Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thyroid Nodules More Condition_symptoms

Dura lex sed lex

"Bring the accused," he ordered the Chancellor to whom, in a whisper, he turned the investigator wondering who it was.
'Tal Jesus, Joseph was born in Bethlehem 33 years ago. Last known address: Nazareth. "
"What is alleged?"
"sedition, abuse of credulity popular ideological false .... "
"false ideology?"
'claims to be King of the Jews and the Son of God. "
The Governor then stood up and turned to the man in chains.
"Are you the King of the Jews?".
"You say," replied the prisoner, looking into his eyes, without a shadow of awe of the powerful inquisitor. The Chancellor, meanwhile, had approached the Governor again and whispered in his ear a few words pointing to a small group of Jews who vigorously took notes Vergano of wax tablets.
"You - asked the governor - who are you? What are you doing? What's your name? "
" Luke, "replied the first," Mark, "added the second and" Matthew "concluded the third.
"But there was another one until recently? Where did he go? ".
Behold ... the back there. In short, he had a need. " 'A little constipated. " "Yes, yes, costipatello. It must have been fried locusts last night. " "And 'from this morning not feeling well." "He said to me, is true. "Mark - I said - the dinner last night was really the last one for me. From now on diet ... "Maybe it was also the wine, not only the locusts fried in mutton fat ...." "Here I am, I am .... "
"Now that you're all here, tell me, what are you writing on these boards?"
"Take notes." "Yes, indeed, the records of the investigation." "Now that's an investigation that will make much noise." "Oh yes, really."
"What collaborative journalism?"
"Newspaper?". "Here we are ... What the papers, excuse me, Governor?". "Yeah, in fact, what is it?".
"You are registered with the journalists?".
'Association of Journalists? No not me and you? ". "No, never heard of. Who am I? The day laborers? ". "I do not think ... But, Governor, I have the badge of the Order of Evangelists. " "True, I've got me too.." "Me too.." "Ours is authentic, but they run a lot of false and apocryphal, you know? Governor ... ".
"Do not ignore, I suppose, that with the new rules laid down by Rome is not permissible to write down the acts of an investigation. Who is your publisher? ".
"Good question." "It could be the Eternal Father?". "In a way, though he did not sign the contracts." "But there inspired the editorial." "True.."
'Centurion - Governor ordered - those seizures tablets. "
" But not you.. " "It's beautiful." "True, it is not nice at all.." "Oh damn, I must return to the latrine." The Centurion
gave the tablets to the Registrar that began to flow while the Governor, "Where were we? Ah, yes. So Joseph, you are the King of the Jews? "
" Joseph was his father .... "
"Yeah. So, Joshua, you're the King of the Jews? ".
"No, not the name of Joshua. It starts with G, but .... "
"Judas, are you the King of the Jews?"
"Judas? Heavens no, that was our infiltrator. "
"In short: you are the King of Jews? "
" Governor, "
" What is it now, Chancellor? ".
"In the bars there is a reference to His Father in Heaven."
"The late Joseph?".
"No, another.."
"Defendant complicated ... I almost wash my hands of this case ... But that His Father in Heaven is entered in the register of suspects?".
'not found. "
"Have you heard - the governor raised his voice speaking to four - His Father is not investigated. You can not name it in your reports. "
"But we do not nominate never in vain.." "Oh no! Imagine. " "But certe volte è necessario.». «Eccomi, mi sono perso qualcosa?». «Dice che non possiamo citare il Padre che è nei Cieli». «Oh però».
«Che succede ancora, Cancelliere?».
«Ci sono virgolettati!».
«Sì, c’è il resoconto dell’interrogatorio davanti ad Anna e Caifa».
Il Governatore si alzò, braccio teso monente nei confronti dei quattro.
«Roma stabilisce che non si possono pubblicare gli atti di un’inchiesta. Solo un riassunto.».
«Come? Un riassunto?». «Ma è assurdo!». «Si perde tutto, così». «E’ vero, la parola è importante.». «Se il Verbo doveva parlare per riassunti mica si faceva carne!». «Vero, spediva un messaggio con la colomba.». «Ma non sarebbe stata la stessa cosa…». «Oh no, per niente». «Ecco, mi ritorna il mal di pancia.». «Resisti, è un momento abbastanza importante.». «Dici?».
«Dura lex, sed lex - sentenziò il Governatore che, segretamente, da anni sognava di potersene uscire in maniera così severa e lapidaria – Cancelliere! Proceda al sequestro delle tavolette.».
«Eh no! Così non si fa!». «Giusto! Il pubblico deve essere informato».
«Pubblico… - Smiled with scorn the government - but who do you think will interest never to acts of an investigation? ".

"Well, no, there are some.." "Exactly, and I think, Governor, that this process will be tackled long." "True. Yes, yes yes, long.. " "You think I can go now? Do not take it anymore. Then I do a summary.. " "Even you? Hold on. " "Governor, this is an unjust law." "True, yes, that's unfair.." "It is not democratic." "No, no, not at all democratic.."
"Say it is not democratic? But if the majority like this, the law is not only democratic, it is also right-and, with a flourish (Pilate actually dreamed of being an actor) - Do come in! "he ordered.
legionaries brought a fat man with bloodshot eyes, one that saw the one hundred miles away that was no good. Elbowing and bypassing the four, a young reporter armed with a tablet, followed by a half-dozen colleagues, rushed against the newcomer.
"Mr Barabbas - asked - it was difficult to win a runoff with Jesus?"
"He never worried, my plan was certainly higher. And like all the elect, having won an overwhelming maggioranza e godendo del largo favore popolare, mi considero un Unto del Signore.».
«E il Cristo?».
«Il suo scarso seguito dimostra l’arretratezza delle sue idee, paraltro già sconfitte dalla storia».
Il Governatore, con gesto maestoso, congedò i quattro. «Attenzione a cosa scrivete» li ammonì mentre venivano condotti via.
«E ora?». «Bel pasticcio.». «Un pasticcio, sì, a queste condizioni mi sa che non scrivo niente». «Vero. Si perde tutto.». «Tutto, tutto.». «Io me ne torno alla latrina. E ci resto.».

La settimana scorsa, calda mattina estiva.
«Presto, cari, è ora, la funzione is about to begin. "
"Here we are, Mom. But today what we sacrifice to Juno? ".
"I think a heifer. Or a goat? I do not know, ask Dad, he's dealing with these things.. "
"Mom, how many animals were sacrificed to Juno in her life?"
"Who knows? Thousands, millions ... "
" But, Mom, it's a long, then, that we make sacrifices to our gods of the Pantheon? ".
"From a lot.."
"But, Mom, never came out of no other God in all this time?"
"Another God? Outside the Pantheon? But no, we would know, is not it? ".

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gli Italiani
Informare per resistere
Numero 79 di Ucuntu