Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Monica Roccaforte Streaming

Un nuovo aspetto esteriore o un nuovo sguardo?

I wrote a young lady to tell her experience. I am grateful of having agreed to write her: I'll call Frank (the quotation marks are his). Francesca has thirty-three, self-employed, married young and, when it broke away, "I live alone but I have good friends you can count on."
"Odalisque" by Henry Matisse
His wrath, from a young girl, "wide hips and belly, and applicants in the family way resistant to diets and treatments.
Francesca speaks to me of years of hardship, when he hid under shirts and spent the holidays in the mountains, dragging parents and brother. "Of I was sure of two things: to hate the sea and could not please the guys. "And so it was deeply grateful to that first fell in love with her, said she was in love and married him while keeping him with a sort of ashamed to show themselves, "even though he kept saying that it was absurd, that I was beautiful and that he liked," he writes, "I could not believe it" and continues, "when my husband left me, I expected and I have not suffered so much ".
It is dedicated to his profession and, just by their work, it's" lucky ".
A customer calls in a course in belly dancing. the passion. At the sensual movements of the dance the soft side di Francesca ben si adattano e ne accentuano il ritmo, la pancetta diventa funzionale all'insieme…..
Inizia il circolo virtuoso dell'accettarsi che migliora e del migliorarsi che favorisce l'accettazione. "Danzo da tre anni, lo adoro, ho anche perso un po' di peso e mi sono rassodata ma, soprattutto, mi sento sexi con le mie misure (non canoniche, come tu scrivi)" mi dice Francesca. Adesso ai complementi degli uomini Francesca crede, e le fanno piacere. "L'amore lo aspetto ma voglio che sia amore anche da parte mia e non rimedio alla solitudine".
In contesti terapeutici, la ristrutturazione è largamente utilizzata. Quando un terapeuta cerca i far sì che il cliente 'Think of the things differently' or 'see things from a new point of view' or 'take into account other factors', is trying to restructure the events that he will react differently. (Introduction to "restructuring", Bandler & Grinder )
Frank has identified and managed in the first person this possibility. To you my most sincere wishes of peace.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

White Coating On Tongue, Gas


In one day a few months ago, I think it was spring, my copy of "Pinocchio 2112 " Silvio Donà (website: qui ) giaceva seminascosta fra i soliti noti della sezione “Fantascienza” (meno magra del consueto, a dire il vero) di una libreria periferica di Roma. Il dorso scuro e sottile aveva attirato la mia attenzione come una fogliolina nera in un tappeto di vissute e ampie foglie gialle e, quando lo sfogliai, trovai conferma del fatto che mi ero imbattuto in una rarità: un libro, classificato come “romanzo di fantascienza” (al momento unico di questo genere per i tipi di Leone Editore ), imprigionato fra gli ubiquitari Cosmo Oro e i mai tramontanti P. K. Dick d’annata. La quarta di copertina sembrava intrigante, e non esitai ad acquistare il volume.
Confesso since then have had to spend many months before I read it, because of traffic congestion books in my bedroom (not an unusual occurrence in recent years).
I want to say that, started a book after the first two or three chapters I enjoy groped to predict the time it takes to finish it. A Pinocchio 2112 had given, despite the brevity of the novel, about a week, with a discrete probability of abandonment (a practice which, incidentally, I am a supporter), due to my distaste for pessimism cosmic narrative , which, completely wrong, I thought I had picked up the smell from the front pages.
think again can be especially beautiful.
change my opinion, feel, line by line, a book will catch up to slavery, and let themselves into the night. So, the week prior listing has been reduced to no more than thirty-six hours (would have been even less, if there were no personal troubles that have diluted the time to read this).
Pinocchio 2112 is evidence that outside the canonical circuits and famous, the Italian science fiction feeds, and even often, stories that shine with their own light, composed of colors originality, beauty and a convincing narrative force. We
cento anni nel futuro, in un mondo buio, sotterraneo, in cui la popolazione terrestre ha dovuto rifugiarsi per non ben precisate ragioni. Uno scenario post-apocalittico alquanto inconsueto. Le donne e gli uomini sopravvivono a stento. Il cibo scarseggia, le città sono grovigli di tunnel che cercano di imitare l’aspetto della vita precedente, in superficie. Una parvenza di ordine sociale è preservata grazie a organizzazioni di stampo mafioso, guidate da uomini potenti e rispettati, come il misterioso e carismatico Scipione Rega.
Ci si arrabatta come meglio si può, avere un’arma è tanto difficile quanto consigliabile, il denaro è rimpiazzato dalle pastiglie di droga necessaria per non impazzire. L’arte di arrangiarsi everywhere, humanity hides herself, and the memory of life on the surface is reduced to myth now buried in an unreachable past.
In this desolate world, the protagonist tells his story.
Angelo is a "seeker of the past." The man wanders in the most treacherous of the underground city, trusting only three bullets in his rickety old gun, in search of a precious commodity, the only tangible sign of the existence of a glorious time: books. Forgotten by most, the books have become veritable archaeological finds in abandoned old furniture damaged floors no longer trodden by human beings worthy of the name, slid nei recessi più insidiosi del sottosuolo, ingolfati nei gorghi di un passato che è tanto difficile dimenticare quanto rammentare. Angelo si guadagna così le pastiglie con cui andare avanti, e non si lamenta nemmeno troppo della sua vita, che, nonostante la dose di rassegnazione da assumere quotidianamente, considera dignitosa.
Un giorno, per interposta persona, il nostro riceve da Scipione Rega l’incarico di scovare un libro adatto alla donna di questi. L’incarico si tramuta presto in  ordine perentorio, da cui può dipendere la sopravvivenza. E qui la storia si complica, e per vari motivi, che ovviamente non approfondiremo.
La trama che Silvio Donà ha sviluppato è tanto semplice quanto efficace; the narrator forces her to follow the main character in each movement underground, to accompany his steps full of terror, as if wanting to protect, advise and help. The pace is quick, there are no breaks, you're forced to run, with Angelo behind Angelo, Angelo. And you can not afford to catch my breath just at the moment when we read the number of each chapter because each chapter something big happens, something new, with no intermissions, no frills.
In such a scenario, many authors might have pursued ways of proven effectiveness, and lack of originality, based on the power of basic feelings such as revenge or hatred, or basic needs like hunger and thirst, and justify any choice by the irrepressible, instinctive need for survival that can not gripped each segment of a world so ominous.
Luckily (and so to say, luck got to do very little), Donà takes a completely different way. Despite the fear of defeat to accompany him without stopping, the protagonist does not overwhelm it never leaves, and makes unexpected choices, which leads him to carry unpredictable, surprising actions, in a crescendo of discoveries that occur inside the building relationships with the few well-sketched characters in the story.
And so, with a fiery blend of delicacy and brilliant irony, e senza mai scivolare in un indigesto buonismo, l’autore ci sussurra che l’essere umano è in grado di rimanere tale nonostante la disumana avversità dello scenario in cui può suo malgrado ritrovarsi. Che ribellarsi all’abdicazione del sentire dell’esser donne, e uomini, è la natura stessa delle donne e degli uomini. Che un’irrazionale esigenza di conservare la propria umanità prevale su ipotetici e inesistenti istinti animaleschi. Che la forza e la violenza sono due cose diverse, e che l’esigenza di realizzare se stessi supera la fame, l’angoscia e il terrore dell’ignoto.
Una scelta coraggiosa.
C’è chi sostiene che nei romanzi non bisogna mai parlare troppo di sé. I, however, against the trend, I think you can do, if capable of being. I could be wrong, but my feeling is that Silvio Donà he did, and in the right way, turning into real elements of literature as fantasy, and making the experience a source of creativity in which traces of that experience that are not vague, a bit 'like the faded memory of the outdoor life that the characters of Pinocchio 2112 have inherited from their ancestors.
There are many ingredients that contribute to good taste 2112 Pinocchio in the mouth.
Reading this novel is a father who will have more of a jerk, and who is not will fascinated and intrigued. Reading this novel will love the books more, especially those forgotten, especially those of childhood. Reading this novel is recalling the adolescent first loves, and with them the fear and complicity, the risk of pure desire. Reading this novel you will understand the value of a man's word and the need of some sacrosanct, little, big lies. Reading this novel, like any good novel, you become a little happier to be alive.
It will light when the need was felt in the first pages. Even there, underground.
you should not say more. If I have not yet convinced, listen to some passage in this book trailer that I had the desire to achieve as soon as I closed this beautiful book.
And then, do yourself a gift. Order Pinocchio 2112 , here.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Pokemon Shiny Soul Silver Egg

dear brothers

"Brother! What a joy to meet you and hug you! "
" Never like mine, Brother, ever equal to mine. The happiness that comes over me is indescribable.. "
"How long, Brother, has elapsed since our last meeting. The mercy of God performed signs of unprecedented magnitude. His love pervades the world and fills my heart with joy.. "
"Many signs, yes, lots of signs. Visible even to those who have only a well-disposed. My brother, compare it (and I do not want to seem blasphemous!) The work of God in a wonderful carpet. On the back you can imagine the design, you can see the signs of greatness, but the straight line that unfold the infinite nuances and beauty of the fabric. I have no doubt, Brother, I do not doubt that even you are successful, seeing the back, to recognize the sublime design completed. And that, believe me, for my heart is sweeter than milk and honey. I embrace you, brother.. "
"O, Brother, what a joy to me! The love of God is truly immense, if we give to those who do not follow him in a straight line the illusion of being able to see the marvelous design. So great is his love that even those who are far away (like you, brother) are convinced of being blessed by him .... "
"You are right, my Brother, you are right to appoint the love of God that is second to none. There is indeed nothing more than a great and holy, nor the love that you think others think they know the merits of fading. "
«Fratello, non vorrei che tu pensassi che il tuo credo possa percepire un amore di dio maggiore di quello di cui sono inondati i miei confratelli.».
«Ma non v’è dubbio! O no, non v’è! Certo che lo penso: come può essere la copia (peraltro nemmeno ben fatta) essere migliore dell’unico autentico originale, dell’amore che su di noi si riversa?».
«E dimmi, Fratello, è per questa ragione che la settimana scorsa alcuni dei tuoi sono giunti in un nostro villaggio e hanno ucciso tutti non risparmiando donne e bambini?».
«Oh sì Fratello, sì! Fu per amore, per il trionfo del vero amore, acciocché i meschini accecati dall’errore possano redimersi e indirizzarsi verso l’unica via che porterà, a chi la seguirà, un’infinità di bene. Quanto a coloro che, dando l’esempio e fungendo da ammaestramento, sono periti, ora, immersi nell’abbraccio e nell’amore del vero dio, ridono di quei pochi attimi di sofferenza e spandono lodi per noi che abbiamo permesso loro di ascendere a tale gloria. Ed è per questo, Fratello, che proprio non comprendo come mai i tuoi confratelli, il giorno dopo, abbiano posto una bomba di fronte ad uno dei nostri santuari uccidendo 27 fedeli e ferendone 62 (dei quali 35 gravi). Perché essere così refrattari all’amore di dio?».
«Ma Fratello, è evidente, credo, persino a te. Non era certo per le nostre povere vite, ma non potevamo tollerare che qualcuno dubitasse dell’immenso amore che dio riserva a noi, i suoi figli prediletti.».
«Incomprensioni, incomprensioni. Ma ora, Fratello, lasciati abbracciare.».
«Certamente e con la massima letizia, ma potrei chiederti la squisita cortesia di posare per terra il coltello che stringi nella man destra?».
«Fratello, lietissimo sarò di farlo non appena, toccato dall’immenso amore di dio, ti sarai risoluto a riporre quella mazza ferrata che rotei sul capo.».
«Fratello, forse è giunto il momento di salutarci.».
«Ma in letizia, Fratello, in letizia!».
«E anche, da parte mia, con la massima gioia.».
«La tua gioia nel salutarci non potrà mai essere inferiore alla mia, Fratello, mai!».
«Ma ci ritroveremo. Presto!».
«Prestissimo, Fratello,prestissimo! Come puoi dubitarne? Conterò le ore che ci separano dal nostro prossimo incontro.»
«Avverrà prima di quanto immagini, Fratello.».
«Non ne dubito, non ne dubito!».
«A presto allora!».
«A presto, a prestissimo».

Pubblicato su gli Italiani

e sul
numero 87 di Ucuntu

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Software Exception C0000005

Altrisogni - Digital Magazine of Horror, Sci-Fi and Weird - N. 1 ready!

E 'ready to buy the N. 1 of the new digital magazine Altrisogni on .
In summary, an interview Urania Award Alberto Cola, stories of Francesca Angelinelli Luca Ducceschi Simona Gervasoni, Alfredo Mogavero, Massimiliano Monti, Corrado Sobrero, Francesco Troccoli Fabrizio Valenza, and the special on the publishers who publish great fiction.
My story is the new "hands Nude."
A link to the download portal is this . Happy reading!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Why Doesnt My Broadband Not Work In Cold Weather

A ciascuno il suo

the different ways of perceiving their external image and live this report are as many ways to deal with any inconvenience arising therefrom. Therefore the intervention of support given to the person you are helping relationship will be tailored to its needs, its potential, the particular time that is going through.

Here are a few examples (that have been authorized to tell by those concerned, obviously, not detectable) because it is clear what is spoken.
Marta acted for years with how self-defeating. Convinced of being so bad they do not have room for improvement, and not cared about their appearance very often, when he was still living with their parents (before coming to Tuscany to work), takes the old clothes of her elder sister. In family had financial problems, relatives Marta considered "good and modest" and that the "gratified".

With her we started right from the improvement (practice) of his image, which excluded the possibility Marta.
E 'was when, far from the city of origin for some time and a little' alone has had the "daring" and let that change the shape of the eyebrows. That way you can think, well, it's a change from anything! Eh, no, you had to hear it when work is finished, we saw in the mirror, 'Oh God, do not recognize myself, how do I get out so the street? "almost hopeless. Ah, I said, maybe it was a stretch, damn I would be reassured that eyebrows regrowth, what else could I do? Then, in the days after, at school, came the praise of her students and Marta began accepting the new, I got a call apologizing, is back and, little by little, he learned to put makeup on her eyes, she tried a new hairstyle ... and then was ready to deal with it What makes it so very insecure.

We spoke of her beautiful sisters, one major and one minor children, and admiration that makes people from an early age, the day when, twelve years old, aveva sentito la mamma affermare di avere "due figlie belle ed una molto intelligente"…"Avrei voluto fare la chef, mi sono costretta a studiare e laurearmi con il massimo dei voti per dimostrare che almeno intelligente lo ero davvero".
Marta sta lavorando tuttora all'elaborazione del suo disagio (i timori, le aspettative etc.) ma il punto di svolta rispetto al passato c'è stato ed è partito proprio dalla pratica di un cambiamento, in questo caso un piccolo miglioramento di aspetto, che lei si impediva di cercare per paura della delusione di non riuscire.

La mente di una persona è un sistema aperto ed in un sistema aperto una piccola variazione può generarne grandi.

Edward . intelligent and studious boy, very polite manner and speech, by week insisted that he wanted to bleach his hair blond and wearing on this for his parents was incomprehensible and unacceptable him with amber skin, jet black hair, the typical features of South America ...
her mom are very fond of because it was my first friend, eleven years ago in Milan. At that time she and her husband were still under the gaze of social workers, having recently adopted Edo. The relationships in the family were very calm until some time ago, during the first year of high school but the child began to have a care "exaggerated" her appearance, clothes to pretend to study the movements ... attitudes that puzzle my friend and her husband. The idea to dye her hair was the straw too ... I met with Edo, so I always had great sympathy.
Edo was aware that his discomfort stemmed from the fear of (his words) "be mistaken for an immigrant, possibly illegal immigrant." That is probably the greatest care and clothing from this myth of the "Nordic type." More difficult to say and instead tell me what bothered him that his treatment described his state of an adopted child. Even more feared the possibility of noticing the discomfort of its (very loved) parents. By Edward
work was done on a sense of what he felt and longed feared that this would not accept their influence on the issue.

"While we pursue the unattainable, we make the impossible achievable" (Robert Ardrey)

Edward will never be a Nordic type (light skin, straight hair, blonde, blue eyes maybe) and, most likely, that small group of bullies who had ironically nicknamed "Brad Pitt" wanted him to pay his excellent academic performance. And maybe the envy of the beautiful blond mother and the family some peace of mind "natural children" not found in their families ... from this different view of reality we can not (actually Edward did almost everything myself ...) to find a look that enhances her features so special and is starting to handle different situations that they put in difficulties.
With her mother's work was to lower the tension caused by the "strangeness" of her son, which should be resized because they are within that particular time that is adolescence, in which one can speak of "normally abnormal", just the difficulties of transition from childhood to adulthood.
Incidentally, when Edward began to respond to "Brad Pitt "Benicio Del Toro, thanks", it seems that not call him anymore.
Hello to those who read me and see you soon.

adolescence aesthetic problems are of particular importance and cover the whole body .

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tapet Littlest Pet Shop

Michael Bishop: Fragile seasons.

interview granted some time ago in Sci-Fi and Environs ( here), two-time Nebula Award Michael Bishop had told the clear letters. As much as I insist in offering " Time is the only enemy " as his masterpiece, Michael countered belief "Brittle Innings " his best book, and not hide in no way a rather negative opinion on all its types of works after all these years, both in terms of form than of substance, showing a time of intellectual honesty and ability to evolve as an author.
confess that at the time of the interview did not know this book because I did not know that there was an Italian edition published by Fanucci. After struggling to find a copy for collection at an acceptable price (the cover, in alto, è di  Tiziano Cremonini ), e averlo letto, continuo in effetti a pensare che “ Il tempo è il solo nemico ” sia l’opera migliore del nostro, ma “ Fragili Stagioni ” (questo il titolo in italiano) ha meritatamente conquistato la seconda posizione.
Innanzitutto, va evidenziato che non possiamo considerare questo romanzo come un’opera di fantascienza. Anche inserirla nella categoria corretta, che potrebbe essere quella del soft-horror , non renderebbe giustizia a un autore che, pur avendo consacrato gran parte della sua carriera al genere, è oggi alla ricerca di un editore per il suo ultimo mainstream novel.
It is already evident in its Fragile Seasons Michael's will to cross the boundaries of the genre. In this novel, the reference to Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is measured in a way so that one must pass beyond one hundred and fifty pages to confirm that one of the characters, the mysterious Henry Clerval said " Jumbo", is indeed the creature of the famous Dr . Viktor Frankenstein.
survived through the centuries, the giant has landed in a daring world of baseball, which has established itself as one of the best minor league players of the USA during the period of austerity Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Poiché proviene dal passato, Jumbo si esprime con un inglese raffinato, elegante, incredibilmente ricco di sfumature, che possiamo divertirci a immaginare pronunciato con impeccabile accento britannico vittoriano. Ha inoltre trascorso molto tempo a leggere e studiare in solitudine, e la sua cultura è quindi sterminata e poliedrica.
La narrazione è insomma condita con piacevoli spunti dal tono grottesco; eppure, questo romanzo è ben più di un soft-horror dai sofisticati toni umoristici.
Inizialmente potreste spaventarvi al cospetto della mole di tecnicismi sportivi; sembra quasi di aver iniziato la lettura di un manuale di baseball. A meno che non siate degli esperti in materia, vi imbatterete in passages where you will not understand much. On the other hand, the same steps, in which the protagonist, Daniel Boles, measure and challenge himself in the diamond game, hoping to crown his dreams, once again contain a clear vision, positive and reassuring ' human being.
Daniel is a stuttering boy, and after a trauma becomes practically mute for most of history, at the same time reveals with an exceptional talent for baseball.
The whole story thus emerges as the progressive establishment of an identity. Using his knowledge of the sport as a breeding ground for original and unusual setting, Michael Bishop eviscerates the main dynamics of the human being without ever yielding to the (easy, I suppose) the temptation to give them a name. The envy of teammates, the fear of diversity of Jumbo, the difficult relationship with his father Daniel (with a detailed dreams), sometimes not clear the violence of some secondary characters, the principle of equality among all men (whites and blacks in particular), the desire towards women, their freedom, the need for self-fulfillment. To this was added a short but incisive allusions to the political situation of the period, with a claim of the futility of war and the ever clumsy satire on the patriotic rhetoric America of FD Roosevelt (protector of baseball during the war), in addition to the questions that arise from the comparison between the fate of children who die at the front and those who remained at home to do their job as players. The whole scenario of the rigid racial division of the 'Deep South American "(the story takes place in Georgia, where the author now lives), which reminds us of just half a century ago as the' apartheid was in accordance with usual the United States. An America, the one who lived the time of the Second World War such a great distance from the front, which in this novel is a detailed portrait and not at all superficial.
Se la cronaca della vicenda di Daniel, da un lato, rappresenta il vissuto concreto del protagonista, dall’altro, la ricostruzione graduale dei fatti che, attraverso i secoli, portano Henry/Jumbo nella grande casa colonica in cui alloggiano gli Highbridge Hellbenders , sembra invece voler alludere ad un percorso interiore.
Henry è scampato ai ghiacci artici dove si consuma l’epilogo della storia originale, ed è vissuto alla costante ricerca di un’accettazione sociale della propria diversità.
Per inciso, la ricostruzione di questi antefatti attraverso i secoli si svolge sottoforma di copiatura dei diari di Henry/Jumbo da parte di Daniel, che ne viene casualmente in possesso. It must be said on these pages (a few, unfortunately, but not the only ones that contain fantastic elements) on the vicissitudes of Henry / Jumbo, on his run into many different human communities, tribes that survive in the Arctic to the slums of modern cities, are real stories. Even with the use of a mannered narrator in stark contrast to nineteenth-century style with modern, fluid and declination in the third person of the rest of the work, they achieve a dignity that makes it almost self-narrative in the novel.
Henry is aware of its diversity of creation "not natural", but not limited to defend its life by the repeated assaults. The voltage to overcome the limitations of mere survival, and find full acceptance of self, leads him to take drastic measures, such as surgical shortening of their legs. Sometimes mistaken for a God, sometimes for a monstrous animal, Henry pursues tenaciously contact and relationship with humans. Fighting his alleged dis-humanity , and to this end decides to hold off their bestial instincts, murder, believes that arise from its creators (and not by himself), and which recognizes the wickedness. It is sincerely sorry for the murders he was forced to commit in its distant past, and has vowed not to kill more.
The culmination of this process of "humanization" is accomplished just in the meeting with Daniel, who arrived to Highbridge Hellbenders as a reserve player. Choosing him as a roommate, Henry can come last to enter his world and its history, finding in him a human being worthy of knowing the truth, feeling him as a friend who will not betray him. And when Daniel finds himself in a situation of insurmountable difficulties, the monstrous drives contained the risk of going long in coming.
It seems that Henry really seem like the unconscious representation of Daniel, the 'alter ego which embodies and expresses its deepest reactions to events of which the two friends are actors or victims. Henry gives voice to opinions that instead the boy, too shy and respectful of others, never expresses it openly: the hatred of war, rejection of oppression, the need for justice, respect for others. The long period of silence for Daniel became so instrumental in this ingenious narrative device: Henry makes external and understandable words, the inner experience of Daniel, who tries to keep a prudent distance from the dangers of a world too hostile.
In this sense, the turning point came when, by chance met his executioner, and rebelling, Daniel recover the use of voice, and gets rid of the heavy burden of an oppressive and violent father, becoming free to be "a real person." An evaluation
just enough of an author's complex and sophisticated as Michael Bishop can not in fact in any way apart from this novel, through a detailed description of the minimalist and the U.S. province of the South of almost seventy years ago, forces us once again to discover the presence of humanity in unexpected places.