ovviamente, si riferiva alle quote della vittoria del Torino nel derby.
«E al Sud?» domandò ancora il professore che, invece, desiderava conoscere il numero dei rivoluzionari attivi.
«Dipende cosa. Napoli? Bari?».
«Napoli, per esempio».
«E' a 300».
Rincuorato, il professore ritornò da Nando Pansa proprio nel momento in cui il bidello stava pagando il gommista e stava risalendo in macchina. Con brevi cenni del capo il professore lo invitò to set in motion as expeditiously as possible.
However, just when they were about to leave the square was almost hit by a large car that he worked for reckless speed. And just when the two illegal immigrants, to see that scene, whitening face, one finally came out of the country with great difficulty.
"Dear Nando, only just told you (in you having a certain skepticism that hurt me a lot) to know how the revolution, like many other circumstances of human action, their ups and downs. You see now shows how the right moment, after many misadventures, are to come. "
And in saying that the distinguished and gallant Quixote Professor gently opened the voluminous involto che custodiva in grembo.
Il fido bidello, con un occhio alla guida e al'altro al pacco, vide quindi materializzarsi, come per magia, numerosi rotoli di biglietti da centomila ripiegati e strizzati da stretti elastici.
«Signor mio - esclamò - In fede non oserò mai più parlar male delle Rivoluzioni se in un solo giorno di lavoro (per quanto oltremodo duro e penoso, e io ne so qualcosa) Ella ha potuto guadagnare quanto, in media, un operaio riesce in più e più anni».
«Caro Nando - rispose sdegnato l'onesto professore - questi danari non son per me e non sono nemmeno la Rivoluzione, ma serviranno a prepararla in quanto tramuteranno il loro vile status di moneta segno in armi e tipografie clandestine di inestimabile va
lore per ogni rivoluzionario che si rispetti».
«E' un peccato, signor mio, che qualcosa non possa trattenersi, seppur a titolo di rimborso spese (e la mia macchina ne avrebbe ben bisogno), anche perché, sebbene non facciamo altro che prepararla, mi sorge qualche dubbio sulla ineluttabilità di questa Rivoluzione».
«E qui ti sbagli, e non di poco: che la rivoluzione sia ineluttabile è dimostrato non solo in numerosi testi dei quali non mancherò di parlarti (rammentami di narrarti della caduta tendenziale del saggio del profitto) ma, soprattutto, dall'esperienza. Vedi, caro Nando, che il mondo così com'è sia un'orrenda delusione è ampiamente riscontrato da chiunque abbia un minimo di sensibilità per capire. E come continuare a vivere in una società siffatta? Solo tre son le alternative: la prima è sperare che un giorno, in un al di là, tutto si ricomponga; ipotesi dimostrata erronea (ricordami di menzionarti anche il materialismo dialettico); la seconda è che per sopravvivere e accettare la delusione si diventi pazzi, e che ciò non sia il caso nostro è dimostrato dal fatto che io pazzo non sono; la terza, infine, è ritenere che, per necessità, una rivoluzione migliorerà e abbellirà uno stato di cose altrimenti insostenibile. Ecco Nando: questo è il nostro caso, e ciò prova l'inelluttabilità e l'imminenza della Rivoluzione. Rinfrancati quindi with this sweet thought, and in order, let you listen to an album that, of course, instill in your mind, the necessary heat. "
In saying this, the professor's well-stocked fish from the cassette deck of Widespread Panic, a group that heat transmits a lot, especially to those who love or have loved American music. Because, and this is the feature, the Widespread Panic at their umpteenth album reproduce a complete sample of what rock music of the U.S. has produced in recent decades. And, in the background, there is always implied a meadow, a long road that runs straight, a sense of freedom, and in the case of Professor Quixote dreams and more than twenty years ago, when California was expected as a Hippy and Floral. (And now instead become one of the most racist nations on earth: congratulations.) Now, of course, many things had changed, and the way that the teacher and the janitor had not walked twenty years before that dream but a narrow road that climbed up the mountains.
"Sir, are you sure that management is the right one?".
"Of course, dear Nando: The map and accompanying instructions are very clear. They should not miss more than ten kilometers. "
left off a few more minutes in silence, enjoying the drive, to appreciate the mature composure, until they arrived at the threshold of a great and heavy gate.
"Stop, Nando, this is the place."
then moves nearer two nice people who would not meet at night and better yet never meet, that the machine gave avvicinatisi s'attendevano to understand that comprehensive explanation. The teacher then showed, without wasting a verb, the envelope, and they seemed to understand, since they did pass.
get inside the park and after a while they stopped at the house just now. It was a post-industrial wealth building: walls plastered not because, evidently, was not considered necessary, but great pool and a large and convex, which were making some palm trees by air curtain that I can not say now whether fake or greenhouse. The set should evoke Floridesco something, but the Apennines in the background and the poignant smell of manure contributed not a little to spoil the atmosphere. Many dogs, and very fierce, and worthy masters enriched the village.
The professor and the janitor, stopped the car they were in fact collected and brought inside.
"Now I know - Quixote trembled - know the new Lenin of Italy. Preparations, Nando, prepared at the time that one day you can tell your grandchildren: 'I was there'. "
'It's what I'm afraid, sir, "whispered just Nando.
were left to ponder in a large living room, tending to pink, with rich heavy drapes and couches which not a little disconcerted that the professor, tutt'evidenza in, expecting a local park and more sober.
not waited long, and not to admire ebbbero accurately the abundance of ceramic figurines, the new Lenin (at least so I thought the professor) entered the room.
He was very stout and hairy, and he loved to show off, in addition to the fleece, and a rich gold medallion on his chest and a bright shiny silk robe.
"It's them - they called out abruptly - devon give me that money?".
"Of this we were in charge, mate - the treat Quixote - and the sum is here. Just would like to be briefed on your projects in order to be able to participate. "
"Pardon me - interrupted the hairy - but I wonder what can never be your interest.
"It seems obvious, mate - the professor shook his fist - to make our ideas in this massive movement of which you are driving." And now the hairy
was about to argue that great noises announced the entry into force of any of those gentlemen whose company, in general, you should omit. It was a very large and angry group that stood in the doorway.
'Chapter - said one of them - those two are infiltrated! Are these two couriers true - and indicated that the two arrived in the square shortly after the departure of the professor and the janitor - They do not know who they are. Perhaps the police, or carabinieri, or crooks. " The hairy
cautiously retreated a step while all brandished weapons of various kinds and sizes, and the two revolutionaries spoke thus: 'It may be true what they say? ".
"Never, mate, you need the police or prosecute! And I have proof. "
"The evidence says? Show me, please. " Decent
the professor drew from his pocket, then placed two more precious mementos: a photograph and an old article, both of yellowish to the past. "Look here - went to the hairy - this is the picture of employment of the University. It 'true that I am past seventeen years and twenty pounds, yet are perfectly recognizable. Here I am in the middle, although still not provided a rich and flowing hair. But then if that was not enough - the professor argued for the sake of completeness - here is the litmus test. - Took out a copy of an old comic headed 'Proletarian Lucania' which was released some twenty years before, for almost four consecutive numbers - From page ten starts my piece on the 'Lucania Agrarian Question in the sixteenth century' where she , with a glance, you can recognize a paradigm of interpretation eminently materialistic. Please read and be convinced. "
But the hairy, inexplicably for a professor, picked up photos and articles, made a bullet and threw them in the fireplace blazing. Then, con pochi ma precisi ordini ordinò ai suoi di portare via bidello e professore e di sottoporli a stringente quanto esauriente interrogatorio.
Non appena ricevettero l'ordine dal burbero quanto villoso capo, i suoi premurosi collaboratori si diedero subito ad insistere perché il Professore e Nando Pansa li volessero cortesemente seguire. E, constatata una qualche resistenza, forse determinata dal cortese timore di arrecare troppo disturbo, quei signori stimarono più opportuno stringere a sé calorosamente i due e portarli lungo stretti e reconditi corridoi sino ad una stanza interrata umida e fredda. Colà, per non doversi privare anzitempo della preziosa presenza del Professore e del bidello, quei signori li fecero fermamente accomodare su due sedie (Very dusty and dirty, actually) and they provided to ensure the desired company by heavy ropes wisely narrow wrists, ankles, and with ingenious found at the back of the chairs.
Then you gave to deepen mutual understanding, to ask questions and so thorny issues that require dovevan, inevitably, ask the professor to get a solution. Opinion that was required, with insistence, and I would say heat. Learned during the conversation, then, it was so emotional and transport the interest that these gentlemen often they forgot to turn off the butts into the ashtray preferring, in the case, some of the skin flap of one of the two. And so the interview lasted that, in order to restore fluidity to the dormant joints, and especially those of arms, often gave to simulate real boxing matches and gave way to face hours of teacher time janitor to test the skill and the strength of truly remarkable gestures.
After long hours, finally, so was the commitment that the two revolutionaries, bewildered by so much coloquiare, now exhausted themselves over chairs. It was then that he entered the room in her robe and hairy head. With a single sign was understood that there was not much depth dialectic, and hearing by one of his collaborators who, probably, nothing deepens as (I quote) "would be like bled from turnips, "avvicinossi the professor and his chin held up the" I hope - he said - that his lordship will remember this day well spent among us. "
This was the farewell and shortly after the professor and the janitor were accompanied early in the machine and, with wishes for a happy return to any place in the world will, and (especially) the underworld who was not one in which they were in then, set in motion and sadly left the garden of the villa.
A placid pace they went away and then, after some time, "You know, Nando -" murmured the professor with some speech impediment determined against accidental fall of a couple of teeth - I think more and more strength to me the idea that those were not the revolutionaries was telling you about. "
"If I have to be honest, your honor, I will tell you that I cultivate similar suspicion. Also, I am not sure his lordship will have to proceed to the conclusion that it would be better for me to give up that Undersecretariat and the revolutions of which she spoke at length to me and which I have briefly but exhaustively considered the nature. "
"With this, Nando, you dealt a blow to my hopes."
'I am sorry, sir, but I hope that the finding of the shots do not appreciate that I have received on this day will be worth to justify in his eyes. "
What is the triumphant homecoming of the two brave Revolutionaries
then fell silent for a long time, absorbed in thought. The coveted janitor, finally, a comfortable bed and a bath while the able professor, higher mind, began to remember once again its verd'anni and the time when everything seemed easier. He remembered then that he was carrying a box still not heard, belonging to a group that was very loved in his youth: The Gong, the archetype of the English music freak in the early seventies. And absorbed in his silence, the teacher listened to them with evident emotion Thinking back over the faces and hopes to become lost in the mists of time.
"Nando you're right. - Muttered in a deep voice - return to home "and closed in a deep and mournful silence.
Finally, when the sun was setting on the horizon now, entered the city, including the curiosity and amazement of those who saw a move that residue of a thousand battles, and all wore eye-catching signs. Then came under the teacher's home and parked in the back one, set about laboriously climb the stairs. They came at the door, clung to the bell and not let go until, out of breath, raised by their presence and bewildered by their present condition, the sister opened the door. The professor, driven by little more than the force of gravity, entered the apartment and then fell on the couch.
The living room had been refurbished by now, seditious books were carefully removed and left only those conciliatory and uplifting (notavasi in particular that when it comes to romance betrothed to a point and says "I have learned not to put it 'riots "- Italic paradigm of political action). Much of what she feared that her sister s'adombrasse the professor, but he faces a (fleeting) I look back furniture, "What they have done ever since my books?" He asked.
"He came to the police - is justified, mind, self-conscious sister - giudicaron them dangerous and they took away."
"Well they did - absent, to the astonishment of her sister, brother - are indeed dangerous, because they misled my rectum understand. I instill the idea that only now I see to be false and misleading, it was possible to change the world or, more modestly, quest'iniquo state of affairs. They made me think that truth and justice are destined to triumph over falsehood and iniquity, when anyone with a minimum of reason is unclear how this is impossible. They made me believe, finally, that the reason may increasingly influence and that this history of mankind is destined to a better future. They were wrong, everyone, I was wrong to lend their faith. Sister, you'll never forgive my madness? ".
heard this speech so sensible and reasonable, and the janitor's sister broke into major demonstrations of joy and enthusiasm: one, that would have forgiven him for much less, rushed to embrace him, in tears, reassuring and comforting and the other, clearing his voice with emotion, make sure that even the professor to see back of her mind, was quite willing to forego that undersecretary. And while his sister, to celebrate, he ran the kitchen with the intention of preparing one of her best recipes, the janitor took his leave with big smiles and congratulations citing as justification for the rush of seeing that the soul of Teresa and the bath his. The professor, who was now only in the living room, then lay on the couch and found the most comfortable of positions, poses and hand the remote control, while the images ran and jumped from one channel to another, tasted in a long time, the new-found peace of mind.
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